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Langley Park Primary Academy

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1 Langley Park Primary Academy
Year 2 Empire Newsletter Friday 7th September 2018 This week we have been learning… This week, in our writing, we have begun to learn about biographies. On Tuesday we were shown a range of pictures of a person, we had to make predictions about who she was. On Wednesday we found out who she was, and found the features of biographies, title, past tense and quotes. On Thursday we learnt about how to use question marks, we wrote our questions out and researched the answers about Princess Diana. On Friday we started to plan writing a biography about Princess Diana. In Maths, we have begun to investigate place value. We have recognised numbers lower than a 100 in numerals and words. We have been able to represent numbers using a range of resources. We have begun to understand that two digit numbers are made up of tens and ones. We have used part whole models to show our understanding and used numicon and base ten to support our learning. Our topic this term is ‘ What does it mean to be human?’ We have worked as a class to make a list of class rules. We have discussed jobs people do that help us and discussed their responsibilities. We have also learnt a song about firemen. How you can help at home. Home Learning this week: Reading with your child. Spellings Spellings: Knock, know, knee, knitting, knife, gnat, gnaw, gnash, gnome, gnarled. Please remember P.E will be on a Tuesday and Thursday please ensure your child has a named P.E kit. Reading books need to be brought to school everyday. Home learning is due by the last week of term. Spelling books must be handed in on a Thursday. Thought for the week. Star of the week goes to… Marco For improving his handwriting and taking part in class discussions . Congratulations!

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