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Informational GATE Meeting Topic: Identification (LAUSD Policy) Thursday, October 3, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Informational GATE Meeting Topic: Identification (LAUSD Policy) Thursday, October 3, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Informational GATE Meeting Topic: Identification (LAUSD Policy) Thursday, October 3, 2013

2 Agenda GATE Identification Process Categories of Identification Identification Criteria Additional Information Questions

3 Identification Process Search and referral (should begin with teacher) Screening (teacher and GATE Coordinators) Review (GATE Coordinators) LAUSD Verification

4 Categories of Identification 1. Intellectual Ability : Students whose general intellectual development is markedly advanced in relation to their chronological peers. Advanced scores on CST in ELA or Math 2. High Achievement : Grade 4 and above: Students who consistently function for two consecutive years at highly advanced levels in both English-Language Arts and Math. Grade 2 only: Students who demonstrate high achievement on a nationally standardized, norm-referenced, group-administered measure of verbal and non-verbal abilities. 3. Specific Academic Ability : Students who consistently function for three consecutive years at highly advanced levels in either English-Language Arts or Math.

5 Criteria for Identification

6 Intellectual Ability 1 semester of observation by teacher Review of cums, report cards, student work Evidence of intellectual ability, including but not limited to: Advanced reasoning ability Superior vocabulary Rapid acquisition of a 2 nd language Demonstrated advanced academic ability, i.e. two years above grade level in reading comprehension, and mathematical reasoning and problem-solving Accelerated rate of learning new tasks OR Scaled scores in the advanced level on state tests A pattern of advanced academic ability or an indication of the potential for advanced academic performance

7 Intellectual Ability (contd) DESIGNATION only if: District GATE office approves initial paperwork for Intellectual Ability testing Intellectual Ability testing: Gifted: score of 95 to 99.8% Highly Gifted Applicable: score of 99.5 to 99.8% Highly Gifted: score of 99.9%

8 High Achievement Ability (Grades 4 and above) 2 current, consecutive years of advanced achievement in ELA and Math ELA: 450 Math: 455 Must be a minimum of 3 out of 4 test scores on State test 1 score may be replaced with grade of 4 in achievement in both 2 nd and 3 rd report cards of the given subject area (Reading or Math)

9 High Achievement Ability ( Grade 2 ONLY )

10 OLSAT-8 Otis Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT) 8 th edition Administered to all second graders in LAUSD in March Nationally standardized, norm-referenced achievement test (from Pearson Publishers) measuring verbal and non-verbal school abilities – Perceive accurately – Recognize and recall those perceptions – Think logically – Understand relationships – Abstract from a set of particulars – Generalize to new and different contexts – NOT an IQ test

11 Sample OLSAT Questions

12 Qualifying OLSAT Scores (Total Age-Based Percentile Score or Age PR-S) 95 th percentile and above, OR 90 th and 94 th percentile must ALSO have both of the following CST scores for 2 nd Grade: – ELA: 450 or above – Math: 455 or above

13 Specific Academic Ability Grade 4 and above 3 current, consecutive years of advanced achievement in ELA or Math ELA: 450 Math: 455 1 score may be replaced with grade of 4 in 2 nd and 3 rd trimester report card of the given subject area (Reading or Math) Grade may NOT be substituted for the most current year

14 Additional Information Magnet school applications (CHOICES brochure) for 2014-2015 due on November 15, 2013 See your childs classroom teacher, first, if you have questions about GATE eligibility or differentiation in the classroom District GATE office is currently understaffed, so processing of paperwork may take a long time Once designated, designation may show up on report card before school receives formal notification


16 Questions

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