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I can recognize statistical vs non- statistical questions

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Presentation on theme: "I can recognize statistical vs non- statistical questions"— Presentation transcript:

1 I can recognize statistical vs non- statistical questions

2 Real World Link How many hours of sleep did you get last night? 1. 6.
5. Number of hours Responses

3 Vocabulary Statistical Question - A question that anticipates and accounts for a variety of answers. (Does not have an exact answer) Ex: How many text messages do you send each day? What is the minimum driving age for each state in the US? How many movies do you own?

4 Vocabulary Non-Statistical Question - A question with one set answer that will not change. Ex. How many days are in March? How tall is Mount Everest? How many people attended the concert last night?

5 Statistical vs Non-Statistical
Which of the following is an example of a statistical question? A. How long did it take Hilary to get to school? B. What grades did the students get on the test?

6 Statistical vs Non-Statistical
Which of the following is an example of a statistical question? A. How old are the children in Madison’s class? B. How old is Madison?

7 Statistical vs Non-Statistical
Which of the following is an example of a statistical question? A. What is your favorite Olympic sport to watch? B. When are the next Olympic games?

8 Statistical vs Non-Statistical
An antique collector wants to know the age of a particular chair in a shop. Statistical Non - Statistical

9 Statistical vs Non-Statistical
How tall is Sam? Statistical Non- Statistical

10 Statistical vs Non-Statistical
How tall do the people in your immediate and extended family tend to be? Statistical Non- Statistical

11 Statistical vs Non-Statistical
How much did your classmates typically spend on music downloads last year? Statistical Non- Statistical

12 Statistical vs Non-Statistical
The journalism club surveyed students in the library and asked: About how much time do you spend reading each day? Statistical Non- Statistical

13 Statistical vs Non-Statistical
A sixth grader asks her guidance counselor: How many clubs and sports are open to sixth graders at this school? Statistical Non- Statistical

14 Statistical vs Non-Statistical
Which of the following is not a statistical question? How much money did each class raise at the bake sale? How many people voted for each of the different candidates? What are the different careers chosen by the students who graduated? What is Daniel’s favorite television show?

15 Statistical vs Non-Statistical
Which of the following is not a statistical question? What is your favorite sport to watch? When is the next home basketball game? What was the last sports game you watched at this school?

16 Statistical vs Non-Statistical
Which of the following is a statistical question? How many hours did you sleep last night? How many hours did the students in your class sleep last night? How many hours did your friend spend reading last night? How many hours did your teacher spend reading on Saturday?

17 Be sure to explain all of your answers.
On your Own Complete: Pg 807 #1-4 Be sure to explain all of your answers.

18 Partner Up With your partner, come up with 3 statistical questions and 3 non-statistical questions. Choose your favorite statistical question. Survey the class using your favorite question. RECORD YOUR DATA!

19 How and why are statistical questions used in the real world?
Wrap-up How and why are statistical questions used in the real world?

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