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Yuki Yamanashi, I. Okawa, N. Yoshikawa

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1 4EY-07 Design Approach of Dynamically Reconfigurable Single Flux Quantum Logic Gates
Yuki Yamanashi, I. Okawa, N. Yoshikawa Yokohama National University (YNU) Aug. 5, 2010.

2 Table of Contents Background
Implementation method of dynamically reconfigurable SFQ logic devices Implementation method Dynamically reconfigurable JTL/DFF circuit Dynamically reconfigurable AND/OR gate Variable bit-length shift register Conclusion

3 Background Reconfigurable logic device Programmable logic array (PLA)
Field programmable gate array (FPGA) FPGA-like SFQ Circuit Fourie et al., IEEE TAS 17 (2007) 538.

4 Motivation Reconfigurable SFQ devices previously implemented
Characteristic modulation by external dc control current Not suitable for high-speed operation Dynamically reconfigurable SFQ devices

5 Table of Contents Background
Implementation method of dynamically reconfigurable SFQ logic devices Implementation method Dynamically reconfigurable JTL/DFF circuit Dynamically reconfigurable AND/OR gate Variable bit-length shift register Conclusion

6 “Statically” Reconfigurable JTL/DFF Circuit
Ib clk JTL-mode (din -> dout) Ib din dout DFF-Mode 7.9 pH 169 mA

7 “Dynamically” Reconfigurable JTL/DFF Circuit
NDRO Set_to_jtl Set_to_dff DFF

8 Operation Principle JTL/DFF Circuit
JTL-mode (din -> dout) Set_to_jtl Set_to_dff Ib Set_to_jtl input DFF Initial state Ib DFF-Mode

9 Simulation Result JTL/DFF Circuit
JTL mode DFF mode set_to_jtl set_to_dff clk din dout Time (ps) Simulated dc bias margin: 74% - 126%

10 Reconfigurable JTL/DFF Cell
NDRO 80 mm SRL 2.5 kA/cm2 Nb Standard Process DFF

11 Measured Waveform JTL/DFF Circuit
Measured dc bias margin: 72% - 107%

12 Measurement Results JTL/DFF Circuit

13 Dynamically Reconfigurable AND/OR Gate

14 Simulation Result AND/OR Gate
OR-mode AND-mode Set_to_or Set_to_and A B CLK DOUT Time (ps) Bias Margin: 89% - 127%

15 Table of Contents Background
Implementation method of dynamically reconfigurable SFQ logic devices Implementation method Dynamically reconfigurable JTL/DFF circuit Dynamically reconfigurable AND/OR gate Variable bit-length shift register Conclusion

16 Variable Bit-Length Shift Register (SR)
Control circuit for pipelined processor Bit-shifter for floating point calculation Dynamically reconfigurable JTL/DFF circuit Set_to_jtl Set_to_dff

17 Measurement Results 4-bit Variable Bit-Length SR
1-bit mode 3-bit mode Clock_input Data_input Data_output 3-bit shift 1-bit shift Dc bias margin: 71% - 91%

18 Conclusion Investigation of implementation method of dynamically reconfigurable SFQ logic devices Implementation of the reconfigurable devices Reconfigurable JTL/DFF circuit AND/OR gate, NAND/NOR gate Demonstration of operation of variable bit-length shift register composed of dynamically reconfigurable SFQ logic devices

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