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XIII LNF Spring school, 12-16 May 2008, Frascati.
Measurement of charm production in DIS at HERA Marcello Bindi University of Bologna XIII LNF Spring school, May 2008, Frascati. 12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
HERA 0.5 fb-1 per experiment ZEUS Collider ep; end of data taking in June 2007 2 general purpose experiments: ZEUS & H1 e± (27.6 GeV) p (820/920 GeV) E c.m. = 300/318 GeV HERA I ( ): 190 pb-1 fascio e± unpolarized HERA II ( ): 560 pb-1 e± long. polarized beam ~ 30/40 % Lumin. Upgrade:1.57.5 x 1031cm-2s-1 Run at low Ec.m. for FL measurement 12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
ZEUS Calorimeter Muons Chambers p e± Central tracking detector Microvertex detector (HERA II) 12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA (k) (k’) (k) (k’) Virtuality of the exchanged boson Neutral Currents (q) (q) Charged Currents Bjorken variable Inelasticity • Kinematic determined by 2 variables • Q2 and x mostly used • HERA range: Q2 = GeV2 x = ~0.5 12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
Motivations Heavy flavour production at HERA can be studied for different kinematic regions, from Photoproduction to DIS and for different values of transverse momentum of the heavy quark. In DIS regime the heavy quarks are produced mainly by the Boson-Gluon-Fusion process. This process is directly sensitive to gluon content inside the proton. Factorization in pQCD: s = parton distr. x hard scatt. x fragm./hadron. Important test of pQCD at different scales (MQ, pTQ,Q2). 12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
Charm tagging D mesons reconstruction in the final state D*, D0 mesons: tagged by invariant mass M (Kp) and DM = M(Kpp) - M(Kp). D+ meson: being a long lived particle, the secondary vertex of the decay can be reconstructed and used for a better discrimination of the signal. Both these cases, need an extrapolation factor to the full space phase to obtain the F2cc Inclusive or Lepton Impact Parameter tagging Measure of the impact parameter with respect to primary vertex (beamspot) 12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
D* production in DIS Golden mode : can be double tagged by the slow pion and the D0 in the final state. HERA II 162 pb-1 Kinematic Region 5 < Q2 < 1000 GeV2 0.02 < y < 0.7 |h (D*)| < 1.5 1.5 < pT (D*) < 15 GeV Selection of D* candidates D*± (2010) D0 p±slow (BR: 67.7 %) with D0 K± p± (BR: 3.8 %) |h| < 1.75 (candidate tracks) pT > 0.4 GeV (tracks from D0) pT > 0.12 GeV (slow pion from D*) 12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
D* differential cross sections in DIS
12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
Muon vs D-mesons Measurements based on reconstructed D (D*) mesons suffer from: - low branching ratio B(cD*) x B(D*±D0 ±) x B(D0K± ±) ~ 0.6% - angular acceptance restricted to good tracks detector region ||<1.5 - measurement limited to Q2 <~ 500 GeV2 due to limited statistics Muons advantages : - larger branching ratio : B(c ) ~ 10% - larger angular acceptance of muon chamber -2 < < 2.3 Muons disadvantages : - background from fake muons and beauty - need to require large muon momentum (Pt > 1.5 GeV) to reach muon chambers Muons less precise at low Q2 ( where D* statistics is large) due to worse control of background and extrapolation in pT. Muons should be better at large Q2 due to larger statistics. 12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
Semi-leptonic decay to muon Kinematic Region 20 < Q2 < GeV2 0.02 < y < 0.95 -1.6 < |hμ | < 2.3 pTμ > 1.5 GeV HERA II 2005 135 pb-1 DIS TLTs trigger chain ≥ 1 muon from prim. vtx. Rear/Barrel: -1.6 ≤ < 1.3, PT >1.5 GeV Forward: ≤ < 2.3, PT >1.5 GeV Electron finder : - P(ele)> 0.001, Ee> 10 GeV , ECONE< 5 GeV yJb > , yel < 0.95 Q2Σ>20 GeV2 |Zvtx| < 30 cm 80 > E-Pz > 40 GeV Muon anti-isolation : Econe > 0.5 GeV Muon-jet association; (lab. frame KTclus) massive sch. PTjet >2.5 Gev; -3 < ηjet< 3 12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
Discriminating variables Neutrino missing PT parallel to the muon : PT= ( PT miss . PT ) / |PT| PTREL (GeV) IP (cm) PT (GeV) 12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
Cross sections: Q2,x,pTμ,ημ,Y1,Y2 12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
F2cc extraction: ZEUS Subtraction of the beauty contribution by using the RAPGAP MC predictions for each bin. ZEUS extracts F2cc from D meson cross sections using HVQDIS to extrapolate to the full meson phase space: The extrapolation is performed at the centre of gravity of the bin. ZEUS-S PDF were used throughout. 12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
F2cc at HERA The measurements can distinguish between different gluon parameterizations. ZEUS and H1 measurements are in good agreement. 12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
Conclusions and outlook The charm contribution to the proton structure functions, F2, is measured at HERA using different techniques, based on D meson tagging and lifetime measurements. The two collaborations, ZEUS and H1, using very different methods for the analysis, implying different extrapolations factors, agree on the results. The precision of the measurement is improving, and the measurement appears to be able to distinguish between the different gluon parameterizations provided by theorists. The use of the whole HERA data sample can help in constraining the gluon parameterization in the proton 12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
BACKUP - SLIDES 12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
Theoretical models at NLO
Massive approach (Fixed Flavour Number Scheme): c & b massive full massive matrix elements; scale MQ ; appropriate for Q2 ~ MQ2 c & b produced dinamically in the hard subprocess (not part of the proton or photon; 3 active flavours in proton: u, d, s ) PhP : Frixione et al., FMNR DIS : Harris & Smith, HVQDIS fully differential NLO program Massless approach (Zero Mass Variable Flavour Number Scheme): c & b massless resums [aS ln (Q2/M2Q)]n ; scale Q2, pTQ ; appropriate for Q2 >> MQ2 c & b present in proton and photon PhP : Kniehl et al. DIS : only inclusive calculation of F2cc available Combined approach (Generalized Mass Variable Flavour Number Scheme): massive at small Q2 massless at high Q2 PhP: Cacciari et al. DIS : only F2cc available 12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
ZEUS: NLO QCD predictions The HVQDIS program has been used, which evaluates cross sections for heavy quark production at NLO in the Fixed Flavour Number Scheme. R=F = Biggest uncertainty from Charm mass ~10-20 % 12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
D± production in DIS D± long lifetime displaced secondary vertex (MVD). Signed 2-D decay length significance (SDL) with respect to the beamspot Better S/N ratio by cutting on the SDL of the decay products. 1/3 HERA II: 2005 data 135 pb-1 Kinematic Region • 5 < Q2 < 1000 GeV2 • 0.02 < y < 0.7 • |η(D±)| < 1.6 • 3 < PT(D±) < 20 GeV D± Selection Cuts • PT(K) > 0.7 GeV • PT(π,π) > 0.5 GeV • |η(K,π,π)| < 1.6 • D* and Ds reflections subtracted. With SDL > 3, statistical error 7.7% 3.8% 12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
D± cross sections 12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
D0 production in DIS Kinematic Region 5 < Q2 < 1000 GeV2 0.02 < y < 0.7 h |(D)| < 1.6 3 < pT (D) < 20 GeV 1/3 HERA II: 2005 data 135 pb-1 Selection of D0 candidates |h(K,p)| < 1.6 pT (K) > 0.7 GeV ; pT (p) > 0.3 GeV SL > 1, c2Dvtx < 8 DM tagged and untagged D0 signals are fitted simultaneously 12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
D0 cross sections in DIS 12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
F2cc with D± • Previous results combined measurements of F2cc from 3 mesons to reduce uncertainty. • F2cc determined with D± at HERA II (1/3 lumi) has comparable precision to that of the whole HERA I measurement with D0, D± and Ds mesons. 12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
Inclusive Impact Parameter tagging
A powerful tool to separate beauty, charm and background is the significance of the (signed) impact parameter S = d / s(d) Kinematic Region • 12 < Q2 < 650 GeV2 • < x < 0.032 • 0.07 < y < 0.65 HERA II: 2006 e- 54 pb-1 see talk A. Metha for technical details… 12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
F2cc extraction: H1 H1 measures charm inclusively Pc,b,l are the fractions of charm, beauty and light flavour from the fit and is the inclusive reduced cross section. Structure function evaluated after small corrections for the longitudinal structure functions FLcc 12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
Inclusive measurements vs D mesons Good agreement between different techniques Agreement with NLO QCD within the spread of different theoretical approaches GM-VFNS MRST04 CTEQ6HQ FFNS CCFM 12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
H1 inclusive charm reduced cross sections HERA I and II agree Combined results agree with NLO theoretical expectation GM-VFNS & MRST04 12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
High Q2 HERA analyses 12-16 May 2008 XIII LNF Spring School 2008, Frascati.
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