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Division/Unit/Strand SPM

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1 Division/Unit/Strand SPM
Applying SPM Methods What if the whole agency has not undergone a systematic construction of strategic performance management? What if your Division, or your Unit within a Division, or your Strand of work that cuts across Units and Divisions, wants to up its game by adopting SPM methods?

2 Division/Unit/Strand SPM
Define the Purpose. In consideration of where the agency is heading write a Purpose statement by consensus of staff and with vetting from other Divisions and some vetting with stakeholders. Forge Strategies. Strategies are little logic models. If we do this, then this will happen. Set Milestones. Now, in accordance with strategies that flow from the Purpose statement, where do you want to be in one year?

3 Division/Unit/Strand SPM
Action Plan. Work groups create plans to meet the year-end Milestones. An action plan is made up of, what else?, actions. Each action is assigned to the person primarily responsible (but who will certainly get help-- collaboration), with a timeline and outputs designated. Feedback Loop. Now each month, each work group reports on the status of its work, and makes necessary adjustments in course.

4 Division/Unit/Strand SPM
What is Collaboration and how is it arranged? How does the Division/Unit/Strand engage others in collaborative work?

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