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helpful & unhelpful visualisation

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1 helpful & unhelpful visualisation
a series of research studies from UCLA have highlighted: “in moving oneself from a current situation toward an envisioned future one, the anticipation & manage-ment of emotions and the initiation and maintenance of problem-solving are fundamental tasks” imagining studying v’s achieving v’s control in 6 days before exams imagining working v’s achieving v’s control for “planning fallacy” remembering sequence of a current problem v’s imagin- ing relief & satisfaction of resolution v’s control group Taylor SE, Pham LB, Rivkin ID, Armor DA Harnessing the imagination: mental simulation, self-regulation, and coping American Psychologist 1998;53:429-39

2 effects on exam results
over the six days till the exam, process imagining students worked 38% more hours than controls process imagining students on average got 12% higher marks than controls process students worked 1.7x more extra hours than outcome students, but achieved 3x more extra marks – they worked both harder and more effectively

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