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Optical micro/nanofiber and its application

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Presentation on theme: "Optical micro/nanofiber and its application"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fabrication of micro/nano fiber by using focused high-repetition-rate CO2 laser pulses

2 Optical micro/nanofiber and its application
Definition: Fiber waveguides with a submicrometric diameter are referred as optical fiber nanowires (or photonic nanowires): OFN. Those ones with diameter bigger than 1 μm are referred to optical fiber microwires (OFMs)

3 Purpose of this study Optimize the fabrication approach for micro/nano fiber by using focused high-repetition-rate CO2 laser pulses Explore the new applications of the micro/nano fiber (For examples: Fiber Bragg gratings formed in a nano-fiber LPGs formed in a nano-fiber Chiral grating formed in nano/micro fiber)

4 Experimental setup

5 Experimental results Before the Laser exposure
After the laser exposure and the fiber pulling process

6 Measuring results by using AFM
Length 18 [mm], Dia. D= [nm] Length 20 [mm], Dia. D= 455.5[nm]

7 Transmit spectrum (1) The fiber is lengthened about 1 mm

8 The fiber is lengthened about 10 mm
Transmit spectrum (2) The fiber is lengthened about 10 mm

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