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Overview of developments in a GM system wide approach to

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1 Overview of developments in a GM system wide approach to
perinatal and parent-infant mental health Jo Langton, Quality Improvement Programme Manager Greater Manchester and Eastern Cheshire Strategic Clinical Network

2 Drivers JO

3 Investment to ensure timely access with five nationally defined evidence-based treatment pathways developed for perinatal mental health. These require that: 50% of women with a severe mental illness who are planning a pregnancy and are referred for preconception advice are seen by a specialist perinatal mental health service within six weeks of referral and 90% within eight weeks of referral 50% of women with a known or suspected perinatal mental health problem referred to a specialist perinatal mental health service are assessed within two weeks of referral and 95% within six weeks 95% of women with suspected postpartum psychosis start an assessment with secondary mental health services within four hours of referral 75% of women with a perinatal mental health problem who are referred for psychological interventions, such as those provided in IAPT services, start treatment within six weeks of referral 90% of women who need inpatient care for a perinatal mental health problem (from 32 weeks of pregnancy until 12 months after childbirth) have access to a mother and baby unit within 24 hours of referral

4 The need for service integration across GM
Parental mental health problems around the perinatal period are rarely rooted solely in the present. Often it can be difficult to establish clear water between the perinatal mental health needs of the parent and the relationship between the parent and the infant. Perinatal specialists and parent-infant relationship specialists thus need to work closely together. Every time we can help to reduce the overall burden on a family then we are removing an obstacle to its success and increasing the likelihood of the child’s positive development.   Almost invariably this calls for complex multi-agency working (PIPUK, 2017).

5 GM Whole System Integrated Approach
Specialist Perinatal Community Mental Health Team Improved access for Perinatal IAPT Early Attachment/parent/infant mental health services

6 Which is the odd one out? Joanne Bingley Sarah Black Daksha Emson

7 2009 IAPT Perinatal Positive Practice Guidance
“Maternal perinatal mental health is closely linked to that of the infant.” (2009 IAPT) “This is a time for preventive perinatal interventions in order to promote strong attachment and positive parenting, thereby reducing mental health problems later for both mother and child” ( 2009 IAPT )

8 Thankyou

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