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2 Helping Those Overcome By Sin Overcome Their Sin
“My Sin Is Ever Before Me” Helping Those Overcome By Sin Overcome Their Sin

3 How Should Sin Be Viewed?
It is an affront to God Gen 6:6 He is grieved when we live disobediently It destroys human relationships Josh 7:1-5 Victims of Achan’s sin didn’t even know what he had done (true innocent victims) What if a sinner’s immediate family does know?

4 How Should Sin Be Viewed?
It is a waste of promising human potential Judg 16:18-21, 25 Sinners wind up in situations that do not harmonize with God’s plan for their lives Samson was a far cry from God’s intentions He also was nothing like his parents’ noble request for him

5 How Should Sin Be Viewed?
Despite these harsh realities, God can make it right again Eph 2: Rom 4:3-8 The beauty of the gospel…the greatness of God Yes…sin must be addressed Yes…the sinner must be dealt with Cor 5:5 He must suffer the consequences of sin

6 How Should Sin Be Viewed?
Yes…the sinner must be dealt with Cor 5:5 The intent is to save the soul While impenitent, saints must still show love for the sinner Thess 3:15

7 How Should Penitent Sinners Be Viewed?
With rejoicing Lk 15:5-7, 9-10, 22-24, 32 Shepherd rejoices over finding a lost sheep House-owner rejoices over finding a lost coin Father calls for the fattened calf, shoes, robe, and the ring…the dead was alive again…the lost had been found It is the “right thing to do” when one repents

8 How Should Penitent Sinners Be Viewed?
With reaffirmed love Cor 5:5-8 When one responds to church discipline, that was its intent…it accomplished its goal If the sinner comes back, withdrawal is over Now, it is time to comfort the returned apostate To continue with discipline is to swallow such a one with sorrow

9 How Should Penitent Sinners Be Viewed?
With reaffirmed love Cor 5:5-8 We pray for success in bringing sinners home Whether alien sinners or fallen-away brethren When successful, we need to rejoice…not keep hammering away God has extended pardon & forgiveness He dealt with the spiritual consequences

10 How Should Penitent Sinners Be Viewed?
With reaffirmed love Cor 5:5-8 We must do what God has done…forgive Often, we focus on the physical consequences Those who feel (and actually were) betrayed dwell on how much they have been pained Some even feel the need to keep reminding the sinner of his/her rebellion

11 How Should Penitent Sinners Be Viewed?
With reaffirmed love Cor 5:5-8 What about God? Hasn’t He been pained the most? If He receives the sinner back without a “proving” or “trial” period, shouldn’t we?

12 How Should Penitent Sinners Be Viewed?
With reaffirmed love Cor 2:5-8 What about the penitent prodigal? What more does he/she have to do? Shouldn’t he/she be allowed to put the sinful past behind? If we fail to treat modern-day prodigals right, we help keep their sin “…ever before them”

13 Conclusion Our theme verse Ù Psa 51:3
How David felt after Nathan helped him God forgave David Sam 12:13b Yet, David still felt the weight of his own sin His pained conscience David had a hard time forgiving himself

14 Conclusion Our theme verse Ù Psa 51:3
Like David, sinners who come home need to get past their sins being ever before them God has removed their guilt His other children need to show they are willing to eagerly receive them


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