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Habit #3 Put First Things First

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Presentation on theme: "Habit #3 Put First Things First"— Presentation transcript:

1 Habit #3 Put First Things First

2 Time Management Survey
Give yourself 1 point for each statement below that is true about you: ___ I regularly use a planner, calendar, or agenda. ___ I get my assignments in on time. ___ I break large projects into smaller pieces. ___ I do important tasks before fun activities. ___ I make lists of things that need to be done. ___ I tend to plan ahead and I rarely procrastinate. ___ I am usually on time to school and events. ___ I have a place to study that is free of distractions. ___ I have specific goals for my future. ___ I do my homework when I am most alert. Scoring: points means you are a good time manager!

3 Have You Ever Heard… there’s not enough time in the day?
It should be restated, “There’s not enough organized time in the day.”

4 How is Your Day Like a Suitcase?
You can’t fit everything into an unorganized suitcase You can fit everything into an organized suitcase

5 Your Day is Like a Jar Full of Rocks, Pebbles, and Sand
Running Time: 8:18

6 Time Quadrants

7 Be prepared to share out with the class!
What is important to you? In your notes, take 3 minutes to list your top: 5 big rocks (very important things you spend time on) 4 pebbles (less important things you spend time on) 3 pieces of sand (things that don’t matter much at all) Be prepared to share out with the class!

8 Silent Reading Read about time management on pages in the book entitled The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey. Take down one page of Cornell notes.

9 Time Management Log

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