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WELCOME. WELCOME Matthew Timothy 3.14–17.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME. WELCOME Matthew Timothy 3.14–17."— Presentation transcript:



3 Matthew 4.4

4 2 Timothy 3.14–17

5 Pride & Humility Reading & Praying

6 Why Pride and Humility?

7 Pride is thinking too highly of one’s self

8 Pride was the first sin of the devil

9 Pride is one of the worst sins in God’s eyes

10 Pride is at the heart of many other sins

11 Humility is thinking of others & their needs above one’s self

12 Humility is seen in Jesus’s example

13 Humility is at the foundation of a life pleasing to God

14 Humility is blessed by God

15 Why Pride and Humility?

16 Humility of Moses vs pride of Miriam & Aaron

17 Pride of Miriam and Aaron

18 Cushite woman and leadership

19 Miriam and Aaron were prophets

20 Eldad and Medad ?

21 ‘And the Lord heard it’

22 God hears, sees, & knows everything

23 Moses probably did not hear

24 Moses had a special relationship with God

25 Moses, the most meek man

26 Moses was not like other prophets

27 Lessons for us

28 Pride is bad, humility is good

29 Pride = punishment humility = reward

30 God knows our hearts

31 Humility of Moses vs pride of Miriam & Aaron

32 Praying Thru the text

33 Temptation to be prideful

34 Thankful for examples of Moses and Jesus

35 Thankful for forgiveness

36 Praying Thru the text

37 Pride & Humility Reading & Praying

38 Why Pride and Humility?

39 Humility of Moses vs pride of Miriam & Aaron

40 Praying Thru the text

41 Pride = fall like devil

42 Pride = enrage the Lord

43 Pride = no eternity with God

44 Work to be humble

45 Humility = faithfully serve God

46 Humility = blessing to others

47 Humility = defeat the devil

48 Humility = eternity with God

49 Free from pride, full of humility


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