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Presentation on theme: "CH10.1 LEARNING OBJECTIVES/ GOALS/ SWBAT"— Presentation transcript:

STANDARD(S) ADDRESSED: 12.4 Students analyze the unique roles and responsibilities of the three branches of government. CH 10-SEC 1 CH10.1 LEARNING OBJECTIVES/ GOALS/ SWBAT Explain why the Constitution provides for a bicameral Congress. Explain the difference between a term and a session of Congress. Describe a situation in which the President may convene or end a session of Congress.

2 A BULLDOG ALWAYS Commitment Attitude CARES Respect Encouragement Safety

3 QUIZ! First & Last Name Fill in your ID NUMBER! CH-10-1

4 Key Terms bicameral: a legislature made up of two houses term: the two-year period during which the U.S. Congress meets, starting on noon of the 3rd day of January of each odd-numbered year session: for the U.S. Congress, the period of time during which Congress assembles and conducts business; there are two sessions in each term adjourn: to suspend operations until the start of the next Congressional session special session: a Congressional meeting called to deal with some emergency situation

5 Additional Key Terms recess: to temporarily suspend business, such as a session of Congress convene: to begin prorogue: to end or discontinue; the President has the power to prorogue a session of Congress

6 3 Branches of Government
Legislative Executive Judicial Makes Laws Enforces Laws Interprets Laws Congress President Supreme Court The Capital The White House

7 The National Legislature
Congress turns the will of the people into public policy by passing laws. Pictured here is former Speaker of the house, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) talking about the Affordable Healthcare Act.

8 The National Legislature
Why does the Constitution establish a bicameral legislature? Historically, it is modeled on the two houses (BICAMERALISM) of the British Parliament and colonial legislatures.

9 Guided Reading The Two Houses of Congress What is the historical reasons for Americans choosing a bicameral system? 1. The British Parliament and most colonial legislatures were bicameral.

10 Bicameralism Why does the Constitution establish a bicameral legislature? Practically, two houses were adopted as part of the Great Compromise, which (BICAMERALISM) solved the dispute between large and small states at the Constitutional Convention, reflecting FEDERALISM, over how they would be represented in the national legislature.

11 The National Legislature
George Washington believed that the senate would check the House’s rashness

12 The National Legislature
The SENATE IS MORE SEPARATED from the people’s will/demands

13 Guided Reading Guided Reading The Two Houses of Congress What is a practical reason for Americans choosing a bicameral system? 2. Bicameralism settled the conflict between the Virginia and New Jersey plans of 1787 and reflected American federalism.

14 The National Legislature
Why does the Constitution establish a bicameral legislature? Theoretically, having two house of Congress means that one house can check the powers of the other.

15 Guided Reading Guided Reading The Two Houses of Congress What is a theoretical reason for Americans choosing a bicameral system? 3. Bicameralism allows each house to act as a check and balance on the other.

16 The National Legislature, cont.
The Framers on the whole believed that Congress would be the most powerful branch of the federal government. The Constitution spends more space detailing the powers and structure of Congress than any other branch of government. Congress Controls the people money” Yet in U.S. history, Congress has perhaps been less admired by the American people than the presidency.

17 Congress and Federalism
Federalism involves the division of power between the central government and the state governments. The different roles taken by the members of Congress are examples of federalism in the national government. Each state sends representatives to Congress who act in the interests of the citizens of that state. At the same time, these congressional representatives must work together on behalf of all Americans to address issues of national importance.

18 Representation Each state is equally represented in the Senate and represented by population in the House. Some critics argue that this structure gives too much power to the smallest states.

19 The Capital Feature Question Answer: Students should note that the two houses need to work together to pass legislation, and also need to agree upon when to adjourn sessions, so close proximity is important to ensure that they can communicate easily.

20 114th U.S. Congress

21 Congressional Terms Beginning in 1789, Congress has met for two-year terms. Originally congressional terms began and ended in March. This start date was changed to January 3rd of every odd-numbered year by the 20th Amendment. Today’s Congress in the 114th Congress, Jan. 3, 2015 to Jan. 3, 2017

22 the length of time elected officials serve after being elected
Guided Reading Guided Reading Terms and Sessions What is a term of Congress? the length of time elected officials serve after being elected

23 Congressional Sessions
Checkpoint: How many sessions make up each congressional term? EACH TERM HAS 2 SESSIONS One Per Year Congress meets and conducts business twice in each term, holding one session each year. The second session of a term often begins somewhat later than January 3rd. Checkpoint Answer: Two sessions, each lasting one year. I added some spacing to this slide. Make sure it stays consistent when fly-ins are added. -KVE 2/11

24 Guided Reading Guided Reading Terms and Sessions What is a session of Congress? the regular period of time during which Congress performs legislative work

25 Adjourning Congress During a session, Congress can choose to adjourn, or suspend its operations, until the next session. Though Congress meets for most of the year, each house typically has a few recesses, or breaks, in a session. Neither house can officially end a session without the approval of the other house. The President can (prorouge) end a session of Congress, but only if both houses cannot agree on a date to adjourn. This power has never been used.

26 Two – 1 year sessions Guided Reading Guided Reading Terms and Sessions
How many sessions are there in a term of Congress? Two – 1 year sessions

27 Special Sessions The President can call one or both houses of Congress into a special session to deal with an emergency situation. Only 27 joint special sessions have been called. The Senate has been called out alone 46 times, while the House has never been called out alone. Special sessions are rarely called today since Congress meets for most for the year.

28 The President may threaten to call a special session if Congress has not acted on a measure important to the presidency.

29 to suspend a session until the next session
Guided Reading Guided Reading Key Terms 7. Adjourn to suspend a session until the next session 8. Special Session a meeting of Congress called by the President to deal with some pressing issue

30 Review Now that you have learned why the Constitution establishes a bicameral legislature, go back and answer the Chapter Essential Question. Whose views should members of Congress represent when voting?

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