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Question #1 Which precedent was established by the Supreme Court ruling in Marbury v. Madison? The federal government has the power to regulate trade.

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Presentation on theme: "Question #1 Which precedent was established by the Supreme Court ruling in Marbury v. Madison? The federal government has the power to regulate trade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Question #1 Which precedent was established by the Supreme Court ruling in Marbury v. Madison? The federal government has the power to regulate trade among the states. State governments lack the authority to regulate federal bureaus. Federal courts determine the constitutionality of a law. State courts lack the authority to hear cases challenging federal law

2 Question #2 The first political parties in the United States were established in the 1790s largely because of political differences between — John Adams and Benjamin Franklin Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Paine George Washington and James Madison Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton

3 Question #3 Which of these best summarizes the Monroe Doctrine?
The immigration of Europeans to the United States must be discouraged. International peace can be maintained without complicated alliances. The power to nullify federal laws is necessary to preserve sovereignty. Further colonization of the Americas by European countries is prohibited


5 A state has the right to nullify, or cancel, any federal law which that state has deemed unconstitutional

6 To withdraw from


8 Nullification Crisis Tariff of 1828
Issue: Britain floods the U.S. with cheap goods, U.S. Congress raises tariff on imported manufactured goods South strongly opposes the tariff. WHY??? Vice President John Calhoun calls it the “Tariff of Abominations” as he believes the North is benefiting at the expense of the South Where does the $$$ from tariffs go?? Became known as the “Tariff of Abominations” North- favored tariff because it protected their industries from foreign competition South- relied on imports and was opposed to it John C. Calhoun, Vice-President, argued the states had the right to nullify (cancel) a federal law that was unconstitutional

9 Nullification Crisis Nullification Theory-
Idea created by John C. Calhoun that states three ideas- States had a right to decide to obey federal laws or declare them unconstitutional Constitution is a compact between the states and Federal government States have the right to secede from the Union if they are denied nullification

10 Votes in the House for the “Tariff of Abomination”
Which two sections on the map above supported a higher tariff?

11 Reaction of South Carolina
their legislature declares the tariffs unconstitutional and threatens to secede from the Union if the tariffs are not overturned States’ rights - each state can decide if a federal law is constitutional Doctrine of Nullification- states can nullify a law they feel unconstitutional Jackson’s Response Jackson persuades Congress to approve the use of military force against South Carolina if they seceded believed nullification and secession are considered treason Clay’s Compromise Tariff Henry Clay gets everyone to agree to reduce the tariff over the next 10 years- eases tension

12 Jackson’s Response South Carolina had no support from other Southern States and could not go through with it Andrew Jackson ‘in direct violation of their duty as citizens of the united States’ and ‘subversive of its Constitution.’ ‘if one drop of blood be shed there in defiance of the laws of the United States, I will hang the first man of them I can get my hands on to the first tree I can find.’


14 Hero or Villain (3 minutes)
On your graphic organizer add the following to either the HERO or VILLAIN category: Nullification Crisis Include a short summary of the event on to explain why you believe it to make him heroic or villainous.

15 Independent Activity – Quiet Time!
Complete “The Tariff Debate” independently. Turn in for a grade. If incomplete, you must finish during Lunch Time Success Center, after school for homework, or during breakfast tomorrow.

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