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The Open Data Institute

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Presentation on theme: "The Open Data Institute"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Open Data Institute
Deborah Yates @deborah_yates

2 Our strategy Why we do what we do Our key levers

3 Our vision We want people, organisations and communities to use data to make better decisions and be protected from any harmful impacts.

4 Our theory of change How value is created from data

5 Our theory of change Scenario:
What happens when we hoard data – the oil field

6 Our theory of change Scenario:
What happens when we fear data – the wasteland

7 Our theory of change We are one of many organisations working towards a good balance between encouraging and restricting how data is collected and used.

8 Our mission We work with companies and governments to build an open,
trustworthy data ecosystem.

9 Our theory of change How do we achieve scale
regulators advocates advisors suppliers media researchers

10 Our strategy Why we do what we do Our key levers
Three approaches to achieve sustainable behaviour

11 Our strategy: our key levers Sector programmes
We tackle a social or economic problem using data and an open approach Coordinate organisations to tackle a social or economic problem with data and an open approach. Benefits - addresses problem & improves data management practices within organisations involved. E.g. OpenActive, Open Banking, GODAN Action

12 Our strategy: our key levers Practical advocacy
We advocate for good data practices, and provide the tools and training to help people to achieve it Work as a critical friend with business and government, and create products they can use to support change. Not just arguments - practical tools, created in the language of the organisation E.g. data ethics canvas, Defra data maturity model, data publishing tools

13 Our strategy: our key levers Peer networks
We bring people together to support and learn from each other Bring together peers in similar situations to learn together - collaboration & network thinking. E.g. corporate partners, members, nodes, open data leaders, Sainsburys partners & suppliers

14 Data sharing is on a spectrum

15 ODI Geospatial project 2018
Unlocking the potential of open geospatial data & technology in the UK

16 ODI Geospatial project 2018: outputs Paper Guidance Prototypes
Stimulus fund Current opportunities and challenges Which data source Licensing File conversion Schemas Support activity to improve collection, publication or use of open geospatial data

17 Geospatial data infrastructure paper
Geospatial Roadmap Pre- discovery Geospatial data infrastructure paper Stimulus fund Prototype 1: file conversion Octopub Prototype 2: Schemas Desk research Prototypes 3 & 4 3. Data guide 4. Licensing guide User research 2018 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 2019 Sprint >

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