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9th Grade Science Chapter 12 A

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1 9th Grade Science Chapter 12 A
The Nature of Sound 9th Grade Science Chapter 12 A

2 Sound waves Sound is a compressional (longitudinal) wave
Series of compressions and rarefactions in a medium Produced by something vibrating

3 Speed of Sound Speed of the wave depends on the density of particles in the medium Travels fastest through solid Because the particles are: Travels slowest through gas Does NOT travel in a vacuum Speed of the wave depends on temperature Why? Speed does NOT depend on loudness (amplitude) of the sound

4 Human Hearing 4 Steps: Gather the waves Amplify the waves
Convert the waves to nerve impulses Interpret the impulses The brain and ear work together to do this!

5 Human Hearing Outer ear gathers sound waves
Pinna External auditory meatus Tympanic membrane Shape designed to capture sound waves and direct to middle ear

6 Human Hearing Middle ear amplifies sound waves
Malleus Incus Stapes Lever arrangement of bones increases movement

7 Human Hearing Inner ear converts vibrations to nerve impulses
Oval window Cochlea Nerve impulses sent through auditory nerve to brain Inner ear also controls balance

8 YouTube - The Sense of Hearing
YouTube - Auditory Transduction (2002)

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