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Reconstruction To Bind Up the Nation’s Wounds

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1 Reconstruction To Bind Up the Nation’s Wounds
Bennett Chapter 11 Reconstruction To Bind Up the Nation’s Wounds

2 Seward’s Folly Seward’s Icebox Alaska purchased from Russia

3 Andrew Johnson Democrat Southerner
Not trusted by the Radical Republicans

4 13th Amendment Ended slavery in the U.S.
Illinois was the first state to ratify the new amendment

5 14th Amendment Equal protection under the law
Equal rights cannot be denied by the states

6 15th Amendment Guaranteed voting rights

7 End of Reconstruction Followed the Presidential Election of 1876
Hayes v. Tilden 20 Electoral votes in dispute in the South Commission awards them to Hayes and S. Dems approve “Compromise of 1877”


9 Freedmen’s Bureau Established to help the former slaves as they transitioned from slavery to freedom

10 1866 Riots Riots broke out in Memphis and New Orleans because Southerners refused to recognize the rights of and suffrage of Freedmen

11 Johnson’s Impeachment
Tenure of Office Act Tried to fire Sec. of War

12 Scalawag White Southerners who voted Republican and or cooperated with Union officials

13 Carpetbaggers Northerners who came to the south to help work with reconstruction or try to get elected to office

14 Ku Kux Klan Nathan Bedford Forrest Pulaski, TN

15 Homestead Act Land to western settlers
Paid a registration fee and had to live on the land for 5 years and then it was yours.

16 Waving the Bloody Shirt
Political tactic that was often used by the Republicans running for office

17 Ku Klux Klan Act Fed. crime to interfere with voting
Fed. elections under jurisdiction of federal marshals KKK Act -Outlawed Klan activities Grant’s attempt to protect the rights of freedmen in the South



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