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MC02 – Photon Sources and Electron Accelerators

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1 MC02 – Photon Sources and Electron Accelerators
Invited Talks Proposals Sasha Zonlents (ANL) and Yunhai Cai (SLAC) SPCC2 Meeting, MSU, January 2019

2 Invited Talks X X X ID Speakers Title 1st 2nd Score 1340 Lin Liu
Commissioning Results of SIRIUS 12 2 26 1385 Siqi Li Generation and Charaterization of Attosecond Pulses 9 4 22 1256 D. Robin ALS-U, Q Diffreaction Limited Upgrade 1355 E. Allaria Echo Enable Harmonic Generation at Fermi 3 5 11 1334 David Jeremy Overviw of Current R&D on Laser-Compton or Inverse Compton Scattering 1275 Chao Feng Chorent Soft X-Ray Generation Based on Angular Dispersion Enhanced Microbunching in Storage Rings 1 7 1404 Marc Ross LCLS-II SC Linac: Challenges and Status 1276 Doa Xiang MeV Ultrafast Electron Diffration and Microscopy 1216 K.E. Deitrick Status of the CBETA Cornell-BNL ERL Prototype 6 1425 R.R. Lindberg XFEL-O Plans at SLAC and Elsewhere 1427 K.C. Harkay Operational Experience with Superconducting Undulators at APS 1381 A. Marinelli The Generation of Attosecond X-Ray Pulses 1353 A. Latina Compact Lignt and innovative Hard X-Ray FEL Design based in Xband Normal Conductive Cavities 1364 O. Tanaka Impedance Evaluation of the RF in-Vacuum Undulator: Theory, Simulations, and Measurment 1228 A. Zonlents Dielectric-Structure-Based FEL at ANL 1266 Tianhuan Luo RF Cavity Design of a Normal Conducting CW VHF Photon MOGA 1141 Haeryong Yang FEL Optimization through BBA and Lattie Matching 1172 Dmitry Kayran Fast Commissioning of a Stable 1.6 MeV 20 mA Electron Beam for RHIC Low-Energy Cooling X X X 2

3 All Proposals 3 ID Speakers Title 1st 2nd Score 1340 Lin Liu 12 2 26
1442 K. Harkay 1195 Youna Park 1356 Zhentang Zhao 1316 Dolgashev 1 1210 V.H. Ranjbar 3 1216 K.E. Deitrick 6 1353 A. Latina 4 1355 E. Allaria 5 11 1359 Y.C Chao 1361 S. Milton 1379 N. Pogue 1381 A. Marinelli 1364 O. Tanaka 1368 M. Venturini 1256 D. Robin 1385 Siqi Li 9 22 1395 John Galayda 1373 Ping He 1263 C.H. Boulware 1079 Fie Li 1228 A. Zonlents 1236 P.M. Anisimov 1121 Guimei Wang 1423 K.C. Harkay 1266 Tianhuan Luo 1424 Aimin Xiao 1425 R.R. Lindberg 1426 Y. Ivanyushenkov 1427 1275 Chao Feng 7 1404 Marc Ross 1408 A. Burril 1414 Xiaobiao Hunag 1287 A. Brachmann 1041 1042 1044 1193 S.M. Liuzzo 1063 G. Hoffstatter 1084 1336 1101 H. Tanaka 1103 W.B. Colson 1043 1075 R. Wanzenberg 1078 Warren Mori 1205 J. MacArthur 1141 Haeryong Yang 1172 Dmitry Kayran 1326 1231 Chi Hyun Shim 1331 S.G. Anderson 1334 David Jeremy 1276 Doa Xiang 3

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