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Robert Brayton Alan Mishchenko Department of EECS UC Berkeley

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1 Robert Brayton Alan Mishchenko Department of EECS UC Berkeley
Task ID: SAT-based Methods for Scalable Synthesis and Verification Robert Brayton Alan Mishchenko Department of EECS UC Berkeley

2 Task Overview SRC task ID: 2710.001 Start date: 1-Nov-2016
Thrust area: CADT Task leaders: Robert K. Brayton, Univ. of California/Berkeley Alan Mishchenko, Univ. of California/Berkeley Industrial liaisons: See next slide Students: Yen-Sheng Ho (graduated) Kevin Cheang (joining in Fall 2019)

3 Industrial Liaisons IBM Intel Mentor (Siemens) Texas Instruments
Alexander Ivrii Jason Baumgartner Victor Kravets Intel Timothy Kam Steven Burns Michael Kishinevsky Mentor (Siemens) Jeremy Levitt Texas Instruments Devanathan Varadarajan Venkatraman Ramakrishnan

4 Active Collaborators Discuss, publish, exchange visits with:
EPFL, Switzerland (group of Professor G. De Micheli) Tokyo University, Japan (group of Professor M. Fujita) Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan (group of Professor S. Yamashita) UFRGS, Brazil (group of Professor A. Reis) NTU, Taiwan (group of Professor R. Jiang) CCU, Taiwan (group of Professor M. Lin) Fudan University, China (group of Professor L. Wang) UMass, Amherst (group of Professor M. Ciesielski) HKUST, Hong Kong (group of Professor K.-T. Cheng)

5 Anticipated Results Methodology and algorithms for next-generation improvements in logic synthesis, addressing reverse engineering SAT-based circuit restructuring precomputation of properties for practical Boolean functions Public software implementation of the above methodology and algorithms Experimental evaluation on industrial benchmarks.

6 Responding to the Needs of SRC Companies
Reverse engineering enables word-level methods for gate-level problems S3 System Tools S3.4 Advanced logic/physical/high-level synthesis and cross-boundary optimization Scalable synthesis leads to scalable verification V1 Verification Core Technologies V1.1 Advances in the scalability of automated model checking and sequential equivalence checking techniques for bit-level and bit-vector models V1.2 Advances in techniques: general-purpose SAT solvers; constraint solving techniques; SAT solvers tuned for specific applications; automatic abstraction and abstraction-refinement; satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) V1.3 Novel and improved algorithms for optimizing design and specification logic. Computing test-suites for multiple-fault testing for different fault models T1 Test Cost and Quality Improvement T1.1 Test cost reduction T1.4 Methods to improve test quality by effective test pattern selection across fault models SAT-based formulations can contribute to other areas S3.5 Fundamental/significant place/route improvements, including how to scale the methods for multi-core designs and reliability-aware place and route

7 Task Deliverables 31-Oct-2017
Software release of the RE engine and RE-enhanced equivalence checking engine. Evaluation on industrial problems. 31-Oct-2018 Software release of SAT-based logic restructuring. Evaluation on industrial problems. 31-Oct-2019 Software release of computation of Boolean properties with applications to network optimization. Evaluation on industrial problems. Final report summarizing research accomplishments and future direction.

8 Background and Motivation
Reverse engineering Discovering high-level structure in gate-level netlists Useful for both verification and synthesis SAT-based circuit restructuring Global, incremental, and exhaustive Useful for delay/area optimization before and after mapping The “genome project” of logic synthesis Precomputing useful functional properties of practical Boolean functions up to 16 inputs For example, exhaustive enumeration of non-redundant circuit structures for small practical functions will be used Useful for incremental resynthesis, approximate synthesis, FPGA architecture evaluation, etc

9 Summary of Recent Progress for Each Technical Goal
1st year: Reverse engineering Presented two years ago 2nd year: SAT-based circuit restructuring Presented last year 3rd year: The “genome project” of logic synthesis Enumeration of minimum circuit structures for small Boolean functions (IWLS’19) Fast adjustable NPN classification using generalized symmetries (ACM TRETS’19) Scalable Boolean methods in a modern synthesis flow (DATE’19) Scalable generic logic synthesis: One approach to rule them all (DAC’19) On-the-fly and DAG-aware: Rewriting Boolean networks with exact synthesis (DATE’19) Follow-up towards solving technical goals from the previous years Unlocking fine-grain parallelism for AIG rewriting (ICCAD’18) Parallel combinational equivalence checking (IWLS’19) Scaling-up ESOP synthesis for quantum compilation (ISMVL’19) Rewriting environment for arithmetic circuit verification (LPAR’18)

10 Comparison with Existing Work
Enumeration of minimum circuit structures Existing work (TAOCP, by Donald Knuth) determined functional complexity of small Boolean functions but did not count or derive minimum circuit structures Improved methods for exact NPN classification For the first time, it is possible to compute exact NPN class of functions up to 16 inputs (the worst-case runtime reduced from days to minutes) Using precomputed structures Improved quality of results in various applications dealing with logic synthesis, compared to previous work Various extensions and improvements - Application to rewriting of AIGs, XAGs, MIGs, LUT networks, etc - Building a flow for quantum computing

11 Research Overview The following slides present three most important research results since the last review Enumeration of minimum circuit structures Improved methods for exact NPN classification New applications of precomputed structures

12 Result 1: Exhaustive Enumeration of Minimum Circuit Structures
The focus of our work is on counting the number of different min-circuits generating all different min-circuits Reproduced and independently verified statistics published by Donald Knuth on the minimum circuit complexity of all 3-, 4-, 5-input functions For the first time, computed all minimum circuits for 3-, 4-, 5-, and (some of the) 6-input functions Takes 0.01 sec for all 4-input functions Takes 200 sec for all 5-input functions S.-Y. Lee, J.-H. R. Jiang, A. Mishchenko, and R. Brayton, "Enumeration of minimum circuit structures", Submitted to IWLS'19.

13 Two Different 12-Node Min-Circuits for The Most Complex 5-Function: 169ae443

14 NPN Classes Two functions belong to the same NPN class if one of them can be derived from the other by complementing inputs (N), permuting inputs (P), and complementing the output (N)

15 Computing L(f) for 5-Functions
This table is generated using command “funenum –I 5 –l” in ABC.

16 Distribution of Min-Circuit Counts for 5-Functions
It is interesting to note that among all 11-node NPN classes, there are 5450 classes with a unique min-circuit and one class with exactly 523 different min-circiuts. The next closest to it, is one class with exactly 314 different min-circuits.

17 Result 2: Improved Methods for NPN Classification
The need for NPN classification is two-fold: Functional enumeration requires exact classification Pre-computation-based use-cases require heuristic one During the last year, we improved both New heuristic classification ( ‘testnpn –A 9’ in ABC) is about 3x faster than the previous best New exact classification ( ‘testnpn –A 11’ in ABC) is about x faster than the previous best Novel methods are used in both (see references) X. Zhou, L. Wang, and A. Mishchenko, "Fast adjustable NPN classification using generalized symmetries“. To appear in ACM TRETS. 17

18 Result 3: Novel Applications of Precomputed Structures
Used exact synthesis and/or precomputed structures in a number of practical applications: Logic restructuring for simple circuit structures AIG, XAG, MIG, XMG, etc Logic restructuring for LUT networks Potential applications in approximate logic synthesis Potential applications in FPGA architecture evaluation Demonstrated improvements over past methods for example, [DATE’19] shows 5.5% (4.0 %) reductions for 3-LUT (4-LUT) networks H. Riener, W. Haaswijk, A. Mishchenko, G. De Micheli, and M. Soeken, "On-the-fly and DAG-aware: Rewriting Boolean networks with exact synthesis", Proc. DATE'19. 18

19 Relevant Recent Publications
“Genome of logic synthesis” - S.-Y. Lee, J.-H. R. Jiang, A. Mishchenko, and R. Brayton, "Enumeration of minimum circuit structures", Submitted to IWLS'19. Improved exact NPN classification - X. Zhou, L. Wang, and A. Mishchenko, "Fast adjustable NPN classification using generalized symmetries", To appear in ACM TRETS. - X. Zhou, L. Wang, and A. Mishchenko, “Fast exact NPN classification by co-designing the canonical form and its computation”, To be submitted. Applications of exact logic synthesis - E. Testa, L. Amaru, M. Soeken, A. Mishchenko, P. Vuillod, J. Luo, Ch. Casares, P.-E. Gaillardon, and G. De Micheli, "Scalable Boolean methods in a modern synthesis flow", Proc. DATE'19. - H. Riener, W. Haaswijk, A. Mishchenko, G. De Micheli, and M. Soeken, "On-the-fly and DAG-aware: Rewriting Boolean networks with exact synthesis", Proc. DATE'19. - H. Riener, E. Testa, W. Haaswijk, M. Soeken, L. Amaru, A. Mishchenko, and G. De Micheli, "Scalable generic logic synthesis: One approach to rule them all", DAC'19. Other applications - V. N. Possani, Y.-S. Lu, A. Mishchenko, K. Pingali, R. Ribas, and A. Reis, "Unlocking fine-grain parallelism for AIG rewriting", Proc. ICCAD'18. - V. N. Possani, A. Mishchenko, R. Ribas, and A. Reis, "Parallel combinational equivalence checking", Submitted to IWLS'19. - B. Schmitt, M. Soeken, A. Mishchenko, and G. De Micheli, "Scaling-up ESOP synthesis for quantum compilation", Submitted to ISMVL'19.

20 Conclusions Reviewed the SRC task (the final year)
“SAT-based Methods for Scalable Synthesis and Verification” Discussed ongoing and forthcoming work Reviewed recent publications

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