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The Nazis Coming to Power

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1 The Nazis Coming to Power
Lesson Starter: Thinking about what you learned last time, which aspect of the Nazis campaign do you think was most important? Give a reason for your answer. Policies/Promises Propaganda Appearance The importance of key individuals

2 We are learning to… I can…
Analyse the reasons why Hitler was appointed as Chancellor. I can… Describe the process by which Hitler became Chancellor in January 1933. Evaluate which factor was the most important to Hitler

3 Background By the early 1930s, the Nazis had gained many supporters.
They were now a real political force in Germany. Look at the election results on the next slide…

4 By July 1932, the Nazis were the largest party in the Reichstag.
Other politicians could no longer ignore them as a small extremist party.

5 The Road to Power The Nazis grow in power Hitler becomes Chancellor

6 The Road to Power Some politicians thought they could use the Nazis’ popularity to their advantage. Von Papen and Von Schleicher wanted to ensure that left-wing politicians did not gain power. VP and VS were convinced that they were smarter than Hitler and could easily control him.

7 They worked together to convince President Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as Chancellor.
Hindenburg did not trust Hitler and thought he was dangerous. He offered Hitler the role of Vice Chancellor but Hitler refused.

8 The Nazis showed their power in the Reichstag by walking out of the parliament.
This meant that bills/laws could not be passed. Eventually, Hindenburg had little option but to offer Hitler the role of Chancellor in January 1933.

9 Describe the process by which Hitler became Chancellor. 4 marks
Remember: DESCRIBE – Say what happened This is N5 – all answers are full sentences – no bulletpoints! 4 marks = 4 separate points. What allowed Hitler to become Chancellor? Keep it relevant – Hyperinflation, Beer Hall Putsch too long ago etc.

10 Sort the cards into two categories':
Hitler’s own actions Other Events Extension Do any of these causes/reasons link to others?

11 Take a new page. Heading – NAZI RISE TO POWER
Sub-Heading – MOST IMPORTANT Sub-Heading – LEAST IMPORTANT Organise and glue in your factors from MOST important to LEAST important Be prepared to justify your opinion


13 Extension What factors develop as a result of the Wall Street Crash?

14 Analysis WHY? Can you make any links between your factors?
For example: Wall Street Crash Nazis gain more support WHY?

15 In Summary The Nazis are now the largest party in the Reichstag
BUT they do not have a majority Other political parties and politicians are working to stop Hitler So…… What should the Nazis do next?

16 Soon after Hitler was appointed as Chancellor, a new election was called.
Between January and March 1933, the SA were given orders to protect Nazi meetings. The SA were permitted to disrupt meetings held by their opponents and intimidate anyone who spoke against the Nazis. Besides this, the Socialists and Communists refused to work together after the Spartacist revolt. Hitler was legally handed power by right-wing politicians and there was no effective opposition to stop the Nazis gaining control.

17 Revision Task - Homework
Create a revision diagram on the “Appeal of the Nazis” It should contain: Four sections – policies, propaganda, Hitler as a leader and Nazis vs. Communists Detailed information on the four topics (at least 3 points in each) Symbols/ Pictures which help jog your memory Due Thursday 23rd November

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