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CHAPTER 2.2: CELLS PART 1: A tour of the Cell.

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1 CHAPTER 2.2: CELLS PART 1: A tour of the Cell

2 Anatomy of the Cell Cells are not all the same
All cells share general structures All cells have three main regions Nucleus Cytoplasm Plasma membrane Figure 3.1a

3 The Nucleus Control center of the cell - F
Contains genetic material (DNA) - F Three regions - D Nuclear envelope (membrane) - D Nucleolus - D Chromatin - D

4 The Nucleus Figure 3.1b

5 The Nucleus Nuclear envelope (membrane) Barrier of the nucleus - F
Consists of a double membrane - D Contains nuclear pores that allow for exchange of material with the rest of the cell - D

6 The Nucleus Nucleoli Nucleus contains one or more nucleoli - D
Sites of ribosome assembly - F Ribosomes migrate into the cytoplasm through nuclear pores - F

7 The Nucleus Chromatin Composed of DNA and protein - F
Present when the cell is not dividing - D Scattered throughout the nucleus - D Condenses to form chromosomes when the cell divides - F

8 Plasma Membrane Barrier for cell contents - F
Double phospholipid layer - D Hydrophilic heads Hydrophobic tails Also contains proteins, cholesterol, and glycoproteins - D

9 Plasma Membrane Figure 3.2

10 Plasma Membrane Specializations
Microvilli Finger-like projections that increase surface area for absorption - F

11 Plasma Membrane Specializations
Membrane junctions Tight junctions Impermeable junctions - D Bind cells together into leakproof sheets - F Desmosomes Anchoring junctions that prevent cells from being pulled apart - F Gap junctions Allow communication between cells - F

12 Plasma Membrane Specializations
Figure 3.3

13 Membrane Transport – first page
passive no energy required diffusion active requires energy sodium-potassium pump

14 Cytoplasm Cytoplasm is the material outside the nucleus and inside the plasma membrane – D Contains three major elements Cytosol Organelles Inclusions

15 Cytoplasm Contains three major elements Cytosol
Fluid that suspends other elements - F Organelles Metabolic machinery of the cell “Little organs” that perform functions for the cell Inclusions Chemical substances such as stored nutrients or cell products

16 Cytoplasmic Organelles
Figure 3.4

17 Cytoplasmic Organelles
Mitochondria “Powerhouses” of the cell - F Change shape continuously - D Carry out reactions where oxygen is used to break down food - F Provides ATP for cellular energy - F


19 Cytoplasmic Organelles
Ribosomes Made of protein and RNA - D Sites of protein synthesis - F Found at two locations - D Free in the cytoplasm As part of the rough endoplasmic reticulum

20 Ribosomes Synthesize proteins from amino acids (Translation)

21 Endoplasmic Reticulum
Detoxifies Makes lipids Stores Ca++ SER Transports proteins RER

22 Cytoplasmic Organelles
Golgi apparatus Modifies and packages proteins Produces different types of packages Secretory vesicles Cell membrane components Lysosomes

23 Pathway 3 Pathway 2 Pathway 1 Figure 3.6 Rough ER Proteins in cisterna
Membrane Lysosome fuses with ingested substances Transport vesicle Golgi vesicle containing digestive enzymes becomes a lysosome Pathway 3 Pathway 2 Golgi apparatus Secretory vesicles Pathway 1 Golgi vesicle containing membrane components fuses with the plasma membrane Proteins Golgi vesicle containing proteins to be secreted becomes a secretory vesicle Secretion by exocytosis Plasma membrane Extracellular fluid Figure 3.6

24 Common in animals, rare in plants Stores acids & enzymes
Lysosomes Common in animals, rare in plants Stores acids & enzymes Intracellular digesion Engulfs “foreign” Recycles Uncontrolled release = cell death

25 Cytoplasmic Organelles
Lysosomes Contain enzymes that digest worn-out or nonusable materials within the cell

26 peroxisomes Protects the cell from its own production of H2O2 Example
Secretory vesicle Protects the cell from its own production of H2O2 Example White blood cells produce H2O2 to kill bacteria Peroxisomes produce catalase, which breaks down the H2O2 catalase H2O2 H20 + ½ O2

27 Cytoplasmic Organelles
Cytoskeleton Network of protein structures that extend throughout the cytoplasm Provides the cell with an internal framework Figure 3.7a

28 Cytoplasmic Organelles
Cytoskeleton Three different types of elements Microfilaments (largest) Intermediate filaments Microtubules (smallest) Figure 3.7b–d

29 Cytoplasmic Organelles
Centrioles Rod-shaped bodies made of microtubules Direct the formation of mitotic spindle during cell division

30 Life Cycle of a Cell Interphase – cell maintenance and growth
The mitotic phase Mitosis – The division of the cell nucleus and chromosomes into two nuclei each with its own set of identical chromosomes prophase metaphase anaphase telophase Cytokinesis – the division of the cytoplasm into two parts, the final step in cell division

31 Mitosis prophase chromatin condenses into chromosomes, cell membrane breaks down metaphase chromosomes line up in the center of the cell anaphase centromeres are cut in half, sister chromatids pull toward centrioles telophase chromosomes “decondense,” new nuclear membrane forms

32 Mitosis

33 Cytokinesis the cytoplasm divides into two parts, the final step of cell division

34 Cancer cancer cell grows too much grows where it does not belong
does not die when it should

35 Cell Diversity Figure 3.8a

36 Cell Diversity Figure 3.8b

37 Cell Diversity Figure 3.8c

38 Cell Diversity Figure 3.8d

39 Cell Diversity Figure 3.8e

40 Cell Diversity Figure 3.8f

41 Cell Diversity Figure 3.8g

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