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Gene Expression Analysis

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1 Gene Expression Analysis
BI420 – Introduction to Bioinformatics Gene Expression Analysis Department of Biology, Boston College

2 Why study gene expression?
Which genes are active at different developmental stages? in cells of different tissues? at different time points in the same cell? cells under different environmental conditions? between normal and cancerous cells?

3 Challenges In Measuring Expression
Calling Differential Expression Challenges In Measuring Expression Differential Expression Is the difference in expression between the test and the control greater than the uncertainty in the measurement?

4 Gene expression naturally bounces around a lot

5 Methods For Measuring Gene Expression (all genes in the cell)
Microarrays (older, cheaper) Sequenced based measurement RNA-Seq (replacing microarrays)

6 Expression microarray movie
DNA microarray chip animation:

7 What are expression microarrays?

8 Expression microarrays – “physical appearance”

9 cDNA preparation

10 Expression assay

11 Chip readout – absolute expression and ratio

12 Chip readout – relative transcription

13 Chip readout – example

14 Time course experiments
Experiment: measuring gene expression as oxygen gets depleted in yeast grown in a closed container

15 Time course data

16 Data analysis – normalization
balance fluorescent intensities of two dyes adjust for differences in experimental conditions

17 Normalization

18 Log2 transformation Double or half expression now has the same magnitude

19 Clustering – intro Why: if the expression pattern for gene B is similar to gene A, maybe they are involved in the same or related pathway How: Re-order expression vectors in the data set so that similar patterns are together

20 Clustering – numerical

21 Clustering – visual

22 Hierarchical clustering: pair-wise similarity

23 Hierarchical clustering: cluster construction

24 Clustering – large example

25 Application of microarrays: classification of cancers

26 RNA Seq

27 |-----------Annotated Gene-----------|
Measuring Gene Expression With RNA Seq RNA Seq ACCCAATTTTCTGAAAATATCCGTGTCTTCCAG Align reads Count the number of reads that align uniquely within the regions of annotated genes (Shotgun, Cap-Trap, SAGE) | Annotated Gene | Genome

28 You get something like this
Rep1 Rep2 Rep3 Gene A Gene B Gene C Gene D Gene E *Skewed distribution *Genes bounce around in replicates


30 Gene Ontology Enrichment
Ontology - An explicit formal specification of how to represent the objects, concepts and other entities Gene Ontology- structured vocabulary used to describe aspects of the cell Arranged in a hierarchy Someone curates an ontology

31 Matlab example: Analyzing Gene Expression Profiles

32 Matlab example: Gene Ontology Enrichment in Microarray Data

33 Typical Steps in a Gene Expression Experiment
Isolate RNA from several biological replicates (See slides 3-4) Microarray Label Hybridize to microarray Image microrray Normalize data RNA-Seq Sequence RNA Align to genome Count aligned reads Normalize data between samples Analysis – independent of measurement technique Call differential gene expression Clustering Gene Ontology enrichment

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