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Static Electricity.

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Presentation on theme: "Static Electricity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Static Electricity

2 What is Static Electricity
You walk across the rug, and reach for a doornob…ZAP! You get a shock Come inside from the cold pull off your hat…BOING! All your hair stands on end. Why does this only happen in the winter? STATIC ELECTRICITY

3 The Atom An atom is made up of protons (+), neutrons (0), and electrons (-) A neutral atom has an equal number of ELECTRONS and PROTONS An atom that has lost or gained electrons is called an ION Remember: only ELECTRONS can be gained or lost

4 Neutral Objects & Charged Objects
A neutral object does not have any charge. This means that the number of ELECTRONS are equal to the number of PROTONS A charged object has a different amount of ELECTRONS compared to PROTONS

5 Law of Electric Charges
The law of electric charge states: Objects that have like charges repel each other Objects that have opposite charges attract each other

6 Law of Electric Charge This means that: Object 1 Object 2
Attract of Repel Positive Negative Charged Neutral

7 How is Static Electricity Created?
Friction Rubbing 2 different substances together, the substances can be given an electric charge One substance loses electrons, the other gains The substance that loses the electrons will have a POSITIVE charge and the substance that gains electrons will have a NEGATIVE charge.

8 How is Static Electricity Created?
Some substances have a strong hold on electrons and others have a weaker hold Substances with a weak hold will LOSE electrons Substances with a strong hold will GAIN electrons

9 Electrostatic Series Determines the kind of electric charge produced
on each substance when 2 substances listed are rubbed together

10 What Will Happen? If glass is rubbed with polyester,
the glass will become POSITIVE and the plastic will become NEGATIVE If ebonite is rubbed with fur. Ebonite becomes NEGATIVE Fur becomes POSITIVE

11 How is Static Electricity Created?
2 – Conduction Two objects with different amounts of charge come in contact ELECTRONS move from one object to another

12 How is Static Electricity Created?
Electrons always move from object with larger negative charge to objects with smaller negative charge. Both objects will have same type and amount of charge

13 How is Static Electricity Created?
3 – Grounding Objects with an excessive electric charge (+ or -) can have it removed by grounding Transfer of electrons between object and large neutral object (ex. Earth). Electrons move to charged object

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