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Vincenzo Vagnoni INFN Bologna CKM Workshop Durham, April 8th 2003

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1 Vincenzo Vagnoni INFN Bologna CKM Workshop Durham, April 8th 2003

2 Physics motivation LHCb can collect large samples of B0(s)  hh decays The combined determination of the B0  + - and Bs  K+ K- CP asymmetries can be used to extract the  angle of the unitarity triangle R. Fleischer, Phys. Lett. B459 (1999) The decays are related by U-spin flavour symmetry interchanging d s quarks Within the validity of U-spin symmetry the system can be solved and  is determined d =2 s  Bs  J/ 

3 VELO: 21stations (Rmin= 8mm)
Si 220 mm, strips R e φ ~65 m2 3 Tracking stations IT : Si strips OT: straw tubes TT~1.41.2 m2 Si microstrips

4 B0(s)  hh Monte Carlo simulation
MC samples used: size (number of events) B0  + - 60k Bs  K+ K- 65k B0  K+ - 62k Bs  K- + 24k b  p K- 20k b  p - 21k inclusive bb background 1.144M Full Geant simulation Full Pattern Recognition MC mass production going on now to increase statistics in order to improve background studies only ~20 times the signal statistics, but BR(signal) << 1/20 only ~1/2 minute of data-taking at nominal LHCb luminosity !

5 B0(s)  hh Selection cuts
, K , K IP IPB L B candidate: Cuts on pT IP/IP L/L mass Charged tracks Each leg identified as a K, or a particle lighter than K (using RICH) Cuts on p max. pT min. pT max. IP/IP min. IP/IP 2 of common vertex Assume combinatorial background to be dominated by generic bb events With these cuts we can reject all generated bb background also when relaxing mass cut

6 Rejection of physics background
Relying on – RICH PID – mass resolution (~18 MeV/c2 single Gaussian) B0  + - mass with RICH PID B0  + - mass without RICH PID GeV/c2 GeV/c2

7 Annual yields and B/S ratios
Event type B/S preliminary estimate (90% CL) Untagged annual yield B0  + - < 0.8 27000 B0  K+ - < 0.25 115000 Bs  K+ K- < 0.55 35000 B/S include physics and combinatorial background MC mass production for a better B/S estimate going on now

8 B0  + - Proper time acceptance and resolution
Proper time resolution ps Single Gaussian fit: =41±1 fs

9 B0  + - BS  K+ K- CP sensitivities
Tagged event samples generated by means of a toy MC B0  + - BS  K+ K- Annual event yield (1 year) 27000 35000 Background over signal ratio 0.8 0.55 Mixing parameter 0.755 20 Effective Tagging Power 6.4% -0.30 0.16 0.58 -0.17 TOY MC inputs Values used as illustrative example Assume background lifetime and signal lifetime to be the same Assume negligible CP violation in the background Preliminary assumptions: need more study and MC statistics

10 Max likelihood estimation to extract CP asymmetries
After one year of data taking Standard error ellipse B0  + - 68.27% 95.45% 99.73% Bs  K+ K-

11 Example of binned asymmetries
Results of log likelihood fit superimposed on binned asymmetries B0  + - Bs  K+ K-

12 Dependence of CP sensitivity on B/S and on the effective tagging power
Current estimate of B/S ratio Bs  K+ K- Current estimate of B/S ratio On B/S B0  + - TP tagging power Bs  K+ K- TP tagging power On tagging

13 Dependence of CP sensitivity on xs
Error increases by a factor from xs=20 to xs=40 Bs  K+ K-

14 Dependence of CP sensitivity on s
Bs  K+ K- A can be determined from untagged Bs rates In this example A is fixed with negligible error in the fit

15 Summary The current simulations show large event yields for the decays B0(s)  hh CP sensitivity after one year of LHCb data taking has been estimated LHCb can measure CP violation in the Bs  KK @ xs=40 with an error increase on the asymmetry amplitudes by a factor 1.6 w.r.t. xs=20 Event type B/S preliminary estimate (90% CL) Untagged annual yield B0  + - < 0.8 27000 B0  K+ - < 0.25 115000 Bs  K+ K- < 0.55 35000 B0  + - BS  K+ K-

16 Towards … R. Fleischer Phys. Lett. B459 (1999)

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