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IEEE 802 Wireless Coexistence Study Group Thursday Meeting

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1 IEEE 802 Wireless Coexistence Study Group Thursday Meeting
July 2001 doc.: IEEE July 2001 IEEE 802 Wireless Coexistence Study Group Thursday Meeting Jim Lansford Chair, IEEE 802 Coexistence Study Group (405) Tim Blaney Secretary/Editor (530) Jim Lansford, Tim Blaney, Mobilian Corporation Jim Lansford, Tim Blaney, Mobilian Corporation

2 Goals for this week Resolve outstanding issues
July 2001 doc.: IEEE July 2001 Goals for this week Resolve outstanding issues Mission statement Membership/voting Engagement Ratification of results Does the SG propose a TAG or something else Rules review Determine if rules change will be needed Present to ExCom on Friday Meetings scheduled for this week: Tuesday 8-10AM (Columbia) Thursday 6:30-9:30PM (Salon A) Extension of SG will be needed to resolve outstanding issues Plan: Close on a proposal and ask for TAG formation at Nov plenary Jim Lansford, Tim Blaney, Mobilian Corporation Jim Lansford, Tim Blaney, Mobilian Corporation

3 Agenda for Thursday PM Meeting
July 2001 Agenda for Thursday PM Meeting TAG Definition Statement of Purpose Functional Charter Impact to Existing Efforts TAG Output TAG Structure Membership & Voting Coordination with ExCom Next steps Jim Lansford, Tim Blaney, Mobilian Corporation

4 What is a TAG? Rules: July 2001
Jim Lansford, Tim Blaney, Mobilian Corporation

5 July 2001 Statement of Purpose Goal is to have a group that can review and make coexistence recommendations to ExCom on current or proposed PARs within the established wireless WGs of the IEEE802 standards body Similar in concept to the FCC OET, which makes recommendations to the commissioners about policy The functional charter of this new group is to address the wireless coexistence issues across all wireless WGs Jim Lansford, Tim Blaney, Mobilian Corporation

6 Functional Charter Discussion
July 2001 Functional Charter Discussion This group is responsible for reviewing all unlicensed band proposed PARs The group generates a “guidance” report to ExCom relative to coexistence with published wireless standards and those in the development process This “guidance” report shall be used by ExCom as a technical expert opinion for evaluating the proposed PAR This group is responsible for generating a final review report of the Draft Standard prior to Sponsor Ballot This report will be presented to the sponsoring WG and ExCom and a copy will be sent to the Chair of all other wireless WGs within IEEE802 Jim Lansford, Tim Blaney, Mobilian Corporation

7 Impact to Existing Efforts
July 2001 Impact to Existing Efforts The activities of remain unchanged. They can continue working on their specific tasks at hand. The GSG remains unchanged. They can continue working on their specific tasks at hand. The Coexistence activity for Licensed bands remains unchanged. Jim Lansford, Tim Blaney, Mobilian Corporation

8 July 2001 TAG Output The output of the TAG is a written set of guidelines that should be adopted by the appropriate WG for inclusion in its relevant TG handling the coexistence issues. In the case of coexistence issues between and , the guidelines could be a recommendation for to write a recommended practice based on the TAGs findings In the case of coexistence issues within , the guidelines would be similar to For all other cases, where there is no active TG to undertake the writing of the recommended practice, the guidelines would recommend to ExCom that the appropriate WG create a TG to address the work as outlined in the TAG’s guidelines Jim Lansford, Tim Blaney, Mobilian Corporation

9 802 COEX TAG Structure July 2001
Jim Lansford, Tim Blaney, Mobilian Corporation

10 802 COEX TAG Procedures Membership & Voting Ratification of guidelines
July 2001 802 COEX TAG Procedures Membership & Voting Attendance at the 802 COEX Tag meetings is open to registered member of , or Voting at the 802 COEX Tag meetings is limited to voting members of , or Attendance at 802 COEX TAG meetings will count towards attendance at the individual’s primary WG Ratification of guidelines A guideline requires a 75% approval vote by the members of the 802 COEX TAG as outlined above The guideline is then presented to ExCom and the appropriate wireless WG(s) Jim Lansford, Tim Blaney, Mobilian Corporation

11 Regulatory & Coexistence Complementary Charters
July 2001 Regulatory & Coexistence Complementary Charters Regulatory TAG Harmonize the IEEE 802 activities with the worldwide regulatory bodies Coexistence TAG Harmonize the IEEE 802 activities with the internal wireless WGs relative to unlicensed bands Jim Lansford, Tim Blaney, Mobilian Corporation

12 July 2001 Next Steps Need to determine if a rule change is required for establishing voting rights The TAG would like attendance at its meeting to count towards attendance in the individual’s primary WG Coordinate activity with the Regulatory TAG to create a consistent message with ExCom The Regulatory TAG is an outwardly focused activity targeted at influencing decisions of the worldwide regulatory agencies relative to IEEE 802 desired directions The Coexistence TAG is an inwardly focused activity targeted at coordinating coexistence issues within and between the various wireless WGs in IEEE 802 Jim Lansford, Tim Blaney, Mobilian Corporation

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