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Energy is involved in every activity on Earth

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1 Energy is involved in every activity on Earth
ENERGY in ECOSYSTEMS Energy is involved in every activity on Earth

2 Energy in Ecosystems (p.38)

3 Energy in Ecosystems (p.38)
Earth Matter  - "recycles" All energy originates from the SUN! Energy  -  "flows through" 30% reflected greenhouse gases 19% heats atmosphere and surface 51% Absorbed by land and water 0.023% used by PLANTS to produce FOOD

4 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

5 Photosynthesis: transforms light energy (sun) into chemical energy (glucose) Done by producers (like plants) light energy + carbon dioxide + water → glucose oxygen

6 Cellular Respiration:
transforms chemical energy (glucose) into useable energy Done by most living things (like us!) glucose oxygen → carbon dioxide + water + useable energy

7 Complementary Processes!! (they support one another!)
Photosynthesis C6H12O O2 6 CO H2O + energy Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy Glucose + Oxygen Cellular Respiration

8 Food Chains and Food Webs (p.42)
The flow of energy involves interactions between many living things: Producer: (autotroph) gets energy by making its own food

Herbivore: gets energy by eating producers Omnivore: gets energy by eating producers and consumers Carnivore: gets energy by eating consumers Decomposer: gets energy by eating waste/dead (saprovore)

10 Food Chain P. 43 a straight chain model that describes how energy is passed from one living thing to another (one path)

11 Food Web (p.45) a complex model that describes how energy in an ecosystem is transferred through two or more interconnected food chains (many paths) Do workbook p.18: Food chains and Food webs

12 Energy Transfer (Trophic Levels) p.44
only a small amount (10%) of the energy transferred is available for the next trophic level  because most of the energy is used by organisms to live.   (see fig.1.6B  p.24) Secondary Consumers Primary Consumers 10% Producers


14 Use the food web provided to answer the following questions
1. List the producers/autotrophs  2. Identify a herbivore ________________________ 3. What type of animal is a snake? 4. What is the role of bacteria?  5. If rabbits were removed from this food web, how would it effect: a) Shrubs ____________________ b) Mountain lion __________________ c) Grasshopper ____________________ d) Shrew _________________________

15 Questions: P. 41 # 1-5 P. 47 # 1-5

16 REVIEW 10 minutes

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