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Dave Judd Kathy Yelick Computer Science Division UC Berkeley

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1 Dave Judd Kathy Yelick Computer Science Division UC Berkeley
Compiling for VIRAM Dave Judd Kathy Yelick Computer Science Division UC Berkeley 4/28/2019

2 VIRAM Compiler Based on Cray Inc production compiler
Used on the T90, C90, as well as the T3D and T3E Being ported by Cray Inc to the SV2 architecture C, C++, and Fortran 95 front-ends Fortran not supported in VIRAM Extensive vectorization, restructuring capability VIRAM code generator based on new SV2 code generator SV2 code gen being developed in parallel w/ VIRAM SV2 vector architecture similar to VIRAM 4/28/2019

3 VIRAM Compiler Status Frontends Optimizer Code Generators C T3D/T3E
PDGCS C90/T90/SV1 Fortran95 SV2/VIRAM VIRAM vector & MIPS scalar support Compiles & executes C & C++ commercial test suites Compiles and executes several Cray vector C test suites 4/28/2019

4 Progress Since Winter Retreat
“-n32” ABI implemented, replacing “–64” C++ support, modena test suite Code scheduler Code cleanup for vl, mvl, vbase, vinc registers Sync support partially implemented Addl. “vector4” test suite executes correctly Eliminate dependency on Cray include files Vectorize loops w/ 8, 16 bit data A “few” bugs fixed 4/28/2019

5 Compiler Testing C regression test suite (commercial test suite)
Scalar emphasis, C conformance All tests pass except: Small numerical differences due to lack on 128 f.p. support C++ test suite 1167 of 1183 tests execute correctly. 12 failures in compilation: “undefined variables” 4 failures in execution: bad answers 4/28/2019

6 Compiler Testing Vector regression test suites (CRAY)
Specifically tests for vectorization Compares vector and scalar results Easy to isolate problems “vector” status: 59 of 62 tests pass Some minor numerical differences 1 bad answer, 2 integer overflow “vector4” status 163 of 165 tests execute correctly 1 bad anwer, 1 illegal use of vector inst. 4/28/2019

7 Kernel Performance: mvm matrix-vector multiplication
64x64, 32 bit floating pt. Hand optimized assembly code 579 mflops vcc w/ restrict keywords added 352 mflops + 1 element padding to avoid bank conflicts 401 mflops + shortloop directive Loops interchanged & outer loop vectorized by vcc. 592 mflops 4/28/2019

8 Mods to mvm code /* Original code mvm.c */ /* Modified code */
void mvm (float * A, void mvm (float * restrict A, float * X, float * restrict X, float * Y, float * restrict Y, int n, int n, int acol ) { int acol ) { int i,j; int i,j; float x_elem < if ( n <= 64 ) { if ( n <= 64 ) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { #pragma shortloop for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { Y[j] += A[j*acol+i] * x_elem; Y[j] += A[j*acol+i] * X[i]; } } } } } } } } 4/28/2019

9 Kernel performance: mm_mul matrix –matrix multiplication
64x64x64, 32 bit float, 1.6 gigaflop theoretical peak Hand coded assembly mm-mul-small.s 1.58 gigaflops vcc w/ restrict and shortloop keywords 0.852 gigaflops + inner two loops in separate function, allows outer loop vectorization 1.51 gigaflops 4/28/2019

10 Kernel performance: saxpy
32 bit floating point ops N=64 256 1024 4096 Hand coded assembly vcc w/restrict keywords 379 593 691 720 385 596 692 721 4/28/2019

11 Kernel performance: motion_estimate
32 bit integer ops, finding the minimum sum of absolute differences for a reference block and a region in an image. Hand optimized assembly 1.181 gigaops vcc w/restrict keywords 170 mops + shortloop directives 253 mops + outer loop unroll directive 257 mops* *No improvement because of spilling. 4/28/2019

12 Dongarra loops 100 loops to test compiler vectorization capability
Rewritten in C by Cray (?) vcc vectorizes 74 loops vcc partially vectorizes 3 loops vcc conditionally vectorizes 3 loops 1 loop not vectorized because vector sin/cos not currently available on viram. 19 other loops not vectorized Data provided by Sam Williams 4/28/2019

13 Features Remaining: Support version 3 isa and version 4 isa:
Isa changes required by Mips Inc. scalar core Performance simulator only supports “old”isa Finish sync support take advantage of Cray implementation VIRAM machine “target” Allow easier maintainence of frontend and optimizer mods for viram User documentation Summary of differences w/Cray compiler Useful options, hints for vector code 4/28/2019

14 Performance Features Remaining
Additional tuning: instruction scheduler Support new SV2 inliner for C/C++ Shortloop enhancements Reduce spilling Scheduler concern with registers Ordering of blocks for register assignment within “priority groups” Special vector registers carried across calls Loop unrolling for vector loops Tune for key benchmarks 4/28/2019

15 Other Future Compiler Features ?
Support for speculative execution Compiler extensions for fixed point hardware Support for vector functions; vector mlib 4/28/2019

16 Summary vcc is a reasonably robust compiler for VIRAM
Performance on kernels is good w/appropriate directives, some effort for optimum vectorization Need to prioritize remaining work 4/28/2019

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22 Backup slides follow 4/28/2019

23 Vector Architectural State
VP0 VP1 VPvl-1 vr0 vr1 vr31 vpw Data Registers Virtual Processors (vl) Number of VPs given by the Vector Length register vl Width of each VP given by the register vpw vpw is one of {8b,16b,32b,64b} Maximum vector length is given by a read-only register mvl mvl depends on implementation and vpw: {128,128,64,32} in VIRAM-1 4/28/2019

24 Codegen/optimizer issues for VIRAM
Variable virtual processor width (VPW) Variable maximum vector register length (MVL) Vector flag registers treated as 1 bit wide vector register Multiple base, incr, stride regs. + autoincrement Fixed point arithmetic (saturating add, etc.) Memory consistency New vector instructions not available on SV2 4/28/2019

25 Generating Code for Variable VPW
Strategy: vectorizer determines minimum correct vpw for each loop nest Vectorizer assumes vpw=64 initially At end of vectorization, discard vectorized copy of loop if greatest width encountered is less than 64 and start vectorization over with new vpw. Code gen checks vpw for each loop nest. Limitation: a single loop nest will run at the speed of the widest type. Reason: simplicity & performance of the common case No attempt to split/combine loops based on vpw 4/28/2019

26 Generating Code for Variable MVL
Maximum vector length is not specified in IRAM ISA. However, compiler assumes mvl at compile time mvl based on vpw mvl assumption dependent on VIRAM-1 hardware implementation Recompiling required for future hardware versions if mvl changes MVL knowledge useful for code gen and vectorizer: register spilling short loop vectorization length-dependent vectorization ( and may eliminate safe vector length computation at run time) for (i = 0; i < n; i=++) a[i] = a[i+32] 4/28/2019

27 Memory consistency Sync instructions: SaV VaS VaV vp RaW WaR WaW

28 VIRAM Tools vas: assembler vdis: disassembler vsim-isa: simulator
vsim-db: debugger vsim-p: performance simulator vsim-sync:memory consistency simulator 4/28/2019

29 vsim-sync Intended for debugging and optimizing sync’s
Tells you when there is a data hazard (sync needed) Tells you when a sync executed that didn’t prevent a hazard; sync may not be needed according to dynamic execution sync may be needed on some other execution path 4/28/2019

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