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Define DTS and GTC
Task: Provide an overview of Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) Standards and managing it as a program within an organization Conditions: FM Leaders in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group using FM Business Processes, doctrinal and administrative publications, personal experiences, practical exercises, and discussion Standards: Answer all Check on Learning Questions related to: GTCC Authorities GTCC Training Requirements Organization Responsibilities SLIDE SHOW 2: TLO Instructor Note: Safety Requirement: In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with DA PAM , Risk Management. Leaders will complete a DD Form 2977 RISK MANAGEMENT WORKSHEET during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations,(METT-TC). Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW TRADOC Regulation Risk Assessment Level: Low. Hazard Identification: Electrical Shock, Fire, Slippery Floors, Physical Injure/Strain, Tripping Tight Spaces in Classroom, and Influenza. Hazard controls: Primary Instructor (PI) will ensure: All electrical cords are properly stored under desks, liquid containers have lids on them and all spills are immediately cleaned and mopped and allowed to completely dry before allowing students/personnel to walk on them. All chairs are ergonomically designed, adjust to individual preference and that all students are awake and paying attention in class. All cables/cords are properly plugged in, sheathed, and secured along tables, walls, and ceilings. No damaged or frayed cords/cables will be used. PI will brief proper hand washing techniques, the use of hand sanitizer, and evacuation procedures. All trash will be removed daily. Environmental Statement: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM Environmental Considerations and GTA ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT. Evaluation: At the end of the S8 Module a culminating event, resulting in a briefing to the Commander, will be assessed. Instructional Lead-In:
Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC)
Concrete Experience: Break the class into groups of 4; 5-10 mins to identify everything they know about government travel Have the students determine what myths are true or false from the GTCC website.
Laws and Other Documentation Governing Travel Cards
Public Law Public Law Public Law Public Law DoD Policy/Regulation DoD FMR Volume 9, Chapter 4, “Travel Policy” DODI Commercial Travel Management INSTRUCTOR: Navigate to Navigate to DOD FMR Chapter 4 Navigate to DODI Show metrics on page 4-24 about delinquency References found at: PL : An act to require Federal employees to use Federal travel charge cards for all payments of expenses of official Government travel, to amend title 31, United States Code, to establish requirements for prepayment audits of Federal agency transportation expenses, to authorize reimbursement of Federal agency employees for taxes incurred on travel or transportation reimbursements, and to authorize test programs for the payment of Federal employee travel expenses and relocation expenses. Public Law : Establishes the requirement of split disbursement directly to the travel card vendor. Public Law : Requires each Executive Branch department and agency to evaluate the credit worthiness of an individual before issuing a GTCC. Public Law Government Charge Card Abuse Prevention Act of 2012 Financial Management Regulation (FMR) –Volume 9, Chapter 4: details the travel policy. DoDI , "Commercial Travel Management" has been re-issued and succeeds the original version published in 2011, which formally established the Defense Travel Management Office (DTMO) as the Department’s focal point to manage commercial travel programs and policy. The reissued version supersedes travel policies contained in various memos, the DoD Financial Management Regulation, Defense Transportation Regulation and other governing regulations. It contains six volumes with each volume formally outlining the procedures and regulations related to the management of a specific commercial travel program. The reissuance of DoDI reduces the quantity, diversity, and dispersion of commercial travel guidance by creating one location for policy information.
Public Laws PL Also known as the Travel and Transportation Reform Act (TTRA) of 1998 Established the travel card program within the Department of Defense (DoD) Mandates the use of a government sponsored travel card for costs associated with official government travel PL Establishes the requirement of split disbursement directly to the charge card vendor PL Requires each executive department and agency to evaluate the credit worthiness of an individual before issuing the individual a Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) PL Government Charge Card Abuse Prevention Act of 2012 Establishes requirement for program safeguards and internal controls, including but not limited to program reviews Establishes the requirement for “…appropriate training is provided to each travel charge card holder and each official with responsibility for overseeing the use of travel charge cards…” References found at: PL : An act to require Federal employees to use Federal travel charge cards for all payments of expenses of official Government travel, to amend title 31, United States Code, to establish requirements for prepayment audits of Federal agency transportation expenses, to authorize reimbursement of Federal agency employees for taxes incurred on travel or transportation reimbursements, and to authorize test programs for the payment of Federal employee travel expenses and relocation expenses. Public Law : Establishes the requirement of split disbursement directly to the travel card vendor. Public Law : Requires each Executive Branch department and agency to evaluate the credit worthiness of an individual before issuing a GTCC. Public Law Government Charge Card Abuse Prevention Act of 2012 Financial Management Regulation (FMR) –Volume 9, Chapter 3: details the travel policy. DoDI , "Commercial Travel Management" has been re-issued and succeeds the original version published in 2011, which formally established the Defense Travel Management Office (DTMO) as the Department’s focal point to manage commercial travel programs and policy. The reissued version supersedes travel policies contained in various memos, the DoD Financial Management Regulation, Defense Transportation Regulation and other governing regulations. It contains six volumes with each volume formally outlining the procedures and regulations related to the management of a specific commercial travel program. The reissuance of DoDI reduces the quantity, diversity, and dispersion of commercial travel guidance by creating one location for policy information. 4/22/2019
DoD Policy / Regulation (1 of 2)
DoD Financial Management Regulation (FMR): Establishes command, supervisory, and personal responsibility for use of the Government Travel Charge Card and the operation of DoD travel card program. It is the responsibility of commanders and supervisors at all levels to ensure compliance with this regulation DoDI : Volume 1: Identifies Defense Travel Management Office (DTMO) as the proponent for DoD Commercial Travel policy Volume 3: Establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and provides procedures for the functional management of the DTS Volume 4: Establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and provides procedures for managing the DoD Government Travel Charge Card Program.
Benefits of Using a Travel Card
Improves financial readiness/security of travelers Eliminates the need for travelers to use personal funds Reduces the need (and costs to the Department) for travel advances and related reconciliation/collection Improves audit readiness and program management Increases rebates from the travel card vendor Provides travel insurance (GARS) Increases data capture providing business intelligence to improve travel programs reduce overall travel costs expand strategic sourcing opportunities Allows use of GSA City Pair Program and Tax Exemption SLIDE SHOW 9: Benefits of Using a Travel Card Bullet 1- An efficient tool for conducting official travel Bullet 2- Reduces reliance on out-of-pocket expenses and personal credit card use Bullet 3- Saves administrative costs incurred paper-based transactions, Save costs due to tax exemption status in select States Bullet 4- Provides financial readiness, Reduces the need to issue traditional travel advances (cash/electronic funds transfer
Government Travel Charge Cards (GTCC)
The DoD policy is that the Government-sponsored, Contractor-issued travel card should be used to pay for ALL official travel expenses while on TDY/TAD. Personal use of the travel card or using the travel card to pay for someone else's travel expenses is prohibited. The use of the travel card for non-official expenses may result in disciplinary actions The GTCC includes 2 types of cards: Individually Billed Accounts (IBAs) Centrally Billed Accounts (CBAs)
Traveler Responsibilities
Be familiar with GTCC Regulations Verify receipt card with GTCC vendor Update contact/card information in DTS and GTCC vendor (ODTA can assist) Ensure the account is active, available for use prior to travel Use card for all expenses related to official travel unless otherwise exempted Submit travel vouchers within 5 working days If authorization was created in DTS, and trip is greater than 45 days, partial payments should be scheduled If authorization was created outside DTS, interim travel vouchers should be submitted every 30 days Use split disbursement during travel settlement process Ensure charges are accurate; dispute inaccuracies within 60 days Report lost or stolen card CITI Bank Phone(located on back of GTCC): CONUS: OCONUS: SLIDE SHOW 10: Travelers Responsibility Issued only for payment of Official government travel expenses. It is not authorized for personal expenses. Payments are the cardholder’s responsibility Review and reconcile your account statement in a timely manner. Pay the balance due in full, upon receipt of the billing statement. Cardholder receives the billing statement directly from the travel card vendor at the address provided on the card application. Cardholder must notify the APC and the travel card vendor of changes in contact information, such as a new address. Notify the travel card vendor using the form provided on the back of the statement. Call travel card vendor’s toll free phone number Contact the APC Failure to notify the travel card vendor and APC of an address change may prevent the cardholder from receiving the travel card billing statement or refund on time.
Organization Responsibilities
Agency Program Coordinator (APC) Independent performer/self-management Appropriate rank, grade, maturity, and skills Designated in writing Monitor unit’s GTCC program Run/manage necessary reports Relay sensitive information; notify cardholder(s) supervisor of suspected misuse and abuse Assist cardholders Conduct training as needed Increase/decrease credit limits Activate/deactivate cards Coordinate with DTS administrator to maintain cardholder profile information Perform Program Reviews Compliance Checklist – GTCC Regulations, Annex 9 Coordinate with DTS DTA/FDTA to identify travelers not submitting a voucher within 5 working days of returning from travel
GTCC Training Initial Training Cardholders and APCs
Must use DoD standard training material Cardholder training (CH 101) and APC Travel Card Program Management (APC Course) (Mandatory) found on the TraX website: Refresher Training: Required every 3 years May come from another source (e.g., GSA, VISA, or Citi®)
Individually Billed Accounts (IBA)
Payment of IBAs is the responsibility of individual travel charge card holders. There are two types of IBAs, Standard and Restricted: * Standard Restricted APC Limit Credit Score Min 660 or declined Credit Limit $7,500 $4,000 $10,000 Cash Advance Limit $250 $5,000 Monthly Retail $100 $500 APC Activation/ Deactivation no yes Split Disbursement Mandatory
GTCC Delinquency Timeline
ACCOUNT STATUS: Open/Active Open/Active Temporary Closure Closed Action(s) Required to Re-Open N/A: Open N/A: Open Notification Account re-opened by Citi 48 hrs after payment for past due amount rendered Closed for 1 year; Requires formal request for Re-instatement Account Standing G1: Past Due G2: Pre- Suspension G4: Pre-Cancel G5: Cancel Current No Rating G3: Suspension Days Past Due 1-14 15-24 25-35 36-89 90-100 101 + Billing Cycle 1st Month 2nd Month 3rd and 4th Months 5th Month + 12th – 11th 12th – 11th 12th – 11th (3rd Month) 12th – 11th (4th Month) 12th – 11th… Credit Increase Request Prior to submitting the request, APCs will increase the credit/cash limits at their level. Submission must include the request form with justification and a copy of cardholder's (default) travel orders. If using a spreadsheet for multiple cardholder, include the account number WITHOUT DASHES. The excel spreadsheet will have the justification in the remarks section. APCs will check for accuracy to ensure that the account number is correct, and Standard and Restricted cards are matched to the appropriate cardholder. This will help with the expiration date of the increases (6 months versus 12 months). All submissions going to DA for increases, must be on the attached spreadsheet. This spreadsheet can also be used for HL3 increases. Mission Critical - Temporary Duty (TDY) IAW GTCC Regulations, paragraph Mission Critical Travel for IBAs, "Mission critical status must be reflected on the travel authorization/order and the CPM (or the APC depended upon Component procedures) must place the cardholder in a mission critical status before the account is suspended...“ HL4 and below have the ability to place cardholders into mission critical status. However, request for approval must come from the HL3. This is to prevent the abuse and misuse of using mission critical. HL3 will check the report monthly, and remove individuals who do not have prior approval. Mission Critical - Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Cardholder on reassignment orders must be placed in mission critical status prior to leaving your organization. Cardholders will enroll into the PCS Program Pilot once they have their reassignment orders. APCs will ensure their accounts are in good standing, i.e., not past due, credit/cash limit is sufficient for their travel expenses, and briefing cardholder on use of their GTCC while traveling. APCs will annotate "YES" in CCMS, in the "PCS" block under the cardholder's account. Cardholder will be placed in mission critical status with an end of the last day of the report month to the new installation. Remind the cardholder that they have 45-days from that date to pay their balance. Reiterate the need to inprocess with their new command as soon as possible. APC will notify the HL3 when they've placed the cardholder in mission critical (PCS). Mission Critical - Suspension Once an account has gone into suspension, the HL3 is the only authority to remove and place into mission critical status. APCs must show attempts to notify the individual and what actions were taken to prevent cardholder from going into suspension, i.e., 45-Day Pre-Suspension Notification. APCs must show a strong justification to why cardholder needs to be removed. Mission critical status (suspension) will be approved on a case-by-case basis. Accounts become eligible for salary offset when an unpaid balance reaches 126 days past billing. Restricted Card: $4,000 Standard Card: $7,500 BN GRP 1st SFC USASOC DA Comments Card Limit Increase $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 Standard card: not to exceed 1 year Restricted card: not to exceed 6 mo. ATM Daily Cash Withdrawal Limit $5,000 Mission Critical – PCS X Not to exceed 120 days Mission Critical – TDY Mission Critical - Suspension
Use of this type of card is limited to official travel expenses only.
Types of Cards Standard Card: Use of this type of card is limited to official travel expenses only. Quasi-Generic cards will be issued for all new, re-issued and renewed travel cards. Restricted card is issued in the following situations: An individual does not meet the credit requirements for a standard card. If the individual declines a credit check. Request by the commanding officer, supervisor or APC. Quasi-generic card Quasi-generic cards are issued from non-Government Citibank® credit card stock, utilizing the standard account numbering structure used for your Agency/Organization’s Citibank Government Travel Card program. The Card will look like a regular corporate or consumer Citibank card; however, Cardholders will be entitled to all Travel Card features and benefits included in the GSA Master Contract and the Agency/Organization Task Order.
Centrally Billed Accounts (CBA)
A CBA is a variation of the travel card, under the DoD travel card program. CBAs are used for the Department's specific needs and may be the method of payment for expenses incident to official travel, to include local travel. Payment of CBAs is the responsibility of the government. There are two types of CBAs: Transportation Accounts (Cardless Account) Unit Cards Limited use Must be approved by the Component Program Manager Credit limit consistent with mission Government liability Account Manager responsible for management and reconciliation *
Applying for a Travel Card
When applying for a travel card, an applicant will: Contact your Agency Program Coordinator (APC) Travel card program information DoD Statement of Understanding A/OPC initiates application at: Applicant receives link to the application in an Steps for Processing Routine Applications (Expedited Processing is Available): APC Verification APC Approval Travel card vendor processing Travel card receipt SLIDE SHOW 20: Apply of r a Travel Card Bullet 1- APC will send an containing the information for the online application Signed application along with the supervisor’s signature and the signed DOD Statement of Understanding
Receiving and Activating the Travel Card
After receiving the card: Cardholder agreement Sign the travel card, activate the account and obtain a PIN. If a card is not used in a 12-month period, the account may be closed For a restricted card, activation and deactivation required for each travel period (organization dependent). ATM Access: Travelers may use the travel card at ATMs; there is a fee (reimbursable) Assigned a personal identification number (PIN) May not obtain ATM advances before three working days of travel. SLIDE SHOW 23: Receiving & Activating Bullet 1- Read the cardholder agreement which contains very important account information. Retain the agreement for your records. Bullet 2- Sign the travel card and follow the instructions to activate the account and obtain a PIN. For a restricted card, the APC is required to contact the travel card vendor for activation and deactivation for each travel period. SLIDE SHOW 18: ATM Access Bullet 1- Travelers may use the travel card at ATMs to obtain cash needed to pay for ‘out-of-pocket’ travel-related expenses. The GTCC contractor will charge the cardholder a transaction fee for ATM use. Bullet 2- The travel card vendor assigns a personal identification number (PIN) to each cardholder, together with card issuance to permit ATM access. Bullet 3- Cardholders may not obtain ATM advances earlier than three working days before the scheduled travel.
Reimbursement and Payment Policy
Submit the travel voucher within five working days Interim vouchers should be submitted after every 30 days of long-term travel. The reviewer/AO must review/approve the voucher Payment Policy Monthly billing statement Payment should be made in full Delinquent and suspended at 60 days Transactions may be disputed (undisputed balance must be paid in time) Reimbursement Bullet 1- The cardholder should submit the travel voucher within five days of returning from the trip Bullet 2- If trip was not created in DTS interim vouchers should be submitted after every 30 days of long-term travel. Bullet 3- The AO must review the voucher for any errors or omissions. The AO will guarantee that all required receipts are included and that split- disbursement was used to pay the travel card vendor. Bullet 4- The voucher should be paid within 72 hours of AO approval. If not paid within two weeks, the traveler should inquire about the delay. Payment Policy Bullet 1- You will receive a monthly billing statement when you use your travel card. Billing statements list all charges and activities that occurred during the billing period. Bullet 2- Payment should be made in full by the due date whether or not reimbursement has been received. Accounts are past due if not paid by the statement due date. Bullet 3- Accounts become delinquent and are suspended at 60 days after the statement date Bullet 4- If there are incorrect transactions on the statement, the cardholder may dispute them. Disputes must be filed within 60 days of the statement date on which the charges first appeared. Dispute form may be obtained from your APC, the DTMO website or the Citi website.
Fees LATE Return Check - non reimbursable Expedited - reimbursable
75 days from the initial statement date Additional charges every 30-day cycle Return Check - non reimbursable Expedited - reimbursable ATM - reimbursable. SLIDE SHOW 25: Fees Instructor: Navigate to 4.27 in “GTCC Regulation: Bullet 1- Applied to accounts beginning 75 days from the initial statement date. Bullet 2- Additional charges for each 30-day cycle, the account remains unpaid. Bullet 3- Not reimbursable unless the account is in Mission Critical Status or the Government is responsible for a delay in paying travel settlements. Bullet 4- There is a non-reimbursable return check fee for insufficient funds Bullet 5- There is a reimbursable fee charged for expedite delivery of the travel card. Bullet 6- The fee for ATM usage reimbursable. A terminal fee may also be assessed by the ATM owner.
Disputed Transactions
Identified an incorrect transaction Contact the merchant Submit a dispute form within 60 days Temporary credit SLIDE SHOW 27: Disputed Transactions Once you have identified an incorrect transaction, Contact the merchant and request clarification to attempt to resolve the problem. If the issue is not resolved with the merchant, unresolved transaction or a billing error submit a dispute form to the travel card vendor within 60 days of the statement on which the transaction was posted. The cardholder is responsible for disputing transactions within 60 days of the statement date; otherwise they are liable for payment of the charge. The cardholder must complete and return an additional forms the travel card vendor may request. You will receive a temporary credit for the disputed transaction until it is resolved. If the dispute is resolved in the merchant's favor, the transaction is reapplied to the traveler’s account. If resolved in the traveler’s favor, the amount is credited in traveler’s account. Government Transaction Dispute Office Guide
Summary (1 of 2) The GTCC will be used by all DoD personnel to pay for all cost related to official Government travel There are laws and policies that govern travel cards Using a GTCC offers many benefits There are two types of travel cards Standard Restricted SLIDE SHOW 28: Summary Bullet 1- The GTCC will be used by all DoD personnel (military or civilian) to pay for all cost related to official Government travel. Cardholders are required to use travel cards for all official travel expenses wherever credit cards are accepted. Cardholders are authorized to withdraw cash from ATMS to pay for out-of-pocket, travel-related expenses at locations where the card cannot be used. Bullet 2- There are laws and policies that govern travel cards, such as eligibility, mandatory use, and the requirement for split-disbursement Bullet 3- Using a GTCC offers many benefits. A travel card is an efficient tool for conducting official travel and enhances financial readiness. Bullet 4 - There are two types of travel cards: standard and restricted. Most cardholders are issued a standard card. Restricted cards are issued under certain conditions such as the commanding officer, supervisor, or APC requests a restricted card be issued. An IBA is issued for payment of official Government travel expenses only. It is not authorized for personal expenses.
Summary (2 of 2) No travel card will be issued without a properly completed application form and supporting documents Activate upon receipt of card Report a lost or stolen card An account may be cancelled for several reasons Mission Critical Status if traveler location prevents filing interim vouchers. SLIDE SHOW 28: Summary (Cont.) Bullet 1- No travel card will be issued without a properly completed application form, the signed DoD Statement of Understanding and the Travel Card 101 completion certificate. Bullet 2- Upon receipt of the card, the cardholder must read the cardholder agreement, sign the travel card, and follow the instructions to activate it. Bullet 3- The cardholder should immediately report a lost or stolen card to the GTCC vendor and follow up with their APC. Bullet 4- An account may be cancelled for several reasons. The GTCC contractor may close accounts upon the request of the Agency Program Coordinator. Bullet 5- An APC may place a travel card into Mission Critical Status if the traveler is deployed long-term to a location that prevents them from filing interim vouchers.
Check On Learning Q1. How many types of GTCCs are there and what are they? Q2. What are the types of IBAs and what are their default credit limits? Q3. True / False. The use of a government travel card is optional. Q4. How often is GTCC Refresher Training Required? Q5. True / False. The APC does not have the ability to raise default credit limits. Q6: Who is the proponent for DoD commercial travel? Q7: What policy requires the use of DTS or CTO for official travel? A1: 2. Individually Billed Accounts (IBAs); Centrally Billed Accounts (CBAs) A2: Standard ($7,500) and Restricted ($4,000) A3: False A4: Every 3 years Check on Learning NOTE: Conduct a check on Learning A5: False A6: Defense Travel Management Office (DTMO) A7: DoDI volumes 2 & 3
Defense Travel System (DTS)
Task: Provide an Overview of Defense Travel System from a Resource Manager perspective Conditions: FM Leaders in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group using FM Business Processes, doctrinal and administrative publications, personal experiences, practical exercises, and discussion Standards: Answer all Check on Learning Questions related to: DTS authority Create Line of Accounting Unsubmitted Voucher Report SLIDE SHOW 2: TLO Instructor Note: Safety Requirement: In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with DA PAM , Risk Management. Leaders will complete a DD Form 2977 RISK MANAGEMENT WORKSHEET during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations,(METT-TC). Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW TRADOC Regulation Risk Assessment Level: Low. Hazard Identification: Electrical Shock, Fire, Slippery Floors, Physical Injure/Strain, Tripping Tight Spaces in Classroom, and Influenza. Hazard controls: Primary Instructor (PI) will ensure: All electrical cords are properly stored under desks, liquid containers have lids on them and all spills are immediately cleaned and mopped and allowed to completely dry before allowing students/personnel to walk on them. All chairs are ergonomically designed, adjust to individual preference and that all students are awake and paying attention in class. All cables/cords are properly plugged in, sheathed, and secured along tables, walls, and ceilings. No damaged or frayed cords/cables will be used. PI will brief proper hand washing techniques, the use of hand sanitizer, and evacuation procedures. All trash will be removed daily. Environmental Statement: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM Environmental Considerations and GTA ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT. Evaluation: At the end of the S8 Module a culminating event, resulting in a briefing to the Commander, will be assessed. Instructional Lead-In:
Travel Program Reports
Access to Reports DTS Reports Scheduler DTS Budget Module DTA Maintenance Tool Business Intelligence Reporting Tool (BIRT) Centrally Billed Accounts Module Key S8 Reports Unsubmitted Voucher Report Questionable transactions report (reviewed monthly) SLIDE SHOW 4: BUDGET Bullet 1- Purpose is to ensure that unfunded travel does not take place Bullet 2- The DTS Budget module does not link to your official accounting system Think of it as a tracking tool, much like a checkbook register that monitors the use of travel funds
DTS Reports Scheduler Offers approximately 50 reports
Requires organization access Some reports may require specialized permission levels or role appointments Reports that require a specified date range can only retrieve data for travel documents created in the last 15 months and for a date range of up to 31 days with the exception of: The Unsubmitted Voucher Report (24 months; 93 days) Audit Trail Reports (24 months; no limit) SLIDE SHOW 4: BUDGET Bullet 1- Purpose is to ensure that unfunded travel does not take place Bullet 2- The DTS Budget module does not link to your official accounting system Think of it as a tracking tool, much like a checkbook register that monitors the use of travel funds
DTS Reports Training 1. 2. 3. DTS REPORTS TRAINING Navigate to Click on “Training” icon on top of the page Select “View All” and locate “DTA – Reports” Launch the training Skip slides until “Explore & Apply” icons appears. Launch practical training Training takes approximately 15 minutes
DTS Budget Module Allows you to run reports that help you monitor the budget activities for your organizations and LOAs; automatically adjusts available travel funds in the budget as obligation and reimbursement requests are approved Offers 4 reports Balance report (Target) Adjustment report (Budget) Transaction report Total Obligation report Requires permission level 1 or 3 DTS Budget module tracks travel spending in DTS Not an official accounting system Manually add budget targets (spending limits) SLIDE SHOW 4: BUDGET Bullet 1- Purpose is to ensure that unfunded travel does not take place Bullet 2- The DTS Budget module does not link to your official accounting system Think of it as a tracking tool, much like a checkbook register that monitors the use of travel funds
DTS Budget Module Training
1. 2. 3. DTS BUDGET TRAINING Navigate to Click on “Training” icon on top of the page Select “View All” and locate “FDTA – Lines of Accounting/Budgets” Launch the training Skip slides until “Explore & Apply” icons appears. Launch practical training Training takes approximately 15 minutes
DTA Maintenance Tool Houses View List Reports that provide information on groups, routing lists, organizations, people, and LOAs 2 Reports: View Routing List View Delegated Authorities List SLIDE SHOW 4: BUDGET Bullet 1- Purpose is to ensure that unfunded travel does not take place Bullet 2- The DTS Budget module does not link to your official accounting system Think of it as a tracking tool, much like a checkbook register that monitors the use of travel funds
Business Intelligence and Reporting Tool (BIRT)
Houses advanced reports and the tools that allow you to create your own DTS reports Requires organization access and your DTS profile set to “Yes” for BIRT access SLIDE SHOW 4: BUDGET Bullet 1- Purpose is to ensure that unfunded travel does not take place Bullet 2- The DTS Budget module does not link to your official accounting system Think of it as a tracking tool, much like a checkbook register that monitors the use of travel funds
Task: Provide an Overview of Defense Travel System from a Resource Manager perspective Conditions: FM Leaders in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group using FM Business Processes, doctrinal and administrative publications, personal experiences, practical exercises, and discussion Standards: Answer all Check on Learning Questions related to: DTS authority Create Line of Accounting Unsubmitted Voucher Report SLIDE SHOW 2: TLO Instructor Note: Safety Requirement: In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with DA PAM , Risk Management. Leaders will complete a DD Form 2977 RISK MANAGEMENT WORKSHEET during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations,(METT-TC). Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW TRADOC Regulation Risk Assessment Level: Low. Hazard Identification: Electrical Shock, Fire, Slippery Floors, Physical Injure/Strain, Tripping Tight Spaces in Classroom, and Influenza. Hazard controls: Primary Instructor (PI) will ensure: All electrical cords are properly stored under desks, liquid containers have lids on them and all spills are immediately cleaned and mopped and allowed to completely dry before allowing students/personnel to walk on them. All chairs are ergonomically designed, adjust to individual preference and that all students are awake and paying attention in class. All cables/cords are properly plugged in, sheathed, and secured along tables, walls, and ceilings. No damaged or frayed cords/cables will be used. PI will brief proper hand washing techniques, the use of hand sanitizer, and evacuation procedures. All trash will be removed daily. Environmental Statement: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM Environmental Considerations and GTA ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT. Evaluation: At the end of the S8 Module a culminating event, resulting in a briefing to the Commander, will be assessed. Instructional Lead-In:
Check On Learning Q1. Where in DTS can you locate the Unsubmitted Voucher Report? Q2. Where, within DTS, can you find reports that provide information on groups, routing lists, organizations, people, and LOAs? Q3. True / False. The DTS Budget Module is an official accounting system. Check on Learning NOTE: Conduct a check on Learning
Task: Provide an overview of managing official government travel at the organization level Conditions: FM Leaders in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group, using Defense Travel System (DTS), FM Business Processes, doctrinal and administrative publications, self-study exercises, personal experiences, practical exercises, and discussion Standards: Answer all Check on Learning Questions related to DTS and GTCC program overviews SLIDE SHOW 2: TLO Instructor Note: Safety Requirement: In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with DA PAM , Risk Management. Leaders will complete a DD Form 2977 RISK MANAGEMENT WORKSHEET during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations,(METT-TC). Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW TRADOC Regulation Risk Assessment Level: Low. Hazard Identification: Electrical Shock, Fire, Slippery Floors, Physical Injure/Strain, Tripping Tight Spaces in Classroom, and Influenza. Hazard controls: Primary Instructor (PI) will ensure: All electrical cords are properly stored under desks, liquid containers have lids on them and all spills are immediately cleaned and mopped and allowed to completely dry before allowing students/personnel to walk on them. All chairs are ergonomically designed, adjust to individual preference and that all students are awake and paying attention in class. All cables/cords are properly plugged in, sheathed, and secured along tables, walls, and ceilings. No damaged or frayed cords/cables will be used. PI will brief proper hand washing techniques, the use of hand sanitizer, and evacuation procedures. All trash will be removed daily. Environmental Statement: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM Environmental Considerations and GTA ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT. Evaluation: At the end of the S8 Module a culminating event, resulting in a briefing to the Commander, will be assessed. Instructional Lead-In:
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