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BTEC level 3 Learning Aim G - Issues.

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1 BTEC level 3 Learning Aim G - Issues

2 Issues

3 Pre Topic Task Research – find out the key information on these computer acts The computer misuse act 1990 Police and justice act 2006 (computer misuse) Copyright Designs and patents act 1988 The copyright (computer programs) regulations 1992 The health and safety (display screen equipment) regulations 1992 Data protection act 1998 Disability discrimination acts 1995 and 2005 Equality act 2010

4 Keywords Moral – principles about what is right and wrong behaviour
Ethical – relating to the knowledge of moral principles: that is, how we behave. Netiquette – a word derived by combining internet with correct behaviour; it is especially related to online discussions and forums but also s. (online etiquette) RSI – repetitive strain injury

5 Moral and ethical factors in IT
Privacy – It is seen as immoral to listen into someone's conversation without being invited. However it is not uncommon to see conversations take place via mobile phones in public places, including normally quiet places such as trains and waiting rooms. Personal details are often unwittingly shared during conversations, e.g. hotel receptionist repeating phone numbers or addresses. As soon as personal details are placed online there are concerns about privacy, where is the data stored, who stored it, who has access to it and how is it protected. Environmental – One well known moral issue is the disposal of IT equipment, as some products can be carcinogenic. As we use electricity to power our IT systems we are draining the natural resources and creating a carbon footprint. However the environment has benefited from IT systems as now we have a better understanding of ways to maintain and improve the environment. Unequal access to information technology – Throughout the world there is inequality in regards to the access of IT, some countries have access to a range of IT systems and devices. Including adapted or assistive tech. Some countries do not have regular access to the internet, some poorer families may be disadvantaged as they do not have the money to buy the up to date technology for their children.

6 Moral and ethical factors in IT
Online behaviour and netiquette – there are general rules on how to behave online, e.g. never use abusive language, do not harass other with demands, do not share personal information etc. Globalisation – advertisers now need to consider the impact of their promotional material on certain economic groups. Freedom of speech censorship – there seems to be an apparent conflict between the freedom of speech and the suppression of speech through censorship, morally the freedom of speech should follow protocols. Acceptable use – many business have IT policies related to acceptable use, these policies state what are deemed morally and ethically acceptable.

7 Moral and ethical factors
Activity TASK – Create a policy for a school which covers the use of IT systems for students. This should include the use of mobiles, computers, tablets and software. Make sure to relate the policy to legislation. For example – cyberbullying is not allowed and students will be punished if found guilty of using technology to harm other students.

8 Exam Question Some people do not join loyalty card schemes due to concerns about privacy. Analyse the privacy concerns related to retail-based loyalty card schemes. (6 marks)

9 Codes of practice Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)
Care Quality Commission Chartered Institute Of Library and Information Professionals The purpose is to protect users and customers and to provide assurance regarding data protection and clear guidance about their values. What's the impact? These codes are self-regulated Any breach will be dealt with in accordance to the organisations policies and legislation. The benefits means there is consistency and clear set rules and boundaries.

10 The moral and ethical factors in the use of IT systems
Health and safety Copyright Computer misuse Protection of data Privacy Accessibility

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