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Requirements for CAPSTONE PROJECT
CAPSTONE PROJECT is a requirement of BAETE Extending over one year period Represents a culminating demonstration of the program outcomes at the level by solving complex engineering problems. Based on the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier course works Incorporating appropriate engineering standards and multiple realistic constraints.
Facts about this course
Course Title: Final Year Design Project (CAPSTONE PROJECT) Course Code: EECE 400 Credit Hours: = 6.0 Course Contents: All candidates are required to undertake supervised study and research culminating in a Project in their field of specialization
Timeline for design and development Includes multiple realistic constraints: Economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, sustainability. Realistic design constraints: System size/scalability, power, range, bit error probability, run- time, throughput etc. Student report must include these constraints and should be explicitly discussed.
Criteria for CAPSTONE PROJECT (cont)
In CAPSTONE PROJECT, the students should develop things that are tangible, which can be displayed in an event like “Final-Year Design Project Showcase”. Computer simulation based projects that just have results or graphs are discouraged.
Course Outcomes (COs) COs Description COs Description CO1
an ability to design, implement, and evaluate a electrical , electronic communication engineering based system, a process, a component, or a program to translate a real-life problem to an engineering solution CO2 an ability to function effectively in a team CO3 an ability to analyze a problem, and identify, formulate and use the project management skill, appropriate computing and engineering tools for obtaining its solution CO4 an understanding to assess professional, ethical, environmental, and social impacts and responsibilities of the design project CO5 an ability to present design project results through written technical documents and oral presentations COs Description CO1 an ability to identify a problem requiring an electrical , electronic communication engineering based solution CO2 an ability to function effectively in a team CO3 an ability to analyze a problem, and identify, formulate techniques and use the project management skill, appropriate computing and engineering tools for obtaining its solution CO4 an understanding to assess professional, ethical, environmental, social impacts and responsibilities of the design project CO5 an ability to present the design project results through written technical documents and oral presentations
Program Outcomes (POs)
PO1 Engineering knowledge PO2 Problem analysis PO3 Design/development of solutions PO4 Investigation PO5 Modern tool usage PO6 The engineer and society PO7 Environment and sustainability PO8 Ethics PO9 Individual work and teamwork PO10 Communication PO11 Project management and finance PO12 Life-long learning
Program Outcomes(POs) C = Cognitive, P = Psychomotor and A = Affective
Mapping of COs and POs COs Program Outcomes(POs) C = Cognitive, P = Psychomotor and A = Affective PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 CO1 C CO2 A CO3 P CO4 CO5
L-4, T-1 7th Semester Project Evaluation Team (25%) Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) Final Year Capstone Project (CP) Guide (25%) Course Objectives (CO) Semester /Term End Examination (SEE) Project Report Internal Examiner (25%) + External Examiner (25%) L-4, T-2 8th Semester Project Demo Project Presentation
Major Division Area Electrical Power Electrical Machines, use of Renewable Energy, Transmission and Distribution, Power System reliability and stability analysis etc. Electronics Design of Power amplifier, Oscillator, Modulator, demodulator, Microcontroller based projects, IC design with analogue and mixed signal etc Communication Multiplexing technology, optical networking, Use of IoT to control appliances, smart energy metering etc.
Project Title Electrical design of a Solar PV based power system for mini-cold storage for off-grid island of Bangladesh COs Program Outcomes(POs) H = High, M = Medium L = Low PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 CO1 H M L CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5
High Medium Low Presentation and Communica-tion skills The organization of contents is appropriate for its purpose. Selects rich and varied words appropriate for an audience and uses correct grammar. Confident in whole parts of the presentation Engage audience and Answer questions correctly and concisely Illustrative explanation Selects words appropriate for an audience and uses correct grammar. Confident in most parts of the presentation Answer questions correctly and concisely Basic organization of contents and preparation. Use simple vocabulary or makes consistent errors in grammar. Confident in some parts of the presentation Unable to answer the questions with accurate supporting evidence.
Sequential development of Capstone PROJECT
Continue Proj Work & Submit Deliverable
Coordinator guide students evaluation Guidelines for Group formation 8th Semester 7th Semester Start up meeting Review & suggest Approves proposal Approves, collect deliverables & assessment Group Formation Select Topic Refine Proposal Assign guide Finalize Proposal Internal presentation schedule, assessment rubrics & assessment matrix Meeting, suggestion and assessment Submit Proposal Continue Proj Work & Submit Deliverable Final display of marks
Cont Proj Wk & Submit Deliverable
Coordinator guide students evaluation Guidelines for Group formation Group Formation Start up meeting Select Topic Refine Proposal Review & suggest Finalize Proposal Submit Proposal Approves proposal Assign guide Cont Proj Wk & Submit Deliverable Internal presentation schedule, assessment rubrics & assessment matrix 7th Semester Meeting, suggestion and assessment Design 8th Semester Simulate Fabrication Approves, collect deliverables & assessment Testing Deployment Final display of marks Report Writing Submit & Present
Role of the Guide Developing the clarity over among the students about each phase of the process. The Guide has to assess the student competencies with regard to his project work. More specifically to assess the student’s individual contribution to the project, to establish the level of understanding of basic theoretical knowledge relevant to the project and to ensure that the student has good understanding and appreciation of design and development decisions taken in the course of the project.
Student's Responsibilities
To manage the project with respect to progress, time and other resources. Please note that the student's role includes that of project leader. To maintain regular contact with the Guide. It is the student's responsibility to arrange appointments with his/her Guide. To report immediately to the Guide any difficulties arising from equipment failures, resource constraints, interruptions of work due to illness or personal problems, and difficulties arising from laboratory management.
Coordinator’s Responsibilities
To clearly define the course learning objectives and how they relate to the programme outcomes. To clearly explain what resources are available in the department to the student, including hardware, software and other facilities. To make students available to the project guide to interact with guide at regular intervals. To give guidance and expectation of the every phase, where as the solutions and implementation details is student’s choice as far as possible. To monitor regularly the progress made by the student in achieving the course learning objectives.
Role of evaluation Team
Educating the students about the criteria/standards being used for project development and Implementation. To ensure phase wise progress of the project. To assess the progress of the stage as per the prescribed parameters focusing on deliverables. To compare with the peer projects in terms of quality and guide them. To assess the individual involvement and contribution in doing the work and motivate accordingly.
Course Activities: EECE 400
Assessment Method Assessor Weightage Attendance Class attendance Guide 10% Project topic presentation Oral presentation Guide/ Eval Team Weekly progress Journal maintained by students 30% End of term Project interim report Project interim presentation Written report Power-point Eval Team 20% Project Topic Presentation & Interim Report will be marked in group All other marks will be assigned individually
Weekly Activities for EECE 400-A
Weeks Activities Week 1 Distribution of course hand out and explaining the course to the student Ask students to research on selecting one individual project topic and forming groups Week 2 Submission of group members name and topic (signed by the Mentor) Oral presentation of project topic, justify the topic Week 3 Discussion on research methodologies Weekly progress by maintaining journal Week 4 Discussion on communication skill Week 5 Discussion on project management Week 6 Discussion on engineering practice ethical issues
Weekly Activities for EECE 400-A
Weeks Activities Week 7 to Week 12 Students describe their weekly progress to the class Weekly progress by maintaining journal Week 13 Week 14 (Guide to be present) Students submit their interim report Students present the project’s current status through power point Students demonstrate the operation of their project Students submit the journals to the Course Teacher Note: If the students select a project that the Course Teacher feels that not suitable as design project, the Course Teacher will guide the students to shape up the project. All proposals must be finalized and approved by the third week.
Course Activities: EECE 400-B
Assessment method Assessor Weightage Weekly progress Journal maintained by students Guide 30% End of 8th Semester Project final report Project final presentation Written report Power-point Eval Team 40%
Allah Hafiz
Outline of Interim Report
Title of the Project Names of the Group Members Introduction to the Project: Motivation and Problem Statement on a complex problem chosen for the project. Literature Review: What are the current practices on the stated problem? Method: How the stated problem will be solved? Project Planning: Week- and trimester-wise planning for the tasks for implementing the project. Conclusions: Concluding remarks about the expectations on possible outcomes References
How to Maintain Weekly Journal?
What is a Journal: A reflective document that provides personal, thoughtful analysis of individual participation/progress Why keep a journal: articulate what you learned as a leadership major and why you do the things you do What “products” are required: submit weekly journal entries. At the end of the semester, submit full, aggregated collection of entries “thoughtful” Journal entry What did you learn during this interaction? What did you contribute? Independent research/readings you have done to support the project New technological skills you need to develop and your plans for going about doing that What happened when I tried something new? Why did I success or fail? You should be honest in your journal entries. If you have not spent any time or given any thought to this course/project during the week, then that is what you should record.
In CAPSTONE PROJECT, the students will have made things that are tangible, which can be displayed in an event like “Final-Year Design Project Showcase”. Software projects with animated computer display or demonstration and computer projects that enable useful real world devices are also acceptable. Computer simulation based projects that just have results or graphs are discouraged. The students will have 2 trimesters to complete projects. In first trimester, the course will be offered similar to any other lab courses of the curriculum The course may be divided in two parts: for example CSE402-A, CSE 402-B
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