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Starting Your MyCoalition Account

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Presentation on theme: "Starting Your MyCoalition Account"— Presentation transcript:

1 Starting Your MyCoalition Account
In the next 20 minutes, we are going to help you get started on MyCoalition—a free college planning resource that will help you complete your application to more than 100 colleges and universities. We will start by creating an account. Then, we will have you answer some basic questions to help you learn how to complete your Profile. After we help you complete a portion of your Profile, we will show you how to store the progress in your Locker and connect with a mentor who can help as questions come up. Next, we will show you how to build a list of colleges that you are interested in attending. And, finally, we will introduce you to MyCoalition Counselor.

2 Start with “Create a New Account”
Let’s get started! Go to (you can use a computer or mobile device).

3 Create Your Account Enter your ; create a password; enter your name and birthday; then click: create account. Password must be 8 characters long You will need to verify your address and then can log in to begin work.

4 MyCoalition Tutorial - Profile
When you first open your account, you will answer a few questions to help us help you. After completing the quick snapshot questions, you can take a quick tour of MyCoalition with the tutorial. Anyone with a student account can view the tutorial at any time.

5 MyCoalition Tutorial - Locker
The tutorial will introduce you your Locker, a free digital storage space within MyCoalition.

6 MyCoalition Tutorial - Colleges
Next, it will show you how to add colleges to your college list.

7 MyCoalition Tutorial – Get Help
Finally, it will show you where and how to get help that you need as you are working in MyCoalition. Remember, you can view this tutorial at any time.

8 Personal Information Now, we are going to get started on your Profile, beginning with Personal Information. Enter your middle name, if you wish Preferred name, if you wish Gender, if you wish

9 Personal Information, con’t
Are you currently in school? * Yes, high school Have you graduated from high school? * No Have you taken college courses post-high school graduation? * Yes What year do you plan to begin studying at your next college? * 2019 (currently a junior) 2020 (currently a sophomore) 2021 (currently a freshman)

10 Demographic Information
Next, we will look at Demographic Information. Portions of this section are optional.

11 Demographic Information
Make sure to point out the “tool tip” blue question marks and have students unfold those to see description.

12 Contact Information Now, we will enter contact information. Enter your phone number and address. Don’t worry about whether or not this information will change by the time you apply to college—you can always update it!

13 Fee Waiver Now, we are going to look at the Fee Waiver section. Click on “Fee Waiver” on the left side bar. Answer the questions to see if you qualify for an application fee waiver.

14 Your Application After answering the “Fee Waiver” questions, select “Generate Profile PDF” When you generate the Profile, you will be adding the first document to your Locker! Let’s check the Locker out next.

15 Your Application Note the green message stating the PDF was generated and is located in your locker.

16 Locker Select “Media” from the “Locker” dropdown menu.

17 Locker You can now find the Profile PDF located at the lower left. Select the Profile PDF.

18 Locker Here you can view your Profile PDF. You can also share documents in your Locker with your contacts once you generate them. What can I put in my Locker? — You can store anything you want in your locker! For example: — Your personal journal — A video of last year’s robotics competition — Photos from your Habitat for Humanity project — School essays you are proud of

19 College List Select ”Colleges” on the top navigation bar to create a list of colleges.

20 College List Here you can search for a college or select “+Show List”…

21 College List Scroll through the list to see all of the Coalition Colleges. Select “ADD TO LIST” to start building your college list.

22 College List You will see your list of colleges show up below the list.

23 College List You can also share your college list with an advisor—just like you shared your progress toward your application.

24 MyCoalition Counselor
Now, we want to introduce you to MyCoalition Counselor, a directory of resources and articles about getting ready for college. From tests to recommendations, financial aid to essays, we have you covered!

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