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Scientific Computing Lab

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Computing Lab"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Computing Lab
Institut für Informatik Scientific Computing in Computer Science Scientific Computing Lab Partial Differential Equations Instationary Equations Dr. Miriam Mehl

2 Instationary PDEs independent variables: space + time
boundary values + initial values boundaries + start and end

3 Discretization spatial discretization system matrix
time discretization compare ODE

4 Balancing Accuracy time space relation time step spatial step

5 Explicit/Implicit explicit time steps restricted time steps
dependend on spatial step no equations to solve implicit time step unrestricted time step large systems of equations

6 More Information
3.3 Discretizing partial Differential Equations

7 Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet 1805-1859

8 Carl Gottfried Neumann 1832-1925

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