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WELCOME! Be sure you have a packet

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1 WELCOME! Be sure you have a packet
G.A.T.E. 101 WELCOME! Be sure you have a packet

2 Agenda GATE 101 History of GATE - then and now Myths/truths about giftedness Common characteristics - handout Differentiation - handout Gifted- ‘The Bill of Rights’ Parents Role / Advocacy

3 GATE 101- a ‘crash course’ G.A.T.E. stands for Gifted and Talented Education. Once a child is identified, they are always GATE Education code states that Gifted Children served in all grades, although there are no federal mandates on ‘how’ to do this. School districts must serve but do not have to identify students at the primary level. The Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Program is the only federal program supporting gifted education. The only federal funding for GATE comes from this Grant. There are Recommended GATE State Standards which vary among states. Each school district determines how they ‘identify’ gifted (See DSUSD Identification Criteria) Administrators determine GATE programming and services. Each Principal must ‘apply’ to receive funds set aside at the district level for your GATE child. If they receive funds, they must submit a GATE Site Plan, which is public information. In 2000, two pieces of legislation were enacted requiring that GATE programs be planned and organized as differentiated learning experiences for the entire school day.

4 History of GATE – a synopsis
1868 First efforts in public schools to educate gifted The first special school for Gifted children was formed 1954 The National Association of Gifted Children is founded 1957 The Soviet Unions launching of Sputnik sparks the U.S. Government to examine American schools in math and science. 1958 The National Defense Education Act passes. It is the first effort by the federal government in gifted education. 1974 The Office of the Gifted and Talented within the U.S. Office Of Education is formed. 1983 A Nation at Risk is published – outlining how our brightest children were not being challenged 1988 Congress passes the Jacob Javits Gifted Education Act 1993 National Excellence is published by the U.S. Dept of Education outlining how America neglects its brightest and most talented. 2002 The No Child Left Behind Act is passed 2004 A Nation Deceived: How Schools Hold Back Americas Brightest is published

5 Where we are at today.. Special Programs Budget % Gifted and Talented 2% English Language Acquisition 2% Drug Prevention 3% Reading First Program 31% IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities) 57% No Child Left Behind Programs On February 5th, President Bush sent his budget request to Congress. His $56 billion request includes $0 for gifted education in 2008!

6 Common myths about the gifted
They are all high achievers. Labeling Gifted is elitist so they should prove their talents and always rise to the top Gifted students need to serve as examples to others. Gifted students are goal-directed and self motivated. They need no special programs, they will do fine on their own. The future of a gifted student is ‘assured’ a world of opportunity. Gifted students can accomplish anything they put their minds to. All they have to do is apply themselves. Gifted children are easy to raise and a welcome addition to any classroom. Educating gifted students requires no special training Gifted students test well and always get good grades.

7 Dispelling the myths…here are some facts
Gifted education is not mandated. There are only recommended standards for gifted education. Programs vary widely among states, districts and schools. Giftedness is often misunderstood. Gifted children may suffer from judgment and even prejudice from their peers, parents and professionals because of their label and the ‘elitism’ surrounding it. Gifted students do not form a homogeneous group (all the same). One gifted child may know more than half the curriculum before the school year begins while another may be below grade level. A GATE child may not be ‘gifted’ in all areas/subjects. For example, a 7-year-old may be able to read and comprehend a fifth grade book, but may not be able to write legibly. Gifted students often think abstractly and with such complexity that they may need help with concrete study and test-taking skills. i.e. They may not be able to select one answer in a multiple choice question because they see how more than one answer might be correct.

8 Not all gifted children are high achievers or get good grades.
Gifted students may have learning disabilities. Students who have multiple ’labels’ are called “twice exceptional”. Some children who are labeled with a ‘learning disability’ may be denied ‘GATE recognition’ by professionals. Gifted students may be more emotional and sensitive to their feelings. It is estimated that 20 to 25% of gifted children have social and emotional difficulties, about twice as many as in the general population. The chronological age, social, physical, emotional, and intellectual development of gifted children are usually at different levels. The No Child Left Behind Act does not address the needs of gifted learners. As many as 40% of gifted children are underachievers. 10 to 20% of high school drop outs are gifted.

9 Common Characteristics associated with giftedness
See handout

10 Differentiation – benefits all students
Differentiation- Adapting the curriculum to meet the differing needs and abilities of students within a class. One strategy for differentiating the core, grade level curriculum is to modify the content or subject according to the following theories: Depth- students go further, deeper and more elaborately within a subject area. Complexity- students make relationships and associations across and between subject areas. They study relationships over time and from different points of view. (NOTE: ICONS or picture cards only address depth and complexity!)  Novelty- students personalize their understanding. They express their knowledge in their own words and way.  Acceleration- students can move at a faster pace or with more difficulty. Differentiating the curriculum is beneficial to all students. Not all children learn the same way, or at the same pace. While some children require more time to learn new concepts, others may already know half of the curriculum before the year begins. “There is nothing more unequal than the equal treatment of unequal people. ...the gifted child is the student most likely to experience an extreme discrepancy between the potential for and the realization of success; when comparing mental and chronological age, the brightest may suffer the greatest academic retardation.  Their academic ‘retardation’ comes essentially from providing these special students possessed of unique needs with ‘equal treatment’.”  “The most common problem is that they don’t learn to work…when school work finally becomes demanding, they are often in for a rude awakening and may lack the determination to succeed… Underachievement becomes a huge problem for these children… some students act out to make things more interesting…others wholeheartedly rebel against school.” National Association for Gifted Children

11 Gifted Rights Taken from the California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 5 ; SEC 3.Section See California Dept. of Education for entire list of regulations. The school district shall have the responsibility for the development of a method for the identification of pupils as gifted and talented. All identified gifted and talented pupils shall have an opportunity to participate in the gifted and talented program Methods and techniques of identification shall generate information as to a pupil's capacities and needs. Unique opportunities for high-achieving and under-achieving pupils who are identified as gifted and talented shall be provided. Districts shall make provisions for ensuring full participation of pupils from disadvantaged and varying cultural backgrounds.

12 Gifted Rights Continued
The district shall develop a written plan for the district program which shall be available for public inspection. The written plan shall describe the appropriately differentiated curricula for identified gifted and talented pupils as well as specify the methods used to examine the appropriateness of the identified pupil's total educational experience. Plan for evaluating the various components of the program. Evaluation shall include an annual review of pupil progress and of the administration of the program. Procedures for ensuring continuous parent participation in recommending policy for planning, evaluating, and implementing the district program. FILL OUT QUESTIONNAIRES-those are your evaluations of the program. The governing boards of school districts that elect to provide programs may establish programs for gifted and talented pupils consisting of ‘special day’ classes, part-time groupings, and cluster groupings, consistent with the regulations of the State Board of Education.

13 Parents Role Know your child Their strengths and weaknesses, learning style, interests and behaviors. Don’t just look at grades, consider the effort it took! Be informed. Knowledge is key! Refer to the handout for a list of resources Learn the lingo…a glossary of terms is also included Ask questions…Share information…Nobody is an expert Be an Advocate for your child! Create a partnership with you child’s teacher (see handout) Locally – attend as many GATE meetings as possible Federally – advocate for GATE programs, services and funding.

14 Advocacy -to speak on another's behalf
Locally and federally

15 Advocacy- at the local level
Communicate with teachers and administrators about your child. Ask questions at the child's school. Always schedule an appointment. Keep in mind…the schools GATE plan is decided by administrators, not teachers. Be informed and courteous. Teachers have many students, all of whom have specific talents and needs. Their job is not an easy one! Starter questions… Are you GATE certified or in the process of getting certified? How are the GATE children grouped? How many are there? How are you differentiating the core curriculum for my child? If my child proves mastery of grade level standards will you provide accelerated material? Do you use ability grouping? How often? How can I help? The goal is to create a partnership with your child’s teacher(s) - see handout made by teachers!

16 Advocacy on the federal level
Write your Legislators. They influence federal policy. Ask for more funding! $$$$$ “What you say is worth what 400 constituents have to say! “Parents (voters) have POWER!”

17 You make a difference…

18 Thank you for coming Questions, Concerns, or Comments

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