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ANDS and why we care about provenance

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1 ANDS and why we care about provenance
Dr Andrew Treloar, Director of Technology

2 ANDS enables the transformation of:
Data that are: Unmanaged Disconnected Invisible Single use To Structured Collections that are: Managed Connected Findable Reusable so that Australian researchers can easily publish, discover, access and use/re-use research data.

3 Minimal Research Lifecycle
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5 ANDS’ Motivations Unmanaged to Managed Disconnected to Connected:
Managing more of the context Disconnected to Connected: Richer connections between entities Invisible to Findable: Enhanced discovery Assessment of value Single Use to Reusable More informed reuse

6 Open questions for ANDS
How to record provenance What provenance information to capture Where to store provenance information How to connect provenance information to other entities (data, models, publications, parties, services) How to describe provenance information for discovery

7 ANDS Provenance Activity
Australian Research Data Provenance Interest Group Funding joint NeCTAR/ANDS Virtual Laboratory projects: Standalone provenance capture service (Nic Carr/Ryan Fraser) based on PROV-O Discipline VL projects using this service: biodiversity, natural hazards, earth science, astronomy, marine Contributing to this IG

8 Questions? @atreloar

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