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Vanessa M. Ferreira et al. JIMG 2013;6:

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1 Vanessa M. Ferreira et al. JIMG 2013;6:1048-1058
Three Cases of Acute Myocarditis With Global Edema but Only Mild LGE CMR methods based on reference regions of interest (ROIs) significantly underestimate the areas of myocardial injury. Red indicates areas of myocardium (myo) with values above the standard threshold for each CMR method. Green contour marks the positioning of myocardial reference ROI. Myocardial contours are outlined in yellow. Skeletal muscle ROI not shown. TnI = troponin I (μg/l); other abbreviations as in Figures 1 and 2. Vanessa M. Ferreira et al. JIMG 2013;6: ©2013 by American College of Cardiology

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