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AF1 Thinking scientifically

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Presentation on theme: "AF1 Thinking scientifically"— Presentation transcript:

1 AF1 Thinking scientifically
AF 1.1 Using Scientific Models AF 1.2 Considering Evidence AF 1.3 How have scientific ideas become accepted? AF 1.4 How have scientific ideas been challenged by new evidence?

2 AF2 Effects of Society on Science
AF2.1 Appreciate the effects of science on society AF2.2 How Science leads to technological developments AF2.3 The effects of technological developments on society and the environment AF2.4 The role of science in industry

3 AF3 Communicating and collaboration
AF3.1 Communicate Scientific Ideas AF 3.2 Using scientific words and symbols correctly AF 3.3 How valid is my evidence? AF 3.4 Scientists working together

4 AF4 Planning AF 4.1 Plan Investigations AF 4.2 Collecting Data
AF 4.3 Gathering precise and reliable data AF 4.4 identifying Risk

5 AF5 Analysis and Evaluation
AF 5.1 Evaluate Investigations AF 5.2 Evaluate Evidence AF 5.3 Analyse Evidence AF 5.4 Explanation of Evidence

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