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Systematic Approach to Training

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1 Systematic Approach to Training
Uttam Acharya NASC

2 Preview of Session Training concept Philosophy of training
Training Cycle Training methods Training evaluation Focus of training

3 Discussions Let us re-check our perception of what “training” and “learning” ?

4 Training: Some Concepts
Training is a means of learning or making others learn. Training is concerned with gaining learning experience that leads to relatively permanent change in an individual’s ability to perform job. Training is a process of changing one’s habits in the form of re-shaping of ice-berg, i.e., unfreezing, processing and re-freezing of the habits of trainees. Training is a systematic process of creating learning environment

5 Training and Education

6 Philosophy of Training
Training is different from education Training is concerned with action (doing) rather than knowledge (knowing) Training is a learning process rather than teaching Training is a means for introducing changes in organisation Training is not a panacea for all ills

7 What training can do?

8 What training can do? Improves one’s knowledge and skill levels
Helps to change one’s attitudes Enhances job performance level Links individual’s career goals with organization's development goals Minimizes the cost of trial and error in learning

9 What training can not do?

10 What training can not do?
Does not ensure increased job performance Does not increase learning potentialities Does not make anyone learn everything

11 How can we make training effective?
Undertaking training as a process Adopting a learning-focused training strategy

12 Training cycle/process

13 Training Phase (discussion)
Pre training Training Post training

14 Training Cycle Course Design Evaluation / Feedback Implementation
Training Needs Assessment (TNA ) Course Design Evaluation / Feedback Objective Setting Design Session plan Implementation

15 Training is systematic process to be followed.
Training Process: Training is systematic process to be followed. It is also an activity that has three main phases involving three types of actors.

16 Training phases and actors ?
Pre training phase and actors ? During training and actors ? Post training phase and actors?

17 Phases: Actors: Pre-training (Planning / Designing)
During Training (Implementation) Post-training (Application after training + Evaluation) Actors: Training institutions/centre/trainers Work organization / unit /employer Trainees

18 (I) Pre-training phase (Actors: training institution, work org.)
Identification of training needs: Design of training program - Setting training objectives - Designing curriculum - Choosing appropriate training methods - Selecting trainers - Designing trainee selection criteria - Planning and preparing training materials - Ensuring availability of physical facilities Selection of trainees as per set criteria

19 II) Training phase (Actors: training institution and trainees)
Implementation of training course or program Ensuring active participation in training sessions Facilitating and maintaining learning environment

20 III) Post-training phase
(Actors: trainees, work organisation and training institution) Placement of trainees on the jobs for which they are trained Providing support to the trained staff for utilisation of training on their jobs Follow up and evaluation of usefulness of training: (a) reaction evaluation (b) outcome evaluation

21 TNA?

22 Assessment of Training Needs: (TNA)
What is Training Need? The training need a gap between the competency required by the job and the competency currently possessed by the job holder.

23 Steps in Assessment of Training Needs:
Step 1: Assess job requirements: (Expected KSA) Step 2: Assess existing performance of jobholders: (Existing KSA) Step 3: Identify the need (i.e., the gap)

24 Choice of Training Methods e.g. ring finger
Each method is uniquely useful in a particular situation. The usefulness depends on: Training objectives Content (course) Level of trainees Availability of physical facilities and equipment Time availability Competency of trainer Temporal needs of the situation

25 How do we evaluate training?

26 Training Evaluation: Levels of Evaluation: Reaction level
Learning Level Behaviour Level Outcome/Impact Level

27 Approaches or methods for evaluating training
Observation method Test / re-test methods Pre-post performance method Experimental/ control group Trainee surveys Cost effectiveness analysis.

28 Evaluation of Outcomes
Immediate outcomes (changes at the levels of trainees’ learning after training) Intermediate outcomes (changes or improvement in trainees’ behaviours on the job after training) Ultimate outcomes (improvements in performances of trainees after training)

29 Focus of Training Creating an awareness, on the part of learner, of the need for change helping the learners to learn how to learn

30 Learning-focused Training Strategy
Help trainees to progress through four levels of learning Help trainees to move around a cycle of experiential learning

31 Experiential Learning Cycle
Undergoing certain activity or concrete experience; Reflecting on experiences; Conceptualising from the reflection; and Applying learning in a new situation

32 Training sequencing Experiencing: engaging in one or more structured experiences, etc. Reflecting / processing Generalizing: inferring principles about the real work Applying

33 Training strategies based on focus
Development of individuals Development of organization Learning of content Learning of process Strategies Individual development Organization development

34 Revisiting Systematic Training/( training process)

35 Training Cycle Course Design Evaluation / Feedback Implementation
Training Needs Assessment (TNA ) Course Design Evaluation / Feedback Implementation

36 Main Phases of Training
Pre-training ( Planning / Designing ) Post-training Training (Implementation) (Application / Evaluation) Key Actors / players of training Training institutions organizations Trainees

37 Thank you

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