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Keeping Stallion MEASURE B Safe!. MEASURE B $120.00 per parcel Two Fulltime Officers Salary, Benefits, Training Workers Compensation, Liability Insurance.

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Presentation on theme: "Keeping Stallion MEASURE B Safe!. MEASURE B $120.00 per parcel Two Fulltime Officers Salary, Benefits, Training Workers Compensation, Liability Insurance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Keeping Stallion MEASURE B Safe!

2 MEASURE B $120.00 per parcel Two Fulltime Officers Salary, Benefits, Training Workers Compensation, Liability Insurance Firearms, Ammunition, Ballistic Vest Uniforms, Equipment, Communications Vehicle, Gasoline, Maintenance

3 MEASURE B $120.00 per parcel Two Fulltime Officers SSCSD cost per Officer$144,143 BVCSD cost per Officer$193,080 Tehachapi cost per Officer $182,979 Cal City cost per Officer$175,000

4 MEASURE B Stallion Springs Police Department $504,000 Annual Budget 1 full time Patrolling Chief of Police 2 full time Patrolling Officers 1 part time Patrolling Officer

5 MEASURE B Stallion Springs Police Department $504,000 Annual Budget $100,000 COPS State Grant $404,000 Property Tax Revenue

6 MEASURE B Bear Valley Police Department $1,373,486 Annual Budget: 1 full time Chief of Police 2 full time Supervisors 5 full time Patrolling Officers 1 full time Police Services Technician 1 full time Records Clerk

7 MEASURE B Bear Valley Police Department $1,373,486 Annual Budget: $ 286,022 Special Police Tax $1,059,343 Property Tax Revenue $ 28,121 POST/Reserve Fund

8 MEASURE B Bear Valley Police Department Dispatch and Gate $1,059,343 Annual Budget: $265,696 Special Gate Tax $ 9,000 Sticker/Clicker fees $356,699 Property Tax/Reserve Fund $404,988 City of Tehachapi

9 MEASURE B Bear Valley Police Department Police, Dispatch and Gate $2,432,829 Total Annual Budget $ 551,718 Special Police/Gate Tax $1,405,584 Property Tax Fund $ 404,988 City of Tehachapi $ 47,579 Reserve/POST/Stickers

10 MEASURE B City of Tehachapi Police Department $2,561,715 Annual Budget 12/13 $2,590,715 Annual Budget 13/14 $2,636,035 Annual Budget 14/15 1 full time Chief of Police 2 full time Sergeants 11 full time Patrolling Officers

11 MEASURE B Cal City Police Department $2,800,000 Annual Budget 12/13 1 full time Chief of Police 16 full time Patrolling Officers

12 MEASURE B Cal City Police Department $4,100,000 Annual Budget 13/14 1 full time Chief of Police 24 full time Patrolling Officers

13 MEASURE B Special Public Safety Taxes $ 80.20 BVCSD Police Tax $ 75.20 BVCSD Gate Tax $155.40 BVCSD Public Safety Tax $150.00 Cal City Public Safety Tax

14 MEASURE B Area PD Current Budget Comparison Stallion Springs PD$ 504,000 Bear Valley PD$2,432,829 City of Tehachapi PD$2,561,715 Cal City PD$2,800,000

15 MEASURE B If SSPD Special Police Tax passes: Stallion Springs PD$ 793,800 Bear Valley PD$2,432,829 City of Tehachapi PD$2,561,715 Cal City PD$4,100,000

16 Keeping Stallion MEASURE B Safe!

17 MEASURE B Stallion Springs PD Operations Each Officer works a 12-hr shift, then goes on-call until … Each Officer works a 3-day weekend every other week. 36 hours of patrol / 36 hours of on-call. SSPD Chief works a minimum of 40 hrs. per week and 20-30 hours on-call.

18 MEASURE B Stallion Springs PD Operations Since 2007: Increase in Requests for Service Increase in Officer initiated Activities Increased availability via text, email & cell phones Increased services: Neighborhood Watch, PAL, CERT, NIXLE and Vacation House Checks

19 MEASURE B Stallion Springs PD Stats Year20082009201020112012 Officer Initiated Activities N/A510437548869 Request for Service 3446777917551007

20 MEASURE B Stallion Springs PD Operations Policing Priorities: Primary: Answering Calls for Service and Medical Aid Calls Secondary: Proactive Police Patrol Tertiary: Additional duties, which in other departments, are completed by an additional Sergeant and/or Records Clerk.

21 MEASURE B Stallion Springs PD Additional Duties: Update BOLO and scan documents Update and review reports Perform AB 109 Compliance Checks Create & issue PTBs Update Policy Manual

22 MEASURE B Stallion Springs PD Additional Duties: Develop hands-on training Complete Stat reports for prior month Update website and LE wall report Schedule Staffing Log on to VeriTracks

23 MEASURE B Stallion Springs PD Additional Duties: Back-up P drive Audit Evidence Locker Conduct Employee Evaluations Write Department of Justice monthly report Act as Evidence Technician

24 MEASURE B Stallion Springs PD Additional Duties: Calibrate alcohol-breath analyzers Write Bridge articles/post Department articles Patrol School Bus Stops Vacation House Checks Barking Dog Complaints

25 MEASURE B Stallion Springs PD Additional Duties: Police Activities League (PAL) Activities Neighborhood Watch Leadership CERT Participation Street Safety Coordinator Inventory Equipment Drive Snow Plows when necessary

26 MEASURE B Stallion Springs PD Review: Rising crime rates county-wide More Requests for Service More Officer Initiated activity More end-of-watch arrests More on-call, call-outs

27 MEASURE B Stallion Springs Police Department Department Inception in 1972: Began with a Chief and two Officers. At that time, 60 people lived in Stallion and Requests for Service were minimal. 41 years later, we are still operating with a Chief and 2 Officers.

28 Keeping Stallion MEASURE B Safe!

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