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Genetic Disorder Project Example

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Presentation on theme: "Genetic Disorder Project Example"— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetic Disorder Project Example
By: Mrs. Hoffman

2 Genetic disorder Description
INSERT PIC HERE What is this disorder?

3 Symptoms INSERT PIC HERE Symptom 1 Symptom 2 Symptom 3 Symptom 4

4 (Showing where on the chromosome)
CHROMOSOME affected Affects Chromosome #: ________ INSERT PIC HERE (Showing where on the chromosome)

5 Inheritance Inherited or Not Inherited? Dominant or recessive? How?

6 Diagnosis How do you find out a child has this disorder?
Affects Ages 6 – 12 Adult Onset Are there tests done during pregnancy? What do these tests look for? How are they done?

7 Pedigree/karyotype/Punnett square
Show how disorder is passed down or inherited or randomly appears

8 occurrence How many people are affected with this disorder?

9 Cures or treatments List treatments available Is there a cure?
Can anything be done to make life easier?

10 VIDEO (OPTIONAL) YouTube video (day to day life; therapy; how disease is inherited)

11 SOURCES LIST AT LEAST 2 SOURCES in APA FORMAT!!! (Wikipedia may be used, but can’t be the only source!) Last Name, First Initial. (year). Title. Retrieved from website URL EXAMPLE: Satalkar, B. (2010). Water aerobics. Retrieved from Picture Website URL’s 299x266/WRN_(1).jpg THE END!!!!

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