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JASON KEITH PHILLIPS Transportation Journal p.26-55, Winter 2004

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1 JASON KEITH PHILLIPS Transportation Journal p.26-55, Winter 2004
An Application of the Balanced Scorecard to Public Transit System Performance Assessment JASON KEITH PHILLIPS Transportation Journal p.26-55, Winter 2004 2019/4/28 交大運管碩一 葉育亘

2 Self-introduction 葉育亘 嘉義人 任維廉老師lab 音樂&電影 facebook 2019/4/28 交大運管碩一 葉育亘

3 outline Introduction The Metrics of Public Transit
Rationale for Categorizing Transit Performance Measures Methodology Used for Categorizing Transit Performance Measures Constructs of the Definition of Public Transit Performance Conclusions Reflection 2019/4/28 交大運管碩一 葉育亘

4 1.Introduction 私部門 平衡計分卡 公部門
Performance of government entities is being subjected to ever-increasing scrutiny. 公部門 私部門 Efficiency 平衡計分卡 Effectiveness Impact 2019/4/28 交大運管碩一 葉育亘

5 To exactly assess the performance of government entities.
1.Introduction 公部門 私部門 Applicability Comprehensive measures Shopping list 2019/4/28 交大運管碩一 葉育亘

6 What you measure is what you got.
1.Introduction A set of measures to give managers a fast but comprehensive view of their business. What you measure is what you got. 企業內部觀點 財務觀點 研發與學習觀點 顧客觀點 2019/4/28 KAPLAN NORTON 交大運管碩一 葉育亘

7 2.The Metrics of Public Transit
Doing things right The extent of a given output with the least possible use of resources. Output/input越高,效率越高 Efficiency Doing the right things The comparison of produced output (provided service) to intended output or objectives. 預期目標達成的程度 Effectiveness Externalities and indirect effects both beneficial and adverse, intended and unintended. Impact 2019/4/28 交大運管碩一 葉育亘

8 2.The Metrics of Public Transit
Effective Perspective Goals/Constructs Measures Are we doing things right? Effectiveness Perspective Goals/Constructs Measures Impact Perspective Goals/constructs Measures Are we doing the right thing? Are we producing the externalities we intend? 2019/4/28 交大運管碩一 葉育亘

9 3.Rationale for Categorizing Transit Performance Measures
Better able to indicate the relative performance between transit systems. Efficiency Relate more to the relative performance of one system over time in its own environment. Effectiveness Allow the effect of public transit on social well-being, economic improvement, and environmental quality to also be assessed. Impact 2019/4/28 交大運管碩一 葉育亘

10 4.Methodology Used for Categorizing Transit Performance Measures
Transit goals and objectives literature The literature in business, transportation, political science, and other social sciences. Categorize measurement sets. Duplicate constructs were eliminated. A comprehensive analysis of the literature on performance measures was undertaken. 2019/4/28 交大運管碩一 葉育亘

11 5.Constructs of the Definition of Public Transit Performance
Labor Input Vehicle Efficiency Capital Output Energy/fuel Maintenance Public transit 2019/4/28 交大運管碩一 葉育亘

12 5.Constructs of the Definition of Public Transit Performance
Input Labor 勞工成本佔運輸成本相當大的比例 有效率的運用勞工以提供運輸服務係關鍵因素 與勞工相關的支出佔大眾運輸營運成本80%以上(Sale and Green 1979) Also termed “labor productivity”, “labor utilization” Goals/ Constructs measure Labor efficiency Annual bus miles per operator Annual passengers per employee Annual vehicle-hours per annual employee-hour Passenger miles per employee hour Passengers per driver pay hour Peak vehicles per operating employee Peak vehicles per operating personnel 2019/4/28 交大運管碩一 葉育亘

13 5.Constructs of the Definition of Public Transit Performance
Input Vehicle Goals/ Constructs measure Vehicle efficiency % vehicle operating at peak Annual passenger per vehicle Annual vehicle miles of service per vehicle Revenue capacity miles per vehicle mile System-wide revenue hours per vehicle Total vehicle hours per bus Vehicle hours per peak vehicle requirement 大眾運輸工具投資及購置成本龐大,如何有效運用此設備愈顯重要 Also termed “vehicle productivity”, “vehicle utilization” 2019/4/28 交大運管碩一 葉育亘

14 5.Constructs of the Definition of Public Transit Performance
Input Capital Goals/ Constructs measure Profit maximization/ Loss minimization Average cost per vehicle hour Cost per trip Operator cost per passenger Passenger revenue per operating expense Self-sufficiency Operating revenue per operating expense Operating revenue per operating subsidy Subsidy per passenger Profit maximization/ Loss minimization: Assess the desire of the transit system to operate like a private firm Self-sufficiency: Assess the public’s willingness to pay for a particular operator’s provided service 2019/4/28 交大運管碩一 葉育亘

15 5.Constructs of the Definition of Public Transit Performance
Input Energy/ Fuel Goals/ Constructs measure Energy/ Fuel Efficiency Energy consumption per revenue vehicle hour Energy consumption per revenue vehicle mile Fuel cost per vehicle-mile Gallons of fuel per passenger Passenger-miles per gallon Revenue vehicle miles per gallon diesel Total vehicle miles per gallons of fuel consumed Fuel or its equivalent cost for transit vehicle is a major cost component Transit systems desire to maximize the fuel efficiency of their fleets 2019/4/28 交大運管碩一 葉育亘

16 5.Constructs of the Definition of Public Transit Performance
Input Maintenance Goals/ Constructs measure Maintenance Efficiency 1,000,000 vehicle miles per roadcall Annual bus miles per roadcall Lost vehicle-miles per breakdown Maintenance cost per maintenance man-hours Maintenance cost per vehicle Mean time to repair per breakdown Maintenance cost per seat mile Maintenance Efficiency: How efficiently the transit system maintains its vehicle with regard to cost Minimize maintenance cost : Additional monetary cost Customer satisfaction cost 2019/4/28 交大運管碩一 葉育亘

17 5.Constructs of the Definition of Public Transit Performance
Output Public transit Goals/ Constructs measure Maximization of produced output per dollar of cost Cost per unit revenue Labor cost per vehicle-mile Operating cost per vehicle Revenue per unit cost Maximization of consumed output per dollar of cost Annual revenue passengers per annual operating expense Cost per dollar of user benefit Operating cost per passenger Revenue per passenger-mile 產出≠消費 每消費一單位產出之成本≧每生產一單位產出之成本 2. Produced output per dollar of cost → quantity of service 3. Consumed output per dollar of cost → quality of service 2019/4/28 交大運管碩一 葉育亘

18 5.Constructs of the Definition of Public Transit Performance
Effectiveness Utilization of service Service quality Security Frequency of service Accessibility Passenger comfort Speed of service Reliability of service Operating safety General public satisfaction Passenger convenience 2019/4/28 交大運管碩一 葉育亘

19 5.Constructs of the Definition of Public Transit Performance
Effectiveness Utilization of service Goals/ Constructs measure Utilization of service Load factor Passenger mile per employee hour Passenger trips per peak vehicle Passengers per service area population Revenue passengers per capacity Total annual passengers/ service area population Total passengers per revenue vehicle mile Refer to how many passenger actually use the transit service 2019/4/28 交大運管碩一 葉育亘

20 5.Constructs of the Definition of Public Transit Performance
Effectiveness Security Crime incidents on transit vehicles and in transit facilities affects public mobility Accessibility The ability of persons to reach destinations such as work, shopping or recreation from residence with reasonable expenditures of time and effort Accessibility of the transit-dependent Security Accessibility Goals/ Constructs measure Secruity Number of crime incident related to transportation Accessibility % of residents more than 1 hour from key destinations % of residents not within “X” min of public transit service Percent employment served Percent of population served Percent transit-dependent served 2019/4/28 交大運管碩一 葉育亘

21 5.Constructs of the Definition of Public Transit Performance
Effectiveness Operating safety Physical injury to users and non-users Property damage Passenger convenience How easily transit patrons Closely related to constructs : “accessibility”, ”frequency…”, “reliability… Operating safety Passenger convenience Goals/ Constructs measure Operating safety Number of accidents per vehicle mile Number of injuries per vehicle mile Total revenue miles per accident 1,000,000 vehicle mile per accident Vehicle miles per accident Passenger convenience citizen perception of travel convenience 2019/4/28 交大運管碩一 葉育亘

22 5.Constructs of the Definition of Public Transit Performance
Effectiveness Frequency of service Speed of service Reliability of service Goals/ Constructs measure Frequency of service Frequency of performance Reliability of service Letter of complaint Lost vehicle-kms On-time performance Deviation from schedule / Ave passenger waiting time Speed of service Operating speed Time required to travel between major origin & destination points Frequency of service How often transit service is available to patrons Closely related to passenger convenience Reliability of service The ability of a transit system to provide service to its patrons as promised Speed of service The length of time required to travel between two points 2019/4/28 交大運管碩一 葉育亘

23 5.Constructs of the Definition of Public Transit Performance
Effectiveness Service quality How well service is provided 轉乘機會、潔淨、駕駛表現… Passenger comfort Crowdedness Noise level Temperature and odors Jerkiness of the ride Inclement weather affect Internal cleanliness of vehicles General public satisfaction The satisfaction of transit users and non-users Service quality Passenger comfort General public satisfaction Goals/ Constructs measure Service quality % on-time arrivals % transfers Average bus age Number of vehicles per route mile Percent trips missed Passenger comfort Index to road surface quality Citizen perception of travel comfort General prblic satisfaction Citizen perception of overall adequacy of transportation services 2019/4/28 交大運管碩一 葉育亘

24 5.Constructs of the Definition of Public Transit Performance
Impact Accessibility of the Transit-Dependent Urban Development / Revitalization Attraction and Retention of Commuter Traffic Pollution Reduction Reduction of Congestion Reduction of Energy Consumption The macro effects of public transit and reflect the efficiency and effectiveness of transit, as well as external and indirect effects on social well-being, economic development, and environmental quality. 2019/4/28 交大運管碩一 葉育亘

25 5.Constructs of the Definition of Public Transit Performance
Impact Accessibility of the Transit-Dependent Urban Development / Revitalization Attraction and Retention of Commuter Traffic Goals/ Constructs measure Accessibility of the transit-dependent % elderly and handicapped served % route miles in low income area Passengers per elderly population Percent transit dependent served Total vehicle hours per elderly service area population Accessibility of the transit-dependent Advocated by society via government directives Urban development/ revitalization Controlling urban development and revitalizing declining areas is a common goal Attraction and retention of commuter traffic Its positive impact on both transit revenues and those individuals who do not use public transit 2019/4/28 交大運管碩一 葉育亘

26 5.Constructs of the Definition of Public Transit Performance
Impact Pollution Reduction Reduction of Congestion Goals/ Constructs measure Pollution reduction Air pollution attributable to transportation sources Cost per vehicle mile of travel reduced Noise levels along transportation corridors Reduction of energy consumption Energy consumption per revenue vehicle hour Fuel cost per vehicle-mile Passenger-km per litre Vehicle capacity miles per gallon diesel Reduction of Energy Consumption Pollution reduction (air, water, noise, etc.) caused by transit system and provide a negative externality for urbanized area Reduction of congestion It can be measured by the index of frequency, duration, and/or intensity Reduction of energy consumption 大眾運輸系統之資源使用效率較私人運具為佳 永續發展 2019/4/28 交大運管碩一 葉育亘

27 6.Conclusions BSC Approach on Public Transit Efficiency Effectiveness
Impact Shopping List Comprehensive List of Transit System Goals and Performance Measures 2019/4/28 交大運管碩一 葉育亘

28 BSC使非財務性指標可加入對企業及政府衡量的機制
7.Reflection 永續發展已是國際趨勢 BSC使非財務性指標可加入對企業及政府衡量的機制 社會面與環境面的影響衝擊是很重要的議題 2019/4/28 交大運管碩一 葉育亘

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