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How do cognitive abilities change over time?

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Presentation on theme: "How do cognitive abilities change over time?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do cognitive abilities change over time?
What method can be used to answer this question? Different age groups once Confounding Variable: Cohort Effect Cross-Sectional Study Same age group tested over time Issue: Mortality Effect Longitudinal Study K. Warner Schaie-Seattle Longitudinal Study of Cognitive Ability Measured IQ of 5,000 participants (ages 20-80) Retested 7 years later Cross Sequential Resampling Design

2 Past Research Suggests…
Unless impaired by Alzheimer’s or other brain disorders… Cognitive abilities decline between early adulthood & old age. May remain “robust” into old age Crystallized Intelligence Most likely to decline in the following areas: Working Memory Processing Speed Organization Flexibility Control of Attention Fluid Intelligence

3 Brain Training? Good diet and exercise habits reduce the likelihood you'll develop high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease, all of which can decrease blood flow to your brain. Tobacco use generates free radicals that impair the message transfer process (neuron to neuron) within the brain. Abuse of alcohol not only impairs the message transfer process in the same manner as smoking, but also causes the destruction of brain cells. Stress causes your body to pump out increased levels of the hormone cortisol. Excessive cortisol levels can lead to the destruction of neurons in the hippocampus (the learning and memory center of the brain). Practice: Crossword puzzles, brain teasers, etc.

4 Giftedness Definition Measurement Criticism
People who show remarkably high levels of accomplishment Individuals classified as “gifted” tend to… Live longer Make more money Graduate from H.S. & College Measurement School achievement, aptitude & intelligence tests Criticism Predicting academic potential should not be done through a single measure.

5 Mental Impairment (Retardation)
Definition IQ score is less than 70 AND… Lack skills in daily living & communication Causes: Genetic Down Syndrome (IQ range: ) Fragile X Syndrome PKU: Body creates toxins out of food Causes: Environmental Rubella, Meningitis Alcohol Oxygen Deprivation during birth Brain Injuries/Tumors


7 Fragile X Return

8 Learning Disabilities
Definition Individuals who show discrepancy b/w measured intelligence & academic performance. Show problems in reading, writing, math. Diagnosis Often seen in individuals w/average or above average IQ scores. Da Vinci & Edison Several steps taken to reach a conclusive diagnosis Effectiveness of mainstreaming? Types Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, Dysphasia

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