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RR-TAG Closing Report Report of the March 2011 Plenary meeting

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1 802.18 RR-TAG Closing Report Report of the March 2011 Plenary meeting
Work planned for the May interim meeting Michael Lynch, MJ Lynch & Associates

2 Report of the March Meeting
Approved four documents: Update of Sub-clause This provides an update to Recommendation ITU-R M.1457 which deals with IMT It provides an update to that Recommendation in regards to Proposed Modification to PDNR [IMT-RSPEC] - This provides input from in regards to the ITU-R WP5D's work on IMT-Advanced Contribution on WP1A PDNR on Smart Grid - This provides the initial IEEE 802 input to the Proposed Draft New Report on Smart Grid Power Management Systems Cover letter for the input to ITU-R WP1A - This is the document that will be used to transmit to ITU-R WP1A. It also shows that IEEE 802 plans a further contribution Michael Lynch, MJ Lynch & Associates

3 Report of the March Meeting
Deferred two documents to a conference call scheduled for March 29th: Vocabulary terms related to IEEE This document adds terms related to and IMT-Advanced to Recommendation M It was not possible to complete the two annexes providing the vocabulary and definitions by the end of the March meeting IEEE position on 2.4 GHz - This deals with the European rules on the use of the 2.4 GHz frequency band. It was not possible to receive further inputs from some European colleagues. The author will provide those further inputs for the March 29th conference call Michael Lynch, MJ Lynch & Associates

4 Work Planned for the May Meeting
March 2011 Work Planned for the May Meeting Review/discuss any new regulatory rules or proposed rules between meetings Begin work on the follow-on input to ITU-R WP1A on SG communications Michael Lynch, MJ Lynch & Associates

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