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NS Progress & Future Plan 16th RDMC meeting

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Presentation on theme: "NS Progress & Future Plan 16th RDMC meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 NS Progress & Future Plan 16th RDMC meeting
Cambodian Red Cross NS Progress & Future Plan 16th RDMC meeting 6-8 June 2012, Singapore 1

2 CRC Structure 2

3 DM Structure DMD Assistance mRnþIRbtibtþi Director Secretary
Deputy Director Secretary mRnþIRbtibtþi Disaster Response and logistic sub-department Disaster Preparedness Sub-department Transportation Team Warehouse Security Guards CBDRR program 3

CRC HQ Branch CRC’s REPORTING SYSTEM Sub-branch NCDM, IFRC, ICRC, PNSs, and other potential partners and Media Disaster 4 4

5 Early Warning and Early Action Mechanism which is existing in CRC
1- Share information with the national participants, including the national meteorology services on: Processes in generating various forecast information; Significant of the observed data collected; Various forecasts accessible by national meteorology and hydrology services(NMHS) from the regional levels; 2- Need for improving capacities for interpreting, understanding and translating forecast information to meet user needs; 3- Gather information and generate consensus on the need for national SOP for generating forecast and building future scenario to meeting user requirements in a phased manner. 5

6 Potential Cooperation CRC/ Government
CRC’s DM NEXT PLAN 1- Mainstreaming of the climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction (DRR); 2- An introduction of weather and climate dynamics; 3- An introduction of SOP for meteorology forecast at regional level; 4- Procedures to generate various forecasts at regional level; 5- Information on forecasting inputs available at regional level; 6- Importance of observation data in weather and climate forecast generation; 7- Generation of national forecast using global and regional forecast products; 8- Climate forecast application; 9- National’s operational forecasting system; Potential Cooperation CRC/ Government

7 Capability of Cooperation
11- Step to interpret and translate forecast information; Capability of Cooperation 12- Generation of potential impact assessment; 13- Steps for preparation of response options; 14- Communicating response options and obtaining user feedback; 15- Discussion and consensus generation on national SOP development and steps; 16- Country road mapping for generation of national forecast, potential impact assessment, preparing for response option and communicating response option; 17- Country preparation for SOP development and; 18- Country initiative for pilot demonstration.

8 Thank You for your attention

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