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Jobs THAT ARE disappearing but still needED

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1 Jobs THAT ARE disappearing but still needED
Kamil Kaczmarek References:

2 Bookbinder Bookbinder’s work is about assembling books’ hard copies together and making a book cover.

3 Bookbinding got very popular in the XV century when print was invented
Bookbinding got very popular in the XV century when print was invented. A lot of people could buy themselves a book then. That’s why books were no longer rich men good. Bookbinders started fighting for customers, so they had to create art from bookbinding.

4 In XIX century books became a mass-produced article and they were bound by the machinery. Traditionally bound books were bought by rich men and collectors who wanted to express their social status.

5 Now bookbinder’s work is disappearing
Now bookbinder’s work is disappearing. People use e-books and cheaper paperback books. Why do we need them? They make high quality books which are not only prettier but also touhger than paperback, falling apart, made by machinery ones. Of course they also maintenance old books.

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