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Entrepreneurship Week 14 the complete Business Plan

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1 Entrepreneurship Week 14 the complete Business Plan

2 Assignment Dates December 7 – Business Plan – part 2 rewrites due December 9 – Business Plan -- part 3 December 14 & 16 – Group Presentations December 21, 23 – Business Plan presentations

3 Group Presentation Your group will describe one of these business resources in Oman: sharikati

4 Group Presentation Your presentation will include:
An Introduction – names of the people in your group A description of the organization – where are they located and what is their mission? What help do they provide small companies?

5 Group Presentation Before you start your presentation, you will give me a sheet of paper with all the names and ID numbers of people in your group, and the name of the organization you studied. Marks – ____ Can I hear you? ____ Is your English correct? ____ Are your descriptions complete? ____ Does every member of your group do some part of the presentation

6 General Outline for Business Plans
Executive Summary Business Overview [You did as plan part 1] Marketing Plan [You did as plan part 2] Risks Operations Plan Management Financial Plan [You did as plan part 3] Offering (if seeking investors)

7 Executive Summary The Company – your name and location
The product – what will you create or sell? Market potential – how many customers are there? Operations Plan – how will you make your product? Distinctive Competency – what makes your business special? Financial Plan – how will you make money?

8 Business Overview Business Description
Distinctive competence – what makes this business special? Achievements to date – what have you done so far? Research you have conducted. Product testing you have done. Sample sales.

9 Marketing Plan Advantages of your product Market definition
Market size Market strategy Competitors Sales plan

10 Risks Imitation Production risks Personnel/leadership risks
Legal risks Experience limits

11 Operations Plan Initial work – set up Production Plan Growth Plan

12 Management Advisory Board Executive Team Management Team Employees

13 Financial Information
Payment Terms / policies Warranties Financing sources Financing plan

14 Ice cream store example Business Overview
Business Description - I plan to open an ice cream shop in the Nizwa Mall. Distinctive competence – While other ice cream shops have 3-5 flavors of ice cream, I will have 12 flavors. I will also host special birthday events for children. Achievements to date – I have conducted a survey of customers. I found they are attracted by the variety of ice cream and the location. They find my pricing good.

15 Ice cream store example Marketing Plan
Advantages of your product – I will have more kinds of ice cream Market definition – I will sell to the people of Nizwa Market size – 43,000 people live in Nizwa Market strategy – I will focus on children Competitors – 3 other ice cream shops are in Nizwa Sales plan – I will set up displays in the Nizwa mall, and I will advertise on the radio

16 Ice cream shop example Risks
Imitation – It is possible other ice cream shops will also start offering more flavors of ice cream. Production risks – I am relying on an ice cream manufacturer for ice cream Personnel/leadership risks – I have never owned such a store before Legal risks – we must be careful if children get injured in our store Experience limits – I have no business experience

17 Ice cream shop example Operations Plan
Initial work – set up – The shop we have rented in Nizwa Mall will require painting and decorating. Also, we need to install two freezers to hold the ice cream and a basin to wash spoons. Production Plan – We will purchase our ice cream from Muscat Creamery in 10 liter buckets. They will deliver ice cream to our shop once per week. Growth Plan – If sales are good, we will expand the flavors of our ice cream and host more birthday parties.

18 Ice cream shop Example Management
Advisory Board – My father has run a successful business for 23 years. I will use him as an advisor. Executive Team – I will be the president of this company. Management Team – I will manage the store. Employees – I do not have plans for any employees at first. As the business grows, I may hire one person to work during times of high traffic.

19 Ice cream shop example Financial Information
Payment Terms / policies – We will accept cash and bank cards. I have contacted a bank about this process. Warranties – We will give all money back if a customer does not like the ice cream. Financing sources – I plan to borrow 5,000 OMR from my father. I will ask Bank of Muscat for a loan of 7,000 OMR. Financing plan – I will ask that the bank loan be paid back over 36 months.

20 Restaurant example Business Overview
Business Description - I plan to open a small restaurant specializing in traditional Omani foods. It will be located in Bahla. Distinctive competence – There are many restaurants in Bahla, but none of them include traditional Omani food. Achievements to date – I have conducted a survey of customers. I found they like the kinds of food I will prepare. They say they will bring their families. They find my pricing good.

21 Restaurant example Marketing Plan
Advantages of your product – Omani food is popular and easy to make. Market definition – I will sell to the people of Bahla Market size – 13,000 people live in Bahla Market strategy – I will focus on families Competitors – 23 other restaurants are in Bahla Sales plan – I will set up a Facebook page and send out tweets about the restaurant.

22 Restaurant example Risks
Imitation – It is possible other restaurants will start adding traditional Omni meals to their menu. Production risks – I will need a good cook who can make these meals quickly – and well. Personnel/leadership risks – I have never owned such a restaurant before Legal risks – we must be careful if people get sick from our food Experience limits – I have no business experience

23 Restaurant example Operations Plan
Initial work – set up – We have found a former restaurant that is for rent. It will need to be cleaned and all new cooking equipment will be needed. Also, it will need new tables and chairs. Production Plan – Some meals we will try to cook in advance and freeze. Then we can quickly cook them in a microwave when customers arrive. Most meals will need to be cooked when ordered. Growth Plan – I have no immediate plans for growth.

24 Restaurant Example Management
Advisory Board – My mother and my aunts will create a list of traditional foods and will advise me on the menu. Executive Team – I will be the owner of this restaurant. Management Team – My mother and I will both manage the restaurant. Employees – I will need two employees. One will help my mother in the kitchen. Another will bring food to the customers.

25 Restaurant example Financial Information
Payment Terms / policies – We will accept cash and bank cards. I have contacted a bank about this process. Warranties – We will give all money back if a customer does not like the food. Financing sources – I plan to borrow 15,000 OMR from my father. I will ask Bank of Muscat for a loan of 10,000 OMR. Financing plan – I will ask that the bank loan be paid back over 36 months.

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