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Asset Mapping Asset Mapping Janet Horner Executive Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Asset Mapping Asset Mapping Janet Horner Executive Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Asset Mapping Asset Mapping Janet Horner Executive Director

2 Asset Mapping Introduction An economic development tool that provides information about the resources of a sector and community Assets are inventoried and mapped Purpose is to build comprehensive industry data to support investment, planning and business retention and expansion    ConnectON started as an agri-food GHFFA pilot project From the beginning, a steering committee comprised of ConnectON users including municipal economic development and planning staff have driven and continue to drive the program and decision making – relevant, meets their needs

3 Agri-food Asset Mapping
The Agri-Food value chain from production to consumption Program started as a Agri-food Asset mapping initiative to achieve greater understanding of the sector Steps involved identifying and defining the agri-food value chain from a municipal ec dev perspective A method of collecting and standardizing data input was developed Based on identifying assets and then NAICS coding and geocoding

4 Golden, Greater Golden, Ontario East Project Results
Data received from all 21 GH and GGH municipalities and 22 Ontario East Farm and food processing data was added from OMAFRA Approximately 73,000 records have been collected Data Sharing Agreement signed by OMAFRA, partners and municipalities Project grew to include Golden, Greater Golden and Ontario East regions Partnership with OMAFRA to include farm businesses – primary producers Public facing website Access to the data is for the program partners through login and password Data Sharing Agreements enable regional viewing

5 This map shows the agri-food assets
There is a lot of information that can be used in a variety of ways When viewed on line – can sort and identify each asset, download data and maps

6 Manufacturing Asset Mapping
Emerged from Agri-food Asset Mapping Municipally driven in partnership with EDCO Data received from 24 municipal partners Approximately 47,230 manufacturing records have been collected Result of a partnership with EDCO who was developing a similar asset mapping project for manufacturing Merging of processes, data platform, tools which can be applied/used for any sector Some agri-food and manufacturing assets are included in both sectors – production, food processing

7 Manufacturing Asset Mapping
Map of manufacturing assets Some partners are agri-food only, some are manufacturing only (ie Windsor Essex) some are both We have the Farm data ready to upload for new participants, so new participants would already have access to some data No limit on the number of records that can be downloaded for individual municipal data Data refresh is underway with municipal partners The most current Farm Business data has just been refreshed in the system

8 Building Industry Knowledge
Spacial Trends: Cluster and Proximity Analysis Temporal Trends: shift in industry sectors over time Building Linkages with asset points Purpose is to support economic and municipal planners information and data needs Spacial, temporal and linkages can be analyzed Data sources include municipal, other government, 3rd party, and open source data

9 Benefits Online data and mapping to support strategic planning, business retention and expansion, capital improvement projects, and communications Access to a comprehensive, dynamic, growing, view of Ontario’s business assets Data quality is foundational Mapping is at the point level Provides an online mapping of our partners business assets to support strategic planning, business retention, capital improvement projects and communications. Access to a dynamic,  growing and comprehensive regional view of Ontario’s business assets, as new partners in the program add their data to the collective data Data quality is foundation of building and maintaining the data within the system as we constantly strive to increase confidence in the asset data. High level of detail as business assets are mapped at the point level (no aggregation)

10 Benefits Data can be selected, sorted, mapped, directly downloaded, uploaded and refreshed from desktop One system approach to collect, maintain and map assets Collaborative environment working with partners and sharing resources One step process for municipalities to maintain the asset data and augment with neighboring communities data by providing tools to directly upload and download data One system approach for municipalities to map agri-food, manufacturing and in the future other industry sectors. Collaborative environment working with other partners in the program with common goals and interest

11 Examples Halton: Food processing and value chain analysis, assess production and livestock Hamilton: Information, analysis, farm map and directory, target marketing, feasibility study Northumberland: Investment attraction Many examples of how current partners have used the tool Halton: insight into what type and where food processing occurs, track value chain from production to processing to distribution, understand and assess production and livestock sectors Hamilton: Agriculture is a $900 million economic driver in the City of Hamilton… but what does that look like? Food processing is Hamilton’s second largest subset of manufacturing in terms of employment and revenues – BUT what does it look like? Asset mapping help inform - feasibility study for full service food and beverage warehouse, food charter Northumberland: Used information on a regional basis to support investment attraction to the area

12 Examples City of Kawartha Lakes: Sector and trend analysis, informing other studies Durham, Simcoe: Support BRE projects Lanark: Identifying business linkages and opportunities City of Kawartha Lakes – using sector and trend analysis for information and support for strategy development – Kelly Maloney will be on a panel discussing agri-food opportunities Region of Durham and County of Simcoe – information to support recent agri-food related Business Retention and expansion projects Lanark County – identify business linkages, opportunities and build business connections for added value opportunties

13 Partnerships Partnerships have been important to development and growth of ConnectON

14 Visit our Booth
Visit our booth for more information and a demonstration Visit our website for further program and contact information Could hand out ConnectON business cards…..

15 Golden and Greater Golden Horseshoe Mapping


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