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Presentation on theme: "GRANT MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP"— Presentation transcript:

DISTRICT GRANTS __________________________________________________________________________

2 What is The Rotary Foundation?
The Rotary Foundation exists to empower Rotarians to channel their passion and realize their vision for a better world, together. We all get to be a part of that vision. Read: “The Rotary Foundation exists to empower Rotarians to channel their passion and realize their vision for a better world, together.” • TRF is there to help you realize your vision for a better world • TRF rules exist to ensure Rotarians efforts are spent efficiently • Resources are provided to help you • TRF strives to minimize your burden - Bureaucracy can sometimes run away with us… - Politely inquire if something doesn’t seem right

3 Key Outcomes Qualify to receive District Grants
Apply for District Grants Identify resources from the District and RI In this class, we will learn: 1) How to qualify for a District Grant -There are some exciting changes to the qualification process 2) How to apply for a District Grant through DACdb - This is an amazing tool with storage tracking capabilities to make the process easier 3) Where to look for various resources from the District and RI - Links to everything you need can be found on the District website

4 List of Actions Prior to a Grant
We will review the qualifications to apply for a District Grant. Additional assistance is available from the District Grant Managers.

5 Club Qualification One member has taken this course
This can be taken in-person or online This can be taken any time before applying for a grant The first club qualification is to have taken this course: • This course is available at the DTA, through a webinar, or though an online training course • This course can be taken by any club member • This course can be taken any time before applying for a grant

6 Club Qualification Current Memorandum of Understanding
Renew every Rotary year Must be submitted before applying for a grant Best practice is to submit before July 1st The second club qualification is a current MOU: • The club must have a current Memorandum of Understanding • Must be renewed each year • Can be submitted any time before applying for a grant • Best to submit before July 1st, each year

7 Club Qualification Current on dues to RI and District
Current on reporting Submitted all reports for past and current District and Global Grants The third club qualification is to be in good standing: • Current on dues to RI and District • Current on reporting for current and previous grants

8 Conflicts of Interest Your club should consciously avoid the appearance any of conflict of interest: Funds can be used for any qualifying purpose other than to directly benefit a Rotarian, an employee of a club, district, or RI, or a direct relative of a Rotarian or an employee. “A conflict of interest is a relationship among individuals through which an individual involved in a program grant or award causes benefit, or could be perceived to cause benefit, for such individual or such individual’s family, personal acquaintances, business colleagues, business interests, or an organization in which such individual is a trustee, director, or officer.” All conflicts of interest must be disclosed, even if nothing happened • If an outside observer can reasonably conclude there MIGHT be a conflict of interest, this should be accounted for • Disclose the problem and the resolution • Get approval from an outside party (District Leaders)

9 Matching Funds – Per Capita Giving
Club Contribution District Match Under $100 $2,000 $1,000 Over $100 On District Grants, Club funds are matched by District funds • Based on per capita giving of the club in the previous calendar year • Ex: A club with 15 members and gave $3,000 has a per-capita giving of $200 • $1 : $1 for clubs with $100 or more per capita giving • $0.50 : $1 for clubs with under $100 per capita giving

10 Annual Fund Giving (2014-15 Contributions)
$527,909 DDF: $263,954 World Fund: $263,954 Global Grant: $131,977 District 5100 contributions during the Rotary year totaled $438,440 • 50% ($219,000) went to the world fund • 50% ($219,000) came back for use in the District Designated Fund Of the DDF Funds: • 50% ($109,610) is used for matching in Global Grants • 50% ($109,610) is used for matching in District Grants District Grant: $131,977

11 Matching Funds – District Grant
Club Funds………………….. $2,000 District Fund Match……… $2,000 Total……………………………. $4,000 When receiving 1:1 matching from the district, $2,000 becomes $4,000!

12 Sample Projects Eligible for Funding
Bring Benefits to at least 6 people Short-term in nature Active participation by Rotarians Promote awareness of Rotary

13 Applying for a Grant Now you are ready to apply for a grant. DACdb is an amazing tool for applying for a grant, and for looking for resources.

14 Notification of Completion
Once you have reviewed the information please send an to: Please include your name and club.


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