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Risk Environment for Agriculture

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Presentation on theme: "Risk Environment for Agriculture"— Presentation transcript:

1 Risk Environment for Agriculture
Ag. Credit School Ames, Iowa June 4, 2013 Chad Hart Associate Professor/Crop Markets Specialist 1 1

2 Iowa Corn Prices vs. Costs

3 Iowa Soybean Prices vs. Costs

4 Iowa Farms and Farmland
Source: USDA-Census of Ag.

5 Productivity Source: USDA-ERS

6 Change in Input Structure
Source: USDA-ERS

7 Iowa Yields Source: USDA-NASS

8 Iowa Corn Costs Source: Duffy, AgDM A1-21

9 Iowa Soybean Costs Source: Duffy, AgDM A1-21

10 Crop Prices for the Next Decade
Source: USDA-ERS

11 Corn Use for the Next Decade
Source: USDA-ERS

12 Soybean Use for the Next Decade
Source: USDA-ERS

13 U.S. Meat Production Source: USDA-ERS

14 GDP Growth Source: USDA-ERS

15 World Meat Consumption
Source: USDA-PSD

16 World Veg. Oil Consumption
Source: USDA-PSD

17 (Million Barrels Oil Equivalent per Day)
Liquid Fuel Usage 2007 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 (Million Barrels Oil Equivalent per Day) (Percent of 2007 Value) United States 20.6 98% 100% 102% 104% 107% Canada 2.3 96% Mexico 2.1 105% 110% 114% 129% 138% Europe 15.3 92% 88% 89% 90% Japan 5.0 84% 86% 82% China 7.6 132% 153% 178% 201% 222% India 2.8 139% 154% 168% Africa 3.1 113% 116% 126% 135% 148% Central and South America 6.0 112% 117% 125% 133% World 86.1 103% 121% 128% Source: DOE-EIA

18 Crop Insurance One of many risk management strategies
Traditionally set up to protect farmers in times of low crop yields Now offers coverage for low prices Available on over 100 commodities

19 Causes of Loss for Iowa Corn, 1948-2010

20 Causes of Loss for Iowa Soy, 1955-2010

21 Federal Crop Insurance: Total Acres Insured

22 Iowa Corn Acres Insured in 2013
95% of all Iowa corn acres are insured

23 Iowa Soy Acres Insured in 2013
95% of all Iowa soybean acres are insured

24 2013 Corn and Soy Coverage Levels

25 Iowa Corn Prices vs. Costs

26 Thank you for your time. Any questions. My web site: http://www. econ
Thank you for your time! Any questions? My web site: Iowa Farm Outlook: Ag Decision Maker:

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