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The Research for the Interactions between Paracetamol and Wine

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1 The Research for the Interactions between Paracetamol and Wine

2 Group members: 董权锋 Steven (group leader) 2004050199
( ) 区惠仪 Violet 史启妍 Ovin 林 嬣 Ning 陈美玲 Mayly

3 Researching background
Paracetamol is one kind of the well known analgesic. For its mild and good fever relieving and paregoric effects, it is used widely. And in the range of recommended dose, it is very safe. In the daily life, some people think that the drug also has the property to alleviate the drunkenness . But in fact, some information indicates that the drugs cause some harmful effects to the liver if taking with wine. So during the experiment, we will prove the version.


5 purpose and principle Purpose :To investigate the interactions between paracetamol and wine. Principle: After taking the drug, it will be metabolited in the liver depending on the enzymes of drug-metabolizing enzyme, cytochrome P-4502EI. Then one toxic metabolite, called N-acetyl-para-quinoneimine (NAPQI), causes the toxicity on the liver cells, which will cause the neorobiosis. But the toxic metabolite will be decomposed to non-toxic by γ-glutamylcysteinylglycine (GSH) in the safety dose. But in the overdose, there will be large production of NAPQI, which causes the exhaust of GSH. And the resting NAPQI will cause the hepatic injury. If drinking wine at the same time, it also cause toxicity, even though small dosage of paracetamol, which is for the reason that the wine induces P-4502E1 to accelerate the production of NAPQI to revoke toxicity.

6 Causing ferrihemoglobin and hepatotoxicity
acetanilide paracetamol Causing ferrihemoglobin and hepatotoxicity N-acetyl-para-quinoneimine acetylcysterine Hepatonecrosis Renal failure

7 Materials: animals:25 mice(18-22g)
Equipment required:intragastric administration needle ,watch,volumetric cylinder,beaker,and so on Reagent required :paracetamol,wine (55°), distilled water, normal saline 。

8 Guild Line for Observation
The time when the righting reflex disappears, the dead time and the dead percentage of each group of mice (Observe the behavior of the mice after administration, assess gently the righting reflex which is the standard of the drunkenness. Put the mice in its supine position. That they keep lying on the back for 30s means loss of righting reflex, and then record the latent time.)

9 Disposal Before the Experiment
Weigh and mark the mice. Make sure the dose of drunkenness 1/ Select three mice ,treat them by ig injection of the wine(55° )0.1ml/10g, 0.2ml/10g, and 0.3ml/10g respectably; 2/ Watch the mice carefully until they are drunk and record the drunk time, the duration of which is the time of tolerance of the mice. (That they keep lying on the back for 30s means loss of righting reflex, which is the standard of the drunkenness.) 3/ Analyze the data, select the appropriate dose of drug caused the drunkenness of the mice but no death.

10 Procedure Divide randomly the mice into A,B,C,D,E five groups, each group has four mice. A,E treated as the control groups. Then dispose as follows: 1 Mice A is treated by ig injection with Paracetamol 0.2ml/10g,50 minutes later, inject with normal saline 0.15ml/10g. 2 Mice B is treated by ig injection with Paracetamol 0.2ml/10g,50 minutes later, inject with Wine 0.10ml/10g 3 Mice C is treated by ig injection with Paracetamol 0.2ml/10g,50 minutes later, inject with Wine 0.15ml/10g 4 Mice D is treated by ig injection with Paracetamol 0.2ml/10g,50 minutes later, inject with Wine 0.20ml/10g 5 Mice E is treated by ig injection with normal saline 0.2ml/10g,50 minutes later, inject with Wine 0.20ml/10g

11 Analysis According to the experiment, collect the data of each group and then compare with each other, analyze the data to get the result.

12 Results Group Number Time for the disappearance of righting reflex
The dead time The dead percentage Phenomena A.Paracetamol+ normal saline 4 No abnormal behavior B.Paracetamol+(Wine0.10ml/10g) Respond slowly, walk un-smoothly, but for a while, a few mice recover C.Paracetamol+(Wine0.15ml/10g) ~4mins25sec 2hr2mins 1/3 33% Breathing hurry, a few mice have drunk behavior ,and one mouse twitches and dies finally (one mouse dies during ig injection because of the operater’s mistakes) D.Paracetamol+(Wine0.20ml/10g) ~4mins45secs 1hr10mins 3/4 75% tachypnea , twitching, and breathing confusedly, sometimes rapidly but sometimes slowly, the eyes darkening, the four limbs change to purple. E. normal saline+(Wine0.20ml/10g) ~4mins Drunk behavior, normal breathing

13 Thus get the conclusion: the drug Paracetamol cannot take simultaneously with Wine
Remark: dose conversion Human: 0.5g/60kg Mice:0.5g/60kg×9.01=4.505g/60kg =0.75g/10kg =0.75mg/10g (0.2ml/10g) =3.75mg/ml =187.5mg/50ml

14 谢谢!

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