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IEEE P Wireless RANs Date:

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1 IEEE P802.22 Wireless RANs Date: 2006-06-20
June 2006 doc.: IEEE xxx June 2006 ETRI OFDMA Parameters IEEE P Wireless RANs Date: Authors: Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair Carl R. Stevenson as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at > Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI

2 June 2006 doc.: IEEE xxx June 2006 Abstract This presentation describes the OFDMA parameters for IEEE WRAN systems. It includes the system parameters and OFDMA parameters for single channel of 6, 7, and 8 MHz. Moreover, this presentation describes the preamble pattern, pilot pattern, and details of subchannelization. Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI

3 System Parameters/Single Channel (6MHz)
June 2006 doc.: IEEE xxx June 2006 System Parameters/Single Channel (6MHz) Mode 1K 2K 4K 6K FFT Size 1024 2048 4096 6144 Bandwidth (k = 1, 2, …, 6) k MHz Sampling Factor 8/7 No. of Used Subcarriers (including pilot, but not DC) 140 * k 280 * k 560 * k 840 * k Sampling Frequency 48/7 MHz Subcarrier Spacing 6.696 kHz(***) 3.348 kHz 1.674 kHz 1.116 kHz Occupied Bandwidth 6.696 kHz*140*k 3.348 kHz*280*k 1.674 kHz*560*k 1.116 kHz*840*k Bandwidth Efficiency(*) 93~94 % FFT Time us us us 896 us Cyclic Prefix Time(**) 37.33 us 74.66 us 224 us OFDMA Symbol Time us us us 1120 us (*) Bandwidth Efficiency = Subcarrier Spacing * (Number of Used Subcarriers + 1)/BW (**) It is assumed that cyclic prefix mode is 1/4. (***) Italics indicate an approximated value. Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI

4 System Parameters/Single Channel (7MHz)
June 2006 doc.: IEEE xxx June 2006 System Parameters/Single Channel (7MHz) Mode 1K 2K 4K 6K FFT Size 1024 2048 4096 6144 Bandwidth (k = 1, 2, …, 7) k MHz Sampling Factor 8/7 No. of Used Subcarriers (including pilot, but not DC) 120 * k 240 * k 480 * k 720 * k Sampling Frequency 8 MHz Subcarrier Spacing 7.812 kHz(***) 3.906 kHz 1.953 kHz 1.302 kHz Occupied Bandwidth 7.812 kHz*120*k 3.906 kHz*240*k 1.953 kHz*480*k 1.302 kHz*720*k Bandwidth Efficiency(*) 93~94 % FFT Time 128 us 256 us 512 us 768 us Cyclic Prefix Time(**) 32 us 64 us 192 us OFDMA Symbol Time 160 us 320 us 640 us 960 us (*) Bandwidth Efficiency = Subcarrier Spacing * (Number of Used Subcarriers + 1)/BW (**) It is assumed that cyclic prefix mode is 1/4. (***) Italics indicate an approximated value. Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI

5 System Parameters/Single Channel (8MHz)
June 2006 doc.: IEEE xxx June 2006 System Parameters/Single Channel (8MHz) Mode 1K 2K 4K 6K FFT Size 1024 2048 4096 6144 Bandwidth (k = 1, 2, …, 8) k MHz Sampling Factor 8/7 No. of Used Subcarriers (including pilot, but not DC) 105 * k 210 * k 420 * k 630 * k Sampling Frequency 64/7 MHz Subcarrier Spacing 8.928 kHz(***) 4.464 kHz 2.232 kHz 1.488 kHz Occupied Bandwidth 8.928 kHz*105*k 4.464 kHz*210*k 2.232 kHz*420*k 1.488 kHz*630*k Bandwidth Efficiency(*) 93~94 % FFT Time 112 us 224 us 448 us 672 us Cyclic Prefix Time(**) 28 us 56 us 168 us OFDMA Symbol Time 140 us 280 us 560 us 840 us (*) Bandwidth Efficiency = Subcarrier Spacing * (Number of Used Subcarriers + 1)/BW (**) It is assumed that cyclic prefix mode is 1/4. (***) Italics indicate an approximated value. Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI

6 Preamble Pattern June 2006 June 2006 doc.: IEEE 802.22-06-0xxx-00-0000
Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI

7 Preamble Pattern Two repetitions within one OFDMA symbol
June 2006 doc.: IEEE xxx June 2006 Preamble Pattern Two repetitions within one OFDMA symbol GI=1/4 (fixed) Preamble pattern should support the fractional BW usage Preamble shall be modulated using BPSK modulation Used in channel estimation and synchronization GI NFFT/2 NFFT/2 Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI

8 Pilot Pattern June 2006 June 2006 doc.: IEEE 802.22-06-0xxx-00-0000
Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI

9 Pilot Subcarrier Interval
June 2006 doc.: IEEE xxx June 2006 Pilot Subcarrier Interval RMS delay spread of WRAN profile (Approximated) Pilot subcarrier interval can be determined as follows Pilot subcarrier interval*subcarrier spacing < coherent bandwidth Multipath Profile A B C D RMS Delay Spread (us) 2.772 1.956 5.692 16.527(*) (*) We assume that the 6-th path has the excess delay of 60 us and relative amplitude of -10 dB Multipath Profile Parameters A B C D Coherent Bandwidth (kHz) 90% 7.21 10.22 3.51 1.21 50% 72.15 102.25 35.13 12.10 Maximum Pilot Subcarrier Interval 2.15 3.05 1.04 0.36 21.53 30.52 10.48 3.61 1) We assume that the BW is 6 MHz and FFT mode is 2K. 2) 90% coherent BW=1/(50*rms delay spread), 50% coherent BW=1/(5*rms delay spread) Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI

10 Maximum Doppler Shift (Hz)
June 2006 doc.: IEEE xxx June 2006 Pilot Symbol Interval Coherent Time 1/fm, where, fm is the maximum doppler shift Pilot symbol interval can be determined as follows Pilot symbol interval*OFDMA symbol time < coherent time Multipath Profile Parameters A B C D Maximum Doppler Shift (Hz) 2.5 Coherent Time (sec) 0.4 Pilot Symbol Interval 1071.4 Here, we assume that the BW is 6 MHz, FFT mode is 2K, and GI mode is 1/4. Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI

11 OFDMA Parameters (2K FFT Mode)
June 2006 doc.: IEEE xxx June 2006 OFDMA Parameters (2K FFT Mode) Parameter 1 TV bands 6 7 8 Inter-carrier spacing, DF (Hz) (*) 3348 3906 4464 FFT period, TFFT (ms) (*) 298.66 256.00 224.00 Total no. of sub-carriers, NFFT 2048 No. of guard sub-carriers, NG (L, DC, R) 368 (184,1,183) No. of used sub-carriers, NT = ND + NP 1680 No. of data sub-carriers, ND 1440 No. of pilot sub-carriers, NP 240 No. of sub-carriers per BIN 14 (12 datas + 2 pilots) No. of BIN per subchannel 4 No. of sub-carriers per subchannel 56 (48 datas + 8 pilots) Occupied bandwidth (MHz) (*) 5.628 6.566 7.504 Bandwidth Efficiency (%) (**) 93.8 (*) Italics indicate an approximated value. (**) Bandwidth Efficiency = Subcarrier Spacing * (Number of Used Subcarriers + 1)/BW Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI

12 Proposed Pilot Pattern (Common to DL & UL)
June 2006 doc.: IEEE xxx June 2006 Proposed Pilot Pattern (Common to DL & UL) OFDMA Symbol time Pilot Structure for Extendable Channel Estimation Available Pilot Pattern for Channel Estimation BIN Repetition Unit frequency Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI

13 Comparisons with 16e DL PUSC
June 2006 doc.: IEEE xxx June 2006 Comparisons with 16e DL PUSC The pilot subcarrier interval is always fixed as 3 OFDMA Symbol time BIN Fixed as 3 frequency Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI

14 Comparisons with 16e UL PUSC
June 2006 doc.: IEEE xxx June 2006 Comparisons with 16e UL PUSC The maximum pilot subcarrier interval is 2 It has to be verified that the performance is not severely degraded by intermittent (non-uniform) pilot transmission OFDMA Symbol time Tile Maximum pilot subcarrier interval is 2 frequency Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI

15 Subchannelization June 2006 June 2006
doc.: IEEE xxx June 2006 Subchannelization Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI

16 Why We Need Two Types of Subchannel?
June 2006 doc.: IEEE xxx June 2006 Why We Need Two Types of Subchannel? Subcarrier Allocation Diversity Subchannel AMC Subchannel In general, distributed subcarrier permutations perform very well in mobile applications or severe frequency selective environments, While adjacent subcarrier permutations can be properly used for fixed applications or flat fading environments. Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI

17 Symbol Structure For Diversity Subchannel
June 2006 doc.: IEEE xxx June 2006 Symbol Structure For Diversity Subchannel Diversity subchannel (common to DL and UL) All the pilot subcarriers are allocated first And then the remaining subcarriers are used exclusively for data transmission The Diversity subchannel consists of 4 contiguous BINs The BIN structure is a set of 12 distributed data subcarriers and 2 pilot subcarriers within an OFDMA symbol To allocate data subchannels, the remaining subcarriers are grouped into the number of data subcarriers per BIN, Nsubcarrier The number of the subcarriers in a group is equal to the number of BINs, Nbin Thus, the number of data subcarriers is equal to Nsubcarrier*Nbin The subcarrier index of subcarrier k in BIN b is according to following equation subcarrier(k,b)=Nbin*k+Nsubchannel*(b%4)+int(b/4) where, b is the index of BIN, from 0 to Nbin-1 k is the index of subcarrier in BIN, from 0 to Nsubcarrier-1 Nsubchannel is the number of subchannel in one OFDMA symbol int(x) is the integer value of x Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI

18 Symbol Structure For AMC Subchannel
June 2006 doc.: IEEE xxx June 2006 Symbol Structure For AMC Subchannel AMC subchannel The AMC subchannel consists of 4 contiguous BINs The BIN structure is a set of 14 contiguous subcarriers within an OFDMA symbol The BIN has a 12 data subcarriers and 2 pilot subcarriers Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI

19 Mixed Resource Composition
June 2006 doc.: IEEE xxx June 2006 Mixed Resource Composition Resource composition based on BIN unit time AMC 0 AMC 1 AMC 2 Diversity 0 Diversity 1 Diversity 2 BIN frequency OFDMA Symbol Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI

20 Simulations for Mixed Resource Composition (1)
June 2006 doc.: IEEE xxx June 2006 Simulations for Mixed Resource Composition (1) Different Resource Composition in DL Subcarrier-unit mixture with frequency hopping BIN-unit mixture with frequency hopping Subcarrier-unit mixture without frequency hopping BIN-unit mixture without frequency hopping Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI

21 Simulations for Mixed Resource Composition (2)
June 2006 doc.: IEEE xxx June 2006 Simulations for Mixed Resource Composition (2) Simulation Conditions IEEE WRAN multipath profile A 2K FFT Number of subcarriers per BIN = 8 One subchannel consists of 48 subcarriers Perfect channel estimation Convolutional turbo code (CTC) is used for channel coding Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI

22 Simulations for Mixed Resource Composition (3)
June 2006 doc.: IEEE xxx June 2006 Simulations for Mixed Resource Composition (3)  BIN-unit, w/o freq. hopping  BIN-unit, w/ freq. hopping  Subcarrier-unit,  Subcarrier-unit, Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI Sunghyun Hwang, ETRI

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